I have been meaning to put up this post for some time now, so better late than never. Shortly after I began smoking pipes I mentioned to a fellow co-worker, Mike E., that I had started to enjoy smoking pipes. He said "My dad used to smoke pipes! I have all of his old pipes. I'll bring them here for you." Ok...cool! So I left him thinking that he would bring by a couple of his dad's pipes for me to look at and maybe I might have the opportunity to buy them off of him.
A couple of days went buy when Mike comes up to me and says "I've got somthing for you." So I follow him back to his workstation where he pulls out a large Tupper Storage Bin that had about a 1/4" layer of dust on top of it and opens it. My jaw dropped as I looked inside at the large collection of pipes and accessories. The smell that came out of the bin was pretty foul but I ignored it as I began to rumage through all the cool stuff before me.
I asked Mike "Would you be willing to sell me a couple of these pipes?" He answered "No. I'm not interested in selling them, but I'll give them all to you if you want them." 8O Needless to say Mike has a favor he can call in at anytime.
Mike says that his dad smoked primarily Borkum Riff. Well let me tell you whatever it was it ghosted everything inside of that bin including two of the pipes which were unsmoked(Darby and Mastercraft). All the pipes were seriously caked, some so bad that the tobacco chamber was completely closed off.
Of all the pipes that Mike gave me I have restored 13 of them. Here is the entire lot he gave me. Thanks Mike!
Kaywoodie SuperGrain-
Kaywoodie Matched Grain-
Top to Bottom:
Kaywoodie Relief Grain, Centennial, Mandarin-
Kaywoodie Carburator Smooth,Rusticated; All Briar; White Briar; Meerschaum w/broken stem :crying:
Kaywoodie Gourd Calabash and a pipe rest-
Peterson System 313-
Loewe Birmingham and Inverness-
Darby Made in Italy, Albertson Flanders Pride Made in Belgium
The one on the bottom was hard to make out it is stamped: PIPE BY LRR LIMITED EDITION, AN AUTHENTIC IMPORTED BRIAR
The LRR is in script and it also has 3 stars on the stem which is not visible in the photo.-
2 Bob Reid Jr. C-E-S Made in England-
Falcon with 3 bowls-
Mastercraft 3/4oz. Litewate Made in Italy-
Clay and I think a Meerschaum both made in England-
And finally 2 pipe racks-
A couple of days went buy when Mike comes up to me and says "I've got somthing for you." So I follow him back to his workstation where he pulls out a large Tupper Storage Bin that had about a 1/4" layer of dust on top of it and opens it. My jaw dropped as I looked inside at the large collection of pipes and accessories. The smell that came out of the bin was pretty foul but I ignored it as I began to rumage through all the cool stuff before me.
I asked Mike "Would you be willing to sell me a couple of these pipes?" He answered "No. I'm not interested in selling them, but I'll give them all to you if you want them." 8O Needless to say Mike has a favor he can call in at anytime.
Mike says that his dad smoked primarily Borkum Riff. Well let me tell you whatever it was it ghosted everything inside of that bin including two of the pipes which were unsmoked(Darby and Mastercraft). All the pipes were seriously caked, some so bad that the tobacco chamber was completely closed off.
Of all the pipes that Mike gave me I have restored 13 of them. Here is the entire lot he gave me. Thanks Mike!
Kaywoodie SuperGrain-

Kaywoodie Matched Grain-

Top to Bottom:
Kaywoodie Relief Grain, Centennial, Mandarin-

Kaywoodie Carburator Smooth,Rusticated; All Briar; White Briar; Meerschaum w/broken stem :crying:

Kaywoodie Gourd Calabash and a pipe rest-

Peterson System 313-

Loewe Birmingham and Inverness-

Darby Made in Italy, Albertson Flanders Pride Made in Belgium
The one on the bottom was hard to make out it is stamped: PIPE BY LRR LIMITED EDITION, AN AUTHENTIC IMPORTED BRIAR
The LRR is in script and it also has 3 stars on the stem which is not visible in the photo.-

2 Bob Reid Jr. C-E-S Made in England-

Falcon with 3 bowls-

Mastercraft 3/4oz. Litewate Made in Italy-

Clay and I think a Meerschaum both made in England-

And finally 2 pipe racks-