Finished a second tin of this and just opened a third. WOW!!! If you haven't already, do yourself a favor and grab a tin of this (or a hundred). This stuff is outstanding! Imagine a blend that gives you the taste of a great Virginia flake perfectly married to a robust and earthy yet smooth burley. Add just a hint of smokiness and a hint of leather and you'll get somewhat of an idea of how good this blend is! It lit easy with a wonderful bloom after the charring light and burned all the way down to a soft, white, powdery ash.
This is the kind of blend that just makes me fall in love with the pipe all over again.
(Not really a review per se. Just kinda thinking out loud.) :D
This is the kind of blend that just makes me fall in love with the pipe all over again.
(Not really a review per se. Just kinda thinking out loud.) :D