I know there is already a thread running here, but I didn't want this to get lost in a forest of ranting posts.
The OP in the other thread just did a copy / paste of a small part of an article in the New York Times, without attribution, or a link to the full article.
Here it is:
F.D.A. Will Propose New Regulations for E-Cigarettes
It is colossally annoying to read imbecilic statements such as; "You won't be able to mix nicotine in your bathtub and sell it anymore," said David B. Abrams, executive director of the Schroeder National Institute for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies at the Legacy Foundation, an antismoking research group. ...
As if anyone ever did that, but some people will believe this is happening because he said it.
It is also curious that the NYT article said "But the new blueprint was also notable for what it did not contain: any proposal to ban flavors ..."
When flavor bans happen, then pipe tobacco will have some major issues.
Here is a PDF with the full text of the proposed regulations where they talk quite a bit about how bad flavorings are.
I just scanned parts of this as it's quite lengthy. There's lots of stuff in there that is quite over-exaggerated with tons of "save the children" rhetoric and completely made-up "leading cause of death" crapola too - as usual, as well as the "it leads to other bad stuff" - parts of this remind me about how, when in school, we were told that smoking pot would eventually lead us to become heroin addicts.
It also proves that they have zero clue about what pipe smoking is actually about for readers and members of this site.
Brian and I don't have time to analyze all of this in time for tonight's radio show, but Brian will discuss it on next week's (May 1st) show.
The OP in the other thread just did a copy / paste of a small part of an article in the New York Times, without attribution, or a link to the full article.
Here it is:
F.D.A. Will Propose New Regulations for E-Cigarettes
It is colossally annoying to read imbecilic statements such as; "You won't be able to mix nicotine in your bathtub and sell it anymore," said David B. Abrams, executive director of the Schroeder National Institute for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies at the Legacy Foundation, an antismoking research group. ...
As if anyone ever did that, but some people will believe this is happening because he said it.
It is also curious that the NYT article said "But the new blueprint was also notable for what it did not contain: any proposal to ban flavors ..."
When flavor bans happen, then pipe tobacco will have some major issues.
Here is a PDF with the full text of the proposed regulations where they talk quite a bit about how bad flavorings are.
I just scanned parts of this as it's quite lengthy. There's lots of stuff in there that is quite over-exaggerated with tons of "save the children" rhetoric and completely made-up "leading cause of death" crapola too - as usual, as well as the "it leads to other bad stuff" - parts of this remind me about how, when in school, we were told that smoking pot would eventually lead us to become heroin addicts.
It also proves that they have zero clue about what pipe smoking is actually about for readers and members of this site.
Brian and I don't have time to analyze all of this in time for tonight's radio show, but Brian will discuss it on next week's (May 1st) show.