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Might Stick Around
Dec 29, 2009
Upstate NY
I guess I'm still new to this site as well. I work in law enforcement and stumbled across this great site while working a midnight shift one night a few weeks ago. I must say that I am very impressed by the interviews, reviews, information and community of puffers that we have here. I love Italian pipes and have several of them. They seem to smoke the best for me (maybe because I'm biased as I am part Italian haha) and the way that some of italian pipes are designed so they are works of art.
Tobacco? Yes please! I will try anything once. I think that is what I love best about our hobby. There are just so many different blends out there that there is always a tobacco that I will read about and want to fire it up. I love Latakia, but right now I'm on a aromatic kick. My go to smokes right now are sweet vanilla honeydew, evening stroll, frog morton abd a few concoctions that I mixed myself. This hobby never gets old.
On the personal side, my wife and I just had our first child three months ago and I could not be more in love with my new son. I am above cloud nine. I can't wait to teach him how to play hockey, football, baseball, etc. Fatherhood really makes you aware of your priorities in life.
Well that's me in a nutshell. Thanks to Kevin again for a wonderful site.



Can't Leave
Jan 1, 2010
I found this site a week or so ago and i am really enjoying it. I've been enjoying pipes since 1998. My collection is mainly estate pipes, several E.A. Carey, few Peterson's, some older Kaywoodies. My favorite is which ever one I happen to be smoking at the time. My tobacco tastes are broad from Capt. Black (white), Mac Barn mixture, to Rattray's Red Rapparee, or Frog Morton. I recently have been exploring the world of Va. Flake. I look forward to meeting everyone
Wes, ( smoking Mac Baren Va #1 in a Carey St. apple)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 5, 2009
Welcome! (and congrats on the son, pipegangster!)
I, too, felt like I found a home when I discovered this site. Thanks, Kevin, for getting the site up (in case I haven't expressed my gratitude previously).



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 16, 2009
Hello everyone I'm new to this site and find it contagiuos. I would also lkie to congratulate pipegangster on his new arrival. I have 2 boys 16 and 18 and can't imagine life without them. I work outside of Boston for an Anheuser Busch In-Bev Distributor.

Beer has been my life (lucky me)!

I also have a wonderful wife that lets me smoke in the house.

So Thanks to everyone who makes this site so enjoyable and Happy New Year !!



Dec 19, 2009
hi everyone - im 28, from new zealand, and i love pipes and tobacco :D
unfortunately nz is a windy country with no good pipes here - its not a tobacco friendly country!
everything i have to smoke i have to get from the internet, but hey, its a small world nowadays!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 22, 2009
Welcome mrsmokeyman, from the land of Middle Earth, and a warm welcome all of you. I love this site!! I was made to feel welcome from my first visit here. Happy piping in 2010. :)



Can't Leave
Dec 29, 2009
Hi everyone I've been on this site about a week and really like it. I live in a small town in Tennessee. I love smoking my pipes and any tobacco I can get. I tried growning my own tobacco last year, but didn't go well. I will try again this year.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 16, 2009
Hi sapo, I consider my self of having a green thumb, I would really like to hear about your experiences with trying to grow your own tabacky.

I,m new to this site also about a month. I enjoy all the info and interesting conversation.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 22, 2009
Welcome sapo59. I believe many of us would like to hear more about you're growing experience. Maybe, you should start a growing thread :)



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
I tried growning my own tobacco last year, but didn't go well.
Fascinating! I guess there's more to it than putting the seeds in the ground and watching it come up, huh? Tell us about how it went wrong, and what you'll be doing differently this season. I think many of us are keen to follow it.
ps. Oh yes, welcome to the max! :)

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