UK Doctors Calling For Smoking In Cars Ban.

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 1, 2010
Oh well, I suppose it was only a matter of time.

It is being reported that UK Doctors are now calling for a ban on smoking whilst in a car. Having seen how unsuccessful companies have been at policing the policy where drivers of company vehicles are not supposed to smoke, I won't be losing too much sleep yet awhile. But...... it will be another step towards "Big Brother" taking over.

The main thrust of their arguement seems to be the secondhand smoke route? Speaking as someone who only travels with my wife (also a smoker) and never with Children, I do rather feel that it is my choice whether I choose to smoke in my car, or not? However, I suspect that we will be seeing this across the board before long.
Edit: Moved to Tobacco Legislation..M



Jun 16, 2011
Thanks for posting this. I found it interesting that one of the justifications they used for the proposed ban was that smoking was a potential distraction for drivers. I believe if that was the case they should also demand that it include banning radios and GPS's as well, since they also present a potential distraction IMHO.



Jul 13, 2010
Lets not forget eating, Mark. Reading your mail/newspaper, putting on your makeup, shaving... And deaf citizens shouldn't be allowed to sign with others in the car if we're going to start ridiculously banning things which would distract a driver...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 1, 2010
If only it wasn't so sad, I can see it coming Chaps. Especially Jason's comment about signing. :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2011
United Kingdom
I just watched the lunch time News. They interviewed a doctor who supports the proposed legislation. He was asked if he supported banning a lone adult (no second hand smoke) from smoking in their own private car. The doctor gave two reasons for supporting such a ban. Firstly he claimed that the toxins from smoke remain in a car long enough to present a risk to a non-smoking passenger who got into the car some time later. Secondly he argued that the smoker was damaging their own health and so a ban would benefit them! Which rather gives the game away and proves that this is just the thin end of the wedge.
I would urge all UK smokers to consider joining/supporting FOREST - Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 1, 2010
Slightly contencious I suppose, but here goes.
IF..... Every smoker (Cigarettes,Cigars, Pipes, Roll Your Own) in the UK were to somehow avoid purchasing a single item from a UK Store or website for a whole month..... How much revenue would the Govt lose? I would hazard a guess that the figure would be pretty alarming.

We are currently seeing Govt trying to squash a proposed 3p per litre Fuel Hike, so imagine what would happen if the Tax revenue from us smokers was to suddenly disappear?
We will always be told how much it cost the NHS to fund treatment of Smoking Related Diseases, but figures have already been produced that show that in fact.... The income is greater than the expenditure.
Anyway.... Great Fun in The Nanny State once again. :rofl:



Jun 16, 2011
Middle England
I am obviously a smoker or I wouldn't be part of this forum but I support the ban on smoking when driving here in the UK. I have been discusted for many years at the site of mothers on the school run with a car full of children and a cigarette hanging form their mouths, I have even seen baby's strapped in their child seats with their mothers smoking at the wheel. I havn't smoked at the wheel for over 30 years, back then there was far less congestion on the british roads but can remember a time when I tossed a cigarette out of the window and it flew straight back in and landed in my lap, I was doing 70mph at the time, also on a few occations I had the lighted tip fall off, I have had smoke in my eyes, sneezing fits and numorous other distractions caused by smoking, how many smokers out there has had simular experiences, I can imagine how serious some of these little misshaps could be if happening as they surely do on our very busy motorways. I have been a pipe smoker for over 40 years but have never smoked one at the wheel, christ I know how hard it is to light up a pipe in the comfort of my home, how many relights, tamping, and all that comes from a pipe, we all know this don't we, ye I know some of you can do it standing on your heads and are superhuman, but me, just a meer average who has seen many accidents caused by all manor of things, why not take one of these things away, I didn't support the ban on the use of mobile phone as I couldn't see it being more distractive than talking to the passenger sitting next to you, but the more it was explained to me, people taking there eyes of the road to text, to dial, to plug in to charge, all simple things, but at 70mph on a busy motorway, anybody that knows the roads in the UK must support anything that makes them safer and not just see it as another nail in the coffin for us smokers.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 1, 2010
Every thing you say is absolutely true. 8)
My objection, small as it is, is based on the fact that once again, our freedom of choice is being removed.

As I said, I DO agree that anything that makes our roads safer, is a good thing. BUT, we are all supposing that we are the drivers of said car. Now as it happens, I am more often than not in the Passenger's Seat, so I am not to smoke either?

Until you have been driven around on Ice Roads in Sweden by someone who is constantly texting whilst driving, you will have no idea of how frightening a thing that can be. Makes smoking seem quite a safe occupation believe me! :D
As a footnote to this I will just add, when I do drive, I don't actually smoke. I have always been aware of potential problems that could arise, I have been driving since 1970 and have always been in an occupation that has relied upon my ability to drive, so I have covered a great many miles and yes, I have seen some shocking things happening around me, so please do not think that I take any of your comments in anything but a serious vein. This however does not stop me wondering about the passenger's perspective though. :wink:



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
That's like their traffic speed boxes mounted on countless poles at the intersections to catch and punish the public....the Sheeple must be controlled.



Jun 23, 2011
It must be awful living in a country where one is a subject, rather than a citizen.
It must be awful living in a country where one is ruled rather than governed.
It must be awful living in a country where the elected leader of the government is expected -- as his earliest official act -- to present himself, on his KNEES, before a person who imagines herself to be royal.
It must be awful living in a country where one is expected to refer to some other human beings as "your highness" or "my lord."
It must be awful living in a country where terms like "royal" and "commoner" have actual meaning.
It must be awful living in a country where the right of self defense itself is not upheld.
It must be awful living in a country where one's rulers are so scornful of their own subjects that they deny them the right to posses and carry not only a firearm, but a simple pocket knife.
No smoking in cars? Really? You think THAT's the great liberty issue around which the docile, servile English are going to rally?
Not bloody likely.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2011
United Kingdom
I totally agree that, as Tobakenist mentioned, smoking with children in the car in not acceptable. However, under these proposals, a lone adult smoker would also be banned from smoking in their own vehicle. From the News reports I have seen today the ban is proposed for purely health reasons and has nothing to do with any possible distraction it may cause drivers. If the UK smoking ban is extended to stop lone individuals from smoking in a private space on health grounds, it is only a matter of time before there is pressure to just outlaw smoking outright. The ban on smoking in any work environment has already led to the decline of the age old institution of the British pub. Truck drivers are banned from smoking because they are at work when the drive. A good friend of mine, who has to employ carers because he has cerebral palsy, is not allowed to smoke in his own home because it is also a work place.
We smokers need to draw the line somewhere and fight the creeping increase of punitive taxes and legislation. I have written to my Member of Parliament raising my concerns that this is another example of the nanny state going mad. What will be next? Alcohol causes health problems, as do high fat or high salt food. Driving a car in the first place is more dangerous than not driving. The government should not be allowed to remove all risk and, as a result, all choice from our lives.
Write to your MP today - contact details can be found -

Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA
"The ban on smoking in any work environment has already led to the decline of the age old institution of the British pub. Truck drivers are banned from smoking because they are at work when the drive. A good friend of mine, who has to employ carers because he has cerebral palsy, is not allowed to smoke in his own home because it is also a work place."
These observations are nothing other than frightening withnail.

Especially concerning the gent with CP. His own home?
Goes far, far beyond smoking rights.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2011
United Kingdom
To Tslex. Yep, I do think there will be a comparably minor issue that will be "the straw that breaks the camels back" and causes people to say enough is enough.
I wouldn't say I agree with everything you said, but I agree that the Government should remember they are their to enact the wishes of the voter and not to tell the voter what to do!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2011
United Kingdom
To OTD - Frightening but true. It is against the law to smoke in any place that someone works. So, a pub or club is non-smoking because the bar staff work there. A truck is non-smoking because the driver works there. My friends house is non-smoking because a carer works there. The sight of a huddled crowd of smokers outside the local pub is now common here. This is why I urge all non British forum members to lobby now, rather than wait like we did thinking "it wont happen"



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 1, 2010
We smoke. We used to very occasionally have potential Puppy Buyers come to see a Pup. Technically, we were not supposed to smoke as their being present could have constituted our home, becoming a place of business.
I was not supposed to smoke in the house as soon as it became necessary for a Physiotherapist to visit on a weekly basis.
Life can be what you make it and I staunchly hang on to the fact that I will do what I want within the precincts of my home.



Can't Leave
Nov 1, 2011
Here in Ontario Canada, it is illegal to smoke in a car with a child on board. This is the only car smoking ban, and I agree.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 13, 2011
Baltimore, MD USA
I disagree with this whole smoking around children is some kind of child abuse nonsense. I grew up in the 60's-70's where the smoke was raging everywhere you went, and people turned out better than what I see under today's nanny state environment. I even had a teacher in the 7th, 8th Grade who smoked a pipe in the classroom.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 15, 2010
Portland, OR
"Somebody think of the children!"

I have no compunctions about smoking around children, or others doing the same. You know why? Because it simply DOES. NOT. HURT THEM. Period. Second hand smoke is simply not a harmful substance in any quantity that one would encounter even in the smokiest of bars or cars.

Further, in the 1993 EPA study, they found a slight protective effect to children being exposed to smoke while they were young. If one has asthma, yes, smoke can be an irritant. For anyone with a healthy immune system, SHS does nothing.
Smoking alone, anywhere should be okay.

Smoking in bars, restaurants etc should be okay. Unless the owner wants HIS restaurant to be non-smoking.

Smoking in cars with children, the elderly, other people should be okay. Asking first is a nice courtesy, of course.

Smoking should quite simply always be okay.

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