High Nicotine Blends with Good Room Note

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Might Stick Around
Aug 16, 2015
I don't think this specific topic has come up too often. Usually the topic is more focused on just pipe tobaccos with a good room note. It is difficult to judge room note by oneself if you have to smoke outside, such as I do, so I would be interested in other people's experiences here.
Not interested in conventional aromatic suggestions. I would consider mild aromatics in the vein of Royal Yacht or a navy flake with mild rum topping. Aromatic English blends like FM Cellar are out. Aromatic ropes/twists might be okay, depending on the flavoring.
The minimum nicotine strength would have to be on the order of Royal Yacht, HH ODF, Nightcap, Jackknife plug, etc. For some reason, I seem to have a high tolerance or a low absorption rate for nicotine, and I just barely notice it when smoking these blends, and usually only during the last 1/3 of the bowl. Something in the strength range of a rope/twist would be ideal.
Lastly, I would be helpful to specify whether the room note is agreeable to smoker, non-smokers or both.
To give some background of why I am bringing up this topic, there are a number of bars/cafes that have outdoor seating. It is not uncommon for people to smoke cigarettes here, so those who would be smelling my pipe smoke might very well be smokers, but in some situations that might not be the case. As such, it would be ideal to know of blends that please both smoker and non-smoker alike, if possible. Otherwise, I would be willing to settle for blends that are agreeable to people who like tobacco.
I could settle for any of the minimum blends indicated above, but I don't know if the room notes on those are agreeable to others. I would imagine straight brown/black rope would not work here, but if there is a aromatic rope such as rum twist, whiskey twist, etc, that has a good room note, I would consider that.
So if anyone has any suggestions/experience on this, let me know.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
If you can get some of the G&H aromatic twists like coconut twist, maple twist, vanilla twist that would be ideal. There is a rum twist that's readily available but it's pretty much a straight tobacco taste. http://www.tobaccoreviews.com/brand/28/gawith-hoggarth-co Here's a list of everything they have with room notes in the reviews.



Feb 21, 2013
Room note is in the nose of the beholder, but Royal Yacht seems to please many bystanders; I agree though, many higher nicotine blends don't.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 9, 2015
I would agree with Royal Yacht. My experience has been the same as MSO, and most people seem to find it agreeable.
Another is University Flake. Got plenty of nicotine and the berry topping that they use seems to be pleasant in the room... or so I have been told.



Mar 25, 2016
Another vote for Royal Yacht.
The pipe-cut version of Peter Stokkebye Amsterdam No. 83 has a pleasantly sweet smell when smoked at low ember, and delivers a pretty respectable nicotine kick.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 29, 2016
Samuel Gawith 1792 Flake could fit the bill.

1792 is a favorite of mine. Nice cool, flavorful smoke that leaves a pleasant room note. All with a decent nic fix.

Don't expect the "Lakeland" flavor/scent of a G&H scented tobacco though. This one has the tonka bean flavor which is like an herbal vanilla.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
In re-reading the OP, I smoke my pipe often in open outdoor seating. I always ask the folks around me first, to be polite, and then smoke slowwwww. Unlike cigarette smokers, my pipe will never give off a visible smoke, after the initial light. So, it doesn't give a visual clue for that one anti to start coughing. Also, the slower I smoke, the more nicotine I will be absorbing. All that is detectable is a subtle aroma around me. I don't grab my strongest blends, because I know that by smoking slow, I can get a good dose from any of my usual Virginias or VaPers. YMMV

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Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
+1 for Condor and I will +1 the Dark Flake but recommend the Scented version, especially if you're considering room note. Not many people mention Blue Note but I've come back to it after several years and it stands up among the best of them. It's pretty heavily flavored but it's a divine flavor and it satisfies my nicotine cravings remarkably well.

I also agree with Andy's assessment, ya can't go wrong with the flavored GH&Co. ropes.



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
My wife thought 1792 smelled like hot garbage.....so be aware not all noses are alike. I would agree with others who suggested Samuel Gawith or Gawith Hoggarth's scented blends, they tend to smell nice to others, whilst giving the smoker a solid kick in the pants and they are generally high quality tobaccos as well.



Nov 18, 2013
Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation 1931 Flake packs a good nic-hit and has a very pleasant taste and room note.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2016
Dunhill Royal Yacht.. The god of them all.. Excellent tobacco, high nicotine content and a great plum room note



Can't Leave
Jan 24, 2013
I've found that, no matter what I smoke, somebody asks whether I'm smoking cherry tobacco. Now the wife, of course, is a different story. I could be smoking cherry tobacco and she'd complain.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 20, 2014
ODF gets good room it's votes and has a good amount of nicotine. Petersons Irish and University flakes also fit nicely here. And certainly Royal Yacht too, but if you don't pay attention and puff to fast I find it can get a bad smell going easy.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2016
I see many Royal Yacht fans here, and it swells my heart with joy!
Mr. Othman also turned me on to Amphora Original Blend which is pretty much awesome, but needs more Nicotine ;)
Was Just returning the Royal Yacht favour ;) cheers, mate.. And glad you enjoy amphora.. It is indeed a very light smoke



Jul 21, 2015
The Yacht is meant to be enjoyed in a leisurely manner, I find. I always get a little bit sad when the bowl is over.
@Ahmad Othman
It is a light smoke, but one of the most comfortable blends I have experienced. Light topping, so low "topping bite"... very low, in fact. It has become a favorite, and the fact that it is on sale at SP makes it more difficult to resist. Good find on your part!

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