Wasn't familiar with that one, but it sounds nice.SG Black Forest
No twilight here! Haha, hoping to light up some penzance, either tonight on the deck or tomorrow on the river. Happy Solstice everyone!10:30 pm twilight here
Midsummer or Solstice. A time of crop gathering celebrated when the sun is at its longest day with bonfires and the last embers of the dying fires are collected and tossed into the fields in the belief that they will give energy to next year's crops. I used to think it came from my Native ancestry until I traveled to the UK several years ago and heard of similar traditions called Gathering Day that dated back to the Celts.Embers, educate me on Litha. I like special holidays.
So significant was tobacco to the Crow and Hidatsa cultures that a miraculous origin story was necessary to explain its existence.