General Questions - Storage, Alcohol, Stems ...

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Hi all,
I've searched Australia wide can cannot locate any "grain alcohol". Will Methylated Spirits suffice do you think? (as in for cleaning, dripped on pipe cleaners & threaded through stems). I know it will damage the bowl finish.
Is it ok to store old/estate pipes without their stems in place? I have some glass lid boxes with divisions but sadly they won't accommodate most pipes if I leave the stems in. Was thinking of using these but adding some of those little crystal bags of silicone you get that absorb moisture (usually packed with vinyl shoes, bags etc). Hint: Save all the ones you can find, shove your wet iPhone in a bag of rice & as many of those as you can muster for a few days/week and, voila, phone as good as new again - speaking from traumatic experience).
What would you guys expect to pay a non-professional workshop to replace stinking rotten old oxidized stems with quality Lucite stems, just a very rough guide please. I don't want a job befitting a Dunhill, but by the same token, I don't want those crappy little cheap Meerschaum ticky tacky placcy type the Turks throw on either.
Last one - how many bleedin' bowls do I have to smoke before a cake at least starts to form, none of my pipes seem to be getting any coating whatsoever! Should I dampen the bowl with spit or water each time, or is that only the first light-up?
Many thanks in anticipation of your help, Di



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 12, 2011
Buchanan, GA
I may be able to help with the alcohol question. It seems to be the concensus that any "high proof" alcohol will suffice for cleaning duties. I recently used some cask strength Scotch Whisky on a new pipe that tasted sour on the first smoke. Dipped pipe cleaners in a small glass of the Scotch (emphasis on small glass, don't want to waste good whisky) and proceeded to clean from bit to bowl. Not sure about methylated spirits, haven't heard of those.
The "grain alcohol" many refer to here consist of mostly two brands available in the U.S. (not sure about anywhere else) usually Everclear or Golden Grain. They're 190 proof (95%abv) grain alcohol. This may be something unique to the U.S. market.
Edit: Slightly on topic. One of our sales reps came by a few weeks ago (I work at a liquor store) with a new 190 proof grain alcohol called, of all things, Diesel. 8O you got that right pal.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2011
Don't use methylated spirits! Hah also known as denatured alcohol (a term the fellows may be more familiar with) have poisonous additives to make it undrinkable. I would not put that in my pipe and smoke it.

Nov 14, 2009
Flowery Branch, GA
I'm with Baskerville.
As another note.

I would not use the silicon packets at all with pipes. If you're looking to minimize moisture, easily placing a cotton ball or putting some sea salt in the bowl is fine. Otherwise, air drying is what most of us probably do.
For stem replacements, there are several options, but I'd suggest using someone who knows how to fit a new stem. Uncle Arthur is definitely a good source as is some other members. I haven't messed with Lucite stems much and am still perfecting my own technique, or I'd offer to help. There are plenty of places that do this, just have to search them out. jhlowe is one great place to us and is about what I'd expect to pay anyway.



Can't Leave
Oct 14, 2011
you never heard of grain alcohol? that's funny. i guess only us americans heard the story when we were young not to drink that stuff or we'd go blind.
here's a trivia question - at the end of "there will be blood" -sorry if i spoil the movie for someone. don't read ahead if you haven't seen it- is grain alcohol what Daniel Day Lewis' character is guzzling?
as for the bowl of rice trick - a couple summers ago i jumped in the pool. i was in about 5 minutes when my pocket started vibrating nonstop - this doubly alarmed me because it reminded me of the phone i forgot to take out of there, and that i didn't have it set to vibrate. anyway, i jumped out of the pool. soaked the phone in rubbing alcohol, careful not to try to tun it on. shook it out thoroughly and buried it in a bowl of rice for about 3 weeks. it ended up working fine and lasted another year or 2. except the outside display (it was a flip phone) never looked right after that.
oh, one other thought. i heard any distilled booze works but do they have anything in australia called "overproof"? like, 140 proof rum, for example? i personally wouldn't put anything in a pipe i wasn't willing to drink.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 12, 2011
Buchanan, GA
here's a trivia question - at the end of "there will be blood" -sorry if i spoil the movie for someone. don't read ahead if you haven't seen it- is grain alcohol what Daniel Day Lewis' character is guzzling?

I should really know this. I absolutely love that movie! Day-Lewis is hands down, one of my top 5 favorite actors. I'd go find the answer except i'm at work and about two hours away from freedom :?



Can't Leave
Oct 17, 2010
I use Bacardi 151 I would stay away from any type of isopropyl, denatured, sprite ext. but you can use some. just get a really strong clear liqueur if you can. As far as keeping the stems and pipes separate I would not do that for long periods do to the changing in the wood you steams might not fit right.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
"Metho" aka Methylated Spirits is tragically drunk by many of our Indigenous & homeless old alcoholics. It takes years and many gallons to kill them - the chems they add are just to make it taste foul & some brands to make a drinker vomit it back up. It's fantastic for sanding wood as it doesn't open the grain, thins shellac (well it's actually the base you mix with the flakes to make up a batch)and it evaporates very, very quickly. I've used it for 3+ decades in furniture restoration. I'll give it a go on a scrappy, daggy pipe & see if there's any residual taste - it costs about $2 a litre (2 pints?)so is the cheapest available and I will be using it to remove old pipe finishes before refinishing.
Only alcohol I have here is Gin and if I went anywhere near the Ex's whiskey, he'd burn my dang pipes. It should be noted that drinking alcohol costs like our baccy - $50 for the cheapest shittiest bottle.
So Jury's out on storing with/without stems it seems.
Bootleg, I could always send you over some of my not-so-specials to practice your technique on (wink), if Uncle A doesn't return to his art soon'ish'.

Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA
Same here for the 91% Iso. Is that available in Oz, p'raps sold as Surgical Spirits. From what I'm reading it sounds as though the methylated spirits and surgical are the same thing.

Interesting Wiki article here.
Store with stems in or out, I don't know actually but my gut reaction would be to leave them in.
Don't worry about building a cake.It will happen as it happens



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Ah ha, I can ascertain that they're ALL ethanol - called "grain alcohol" in USA, "Surgical Spirits" in UK and "Methylated Spirits" in Australia.
So you woodworkers out there, when shellacing or French Polishing etc is it "grain alcohol" you use to get rid of old finish, make up new shellac liquid etc?
I just went to a crappy little private supermarket & they charged $6 for something the big markets charge $2 for.
Going to soak some old stems in liquid bleach, have magic sponges as opposed to sandpaper and have ordered Obsidian oil so we'll see how I go.
I had a gut feeling too that leaving stems off could creat problems regardless of how old pipes are. Reckon it's a better idea to strip the little partitions out and store with stems in.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Aussielass, I like to use good old 80 proof Ezra Brook Bourbon.

It works very well, and it gives the pipe a marvelous flavor for a bowl or two maximum.
Speaking to the Methyl"ated"-alcohol...

It is my understanding that Methyl-alcohol or "Wood Alcohol" is very dangerous, and can cause blindness as soon as the first drink is consumed. Traces of Methyl Alcohol are present in "Mescal" sometimes and incorrectly called Tequilla. They are two very different libations. Tequilla is distilled twice, where Mescal is distilled only once leaving traces of Methyl-Alcohol. Note: The Agave worm is never present in Tequilla, but only found in bottles of Mescal.

"Pure", or "Clear" Grain Alcohol (Everclear) or 190 proof Ethyl-alcohol is safe to drink, but one must be careful so as not to cause alcohol poisoning. Such as the occasional tragic happenings, that occur at the odd Fraternity party.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Great article by Chuck, thanks - I reckon threads like that should be stickies and people add to them as they find/experience stuff. It would be wonderful to have all the tips, hints and procedures in one big thread.
I have a stem currently soaking in pure bleach with the shank not in solution just to be safe. Strangely enough tiny little bubbles started fizzing at the very end near the shank rather than further up towards the mouth which is the worst affected area for oxidizing.
FFS seems the only thing we're big on in this backwater must be ruddy great spiders & snakes - virtually ALL of our alcoholic spirits, be they gin, scotch, rum etc are virtually all 40% alcohol or less.
I just checked the bottle of Methylated spirits and it says "95% Ethanol" so that'll do me fine & dandy - perfect for rubbing down daggy old finishes such as wax, varnish (shellac) etc as well as the inside of bits. Checked the "rubbing alcohol" I have, and besides the fact it stinks to high heaven and evaporates a lot slower, it's 98% Isoprol (Sp?)



Oct 6, 2009
I don't use straight bleach when de-oxidizing stem. I dilute about 4 to 1. Works fine. Also after bleaching I don't go straight to the buffer.I like to wet sand my stems starting with 360 or 400 and work up to 800 or 1000 depending on the stem. Heavy buffing can round over any sharp edges on the is much easier to maintain those edges when wet sanding. Also since you are not taking as much material off with the buffer you are less likely to "burn" and thin areas or sharp edges. Some stems come out of the bleach quite pitted,it depends on the quality of the vulcanite.Removing those pits with the buffer can lead to damage. Buffing generates quite a bit of friction heat and it's easy to melt areas if you are not careful,especially around the button and edges of the lip.
OH,Isopropyl Alcohol will not hurt ya! Never used anything but.



Jan 13, 2011
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
I just checked the bottle of Methylated spirits and it says "95% Ethanol" so that'll do me fine & dandy - perfect for rubbing down daggy old finishes such as wax, varnish (shellac) etc as well as the inside of bits. Checked the "rubbing alcohol" I have, and besides the fact it stinks to high heaven and evaporates a lot slower, it's 98% Isoprol (Sp?)
Just a word of warning, the Methylated spirits you are using are extremely toxic. The 95% Ethanol contained in said bottle isn't the same as the Ethanol in a bottle of Jack; but rather a petro-chemical product produced using acid-catalyzed hydration of ethylene rather then through natural fermentation. As this product was at no time intended for human consumption, the tolerance for impurities (ie: Carbolic Acid, Sulphuric Acids, etc) is fairly high.

In addition, the other 5% will be Methanol (or wood alchohol). This is extremely toxic; I would be hesitant to put anyhwere near my mouth. Especially something that when burned, produces awesomely toxic byproducts such as formaldehyde.
That said, there is Methanol in cigs, perhaps thats what my body craves!
Seriously though, be careful if you decide to use the Methanol.

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