Are Tobacco Shops Ripping off Newbies

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 27, 2018
So as a newbie I went to a highly recommended tobacconist and told them I was new to this and

They sold me a Missouri hardwood and 3 oz of there blend called sugar mountain for $10.48.

They were trying to push me to buy a 150.00 briar as they put it you can’t truly experience

Pipe smoking with a cheap pipe! I declined and went home to smoke my new pipe and blend. Well after I smoked all that I did some research and found smokers pride was made by lane. Soo I got a 12 oz bad and a can of Prince Albert and mixed some together!! Woe is it amazing and it tastes like sugar mountain ( store blend ) but better. At a fraction of the price!!

So I have to ask do some shops see a newbie and see $ signs?
I plan on ordering a few pounds later in the week of some new tobaccos any recommendations of some that are good to blend together or are good on there own?

I like a stout tobacco yet sweet and something with some nicotine kick ( 26 year smoker) Looking forward to some recommendations

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
I don't think they're really trying to rip off newbies, because if they got that reputation, how would they ever sell to anyone after that first encounter? I think the object is to bring more customers into the fold, not make them feel cheated.
In regards to the blend you got, I mean, they do put some effort into making the blend in the first place, so I can see the price for what it is. If you just so happen to find a mix that works, that's part of the fun, and you get to save yourself the money of buying a blend that someone else has blended for their customers.
In regards to the $150 pipe, it sort of depends on what the pipe was. I have seen all range of markups on pipes in tobacco shops because they have to make money too. Sometimes I feel the markup is a little much, so I don't buy pipes from them. That briar could have been a really good beginner briar for anyone, just with the store markup on it. That's the way of supporting their business. Sure, could you find the same thing on SP's for 50% less? Maybe, but they don't have the same bills to pay that a B&M does. I enjoy supporting my local B&M's when I can, and buy online when I choose to, but do they try to rip newbies off? I doubt it. Just a store trying to help you ease into the pipe smoking world, because if they can recommend something to a new smoker that makes them return, then that's what they hope for.



Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
It is normal for tobacco shops to give some of the bulk blends their own name. The price you payd seems fair enough. The fact that they advertised an expensive pipe to a first time pipe smoker just tells me they are in it for the money and not altruistic idealists who want their customers to keep the money :lol:

Good for you that you made the right choice. I don't consider it an attempt to rip you off, just a little bad advice. Someone else will chime in on the tobaccos, as I am not familiar with american bulk blends.



Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
It probably depends on the store. My first B&M experience was awful, the clerk didn't give a lick about pipes or pipe tobaccos.
The whole "you can’t truly experience Pipe smoking with a cheap pipe" debate is an old one. Done are recommended by many to first time pipers, others say to buy the best pipe you can afford.



Aug 22, 2016
Your mom\\\'s house
I would say, considering that MM hardwoods go for $7 online, $10.48 for 3oz of tobacco and a pipe are a hell of a deal. Also, I don't know if you got your PA and Smokers Pride locally or online. If you bought them online, it's going to be way cheaper than locally, because locally they have to charge you tobacco taxes, online they don't.
As far as the briar for $150, see Carolina's comment above.



Feb 21, 2013
Pipe shops have to charge a little more on tobacco, or considerably more, because they don't do the volume online, and they sometimes have state and local taxes loaded on. They charge about what they need to make, to pay rent, pay staff, etc. But it's more, it's true. On the pipe, people have decided opinions. Some Forums members, for example, think you should pay as much as you can possibly afford for a first pipe, for the real experience. I'm more of the school that you will do fine with a Dr. Grabow or Rossi, to learn the ropes, and then buy better when you can, if you want, within your budget. The pipe shop owner wants to make a buck and may figure if you spend more on a pipe you will feel more committed to pipe smoking and remain his/her customer. Get to know the proprietor and his staff a little. Ask a lot of questions and don't buy too much. If they always want their hand in your pocket, they may be ripoff artists, but I doubt it. There are more lucrative scams than running a pipe shop; most of the owners are great folks with helpful information, and some good deals from time to time. Ask a lot of questions on Forums, to get more disinterested feedback.



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
I don't think they were out to rip you off. I am a believer that higher quality matters. Unfortunately, in the era of the Internet, of the Culture of the Free, of markets flooded with sinojunk, and of millenials' fixation with finding the 'best deal' (i.e. cheapest of the cheapest)**, the utterly disingenuous myth that $1 This is as good as $100 That and the extra $99 are nothing but 'brand tax' has become widespread.
On the other hand, I do concede that trying to sell a $150 pipe to someone who might decide piping is not for him after a few bowls is not a very good business practice. Then again, it's difficult for a vendor to assess whether a newbie is going to become a a 'serious' pipe smoker. :wink:

**This is what millenials say of themselves, I'm not trying to be condescending.

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
I would also like to state that in my experience, I have seen what I would call a cigar shop that just happens to have some pipe stuff. A lot of those that I have been in don't really have a lot of knowledge about pipes. Some do, but a lot don't. I could easily see someone that works in a store like that try to sell a $150 pipe to a beginner just because all they know is that it makes more money for the shop. Or it could be their way of thinking that if you thought pipe smoking would be expensive starting out, here's a cigar!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 27, 2018
Thanks for the input !! We only have the one shop around that I know of. I guess if you compare online prices and shipping it balances out

As for the pipes I agree after I found this site I bought a vintage Medico on eBay for 5 dollars

And the briar is beautiful. And my father in law gave me a 40 year old dr Graybo



Dec 29, 2016
plan on ordering a few pounds later in the week of some new tobaccos
I'd hold off on ordering tobacco by the pound right now. I can almost guarantee you that your tastes will change.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
You didn't come close to getting ripped off and I 100% agree with bassbug on being conservative with your tobacco orders. Buy some 50 gr tins of different blends to try.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 27, 2018
It was $15.99 for the hardwood and $10.48 for the tobacco not $10.48 for everything lol

I agree they need to make money but at $10.50 for 3 oz I could not stay married and continue smoking a pipe!!



Feb 21, 2013
willisk, I don't know how thrifty you are, but a ten dollar tin of tobacco may well provide 20 or 25 bowls, or 15 with a big bowled pipe, or something like that. Compare that with five to thirty dollars for premium cigars bought singly, or maybe half that bought in bundles, you aren't going to smoke for much less than with a pipe. If you need to do so, you can happily smoke two bowls a week, or a bowl a day, and keep your costs quite low. I'm not telling you to do that, but you're not into a budget busting activity here, I don't think. Buying tobacco in bulk or in tubs, the cost is even lower, in the U.S. I think you're exaggerating the expense.



Oct 10, 2013
In this day and age, when nearly everyone carries the Internet around in their pocket, the notion of being "ripped off" by a retailer is both ludicrous and perplexing.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Of course they are! No successful retailer wants to encourage a new customer to become a return/regular customer. Especially a "highly recommended" one, they are probably uncomfortable with an increase in customer base.
The above is, for those living in Jockstrap Junction, IA sarcasm. The below is not.
Perhaps you are not ready, financially, to get into smoking. You really are just burning up money. Just a thought.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
One of the locals around me wouldn't push a pipe like that. The proprietor has often suggested basket pipes,mostly Italian seconds, to the newbies and sat down for a smoke with them to offer pointers. Regular customers and long time smokers get the full "Just got these in!", often Savinelli and artisan pieces, but he never pushes sales on the new guys.

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