Nothing on this planet stirs my loins as much as the prospect of trying a new blend.
And when I went to grab the mail today, and saw that there was a parcel for me from the great state of Pennsylvania, I instantly noticed a distinct tingling sensation in my lower extremity.
"My Secret Santa gift must have arrived," I thought to myself. "Maybe there will be a new blend for me to experience."
I immediately took the box inside my smoking cave and tore it asunder.
And what before my wondering eyes should appear but a large tin of a previously untried tobacco, with the most amazing and majestic tin art that I have ever laid eyes upon:
And when I went to grab the mail today, and saw that there was a parcel for me from the great state of Pennsylvania, I instantly noticed a distinct tingling sensation in my lower extremity.
"My Secret Santa gift must have arrived," I thought to myself. "Maybe there will be a new blend for me to experience."
I immediately took the box inside my smoking cave and tore it asunder.
And what before my wondering eyes should appear but a large tin of a previously untried tobacco, with the most amazing and majestic tin art that I have ever laid eyes upon: