Anyone run across a Piccadilly before? Boy, it's mighty thin-walled, but man, is it a sweet smoker! If you just "breath smoke" it (click to see thread in main forum), it doesn't get hot and lasts longer than your lunch break, for sure.
I got it new, but I'm not sure they're being manufactured currently.
- The briar is pretty but has quite a few spots of putty to fill imperfections.
- Garish, somewhat sloppy signature.
- Kaywoodie-type stinger. (I've learned to like those, by the way. One extra step cleaning, but no bother to me)
- Bowl is 1" long x 5/8" wide (25 mm x 16 mm). 1-3/8" deep (35 mm). Walls are 1/8" (so it's a breather only).
My avatar shows me sipping on it.
I got it new, but I'm not sure they're being manufactured currently.
- The briar is pretty but has quite a few spots of putty to fill imperfections.
- Garish, somewhat sloppy signature.
- Kaywoodie-type stinger. (I've learned to like those, by the way. One extra step cleaning, but no bother to me)
- Bowl is 1" long x 5/8" wide (25 mm x 16 mm). 1-3/8" deep (35 mm). Walls are 1/8" (so it's a breather only).
My avatar shows me sipping on it.