At the risk of getting flamed, permit to say something favorable about honey.
While there are a number of ways to break in a pipe, they can be reduced to three:
1. GLP recommends breaking it in by thirds. I've tried it, and it works.
2. Most of the respondents on this forum have recommended packing it to the top, lighting it, and smoking it slowly all the way to the bottom. I've tried it, and it works.
3. Richard Carlton Hacker recommends a "...very thin coating of honey..." I've tried it and it works. The key to this method is in Carlton's words: " very thin." If you dip your finger into a jar of honey, you will not achieve this, but are more likely to get the thicker, softer cake that has a greater potential to break off in chunks. When I employ this method, I warm the honey slightly, and then apply that very thin coating, rubbing it in well. The result has always been a perfect cake, quickly built up after 3 or 4 bowls. Why does this work? Simple, because the cake is nothing more than than burned on sugar, and the walls of your pipe don't really care if the sugar came from the tobacco or from the honey. May I make so bold as to suggest that those of you who don't like this method have never tried it the way Hacker recommends, and therefore never achieved the same highly satisfactory result.
After 54 years of Pipesmoking, I have acquired quite a few pipes, and therefore can say I have enough of a population base to engage in some experimentation in breaking in my pipes. Breaking in a pipe with Honey has proven to be a highly effective method, and I recommend to those on the forum who don't care for it, to try it my way and see what you get. After all, Richard Carlton hacker is no small fry when it comes to pipe expertise, and if he suggests it, please consider that there may be something to it. The last time I tried this was two weeks ago on a beautiful, brand-new Mark Tinsky, and I had a beautiful, hard cake by the next day.