Tobacco Taste/Flavor

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Apr 20, 2010
I'm still very new to smoking pipes, or smoking in general. So far I've had only 3 bowls of Captain Black white label, smoked in a cheap medico that's no where near broken-in status. Anyways, i'm not really sure if i'm even getting a taste when I do puff/sip on the pipe, for I certainly do not inhale. Is it something to which I need to get acclimated? Maybe i'm smoking wrong, but I do try to keep the smoke in my mouth just a little before I exhale, depending on the puffing style. I also haven't experienced any tongue bite, but I do notice my pipe's bowl sometimes radiates a fierce heat. Could it be the brand? I'd like to think i'm just not used to pipe smoking yet, for i've never smoked anything; my only tobacco experience being a few years of smokeless tobacco use. Anyways, do you all have any thoughts? Or is it all just inexperience?



Mar 9, 2010
If the bowl is getting extremely hot you are puffing too hard. A likely cause is that you are packing the tobacco too tightly or it is too moist. Most likely the first. The flavor should be there if all is right. Practice is about the best way to become familiar with proper technique. There are some tutorials available here and other places on line that should help a lot.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2010
I know this isn't related to tobacco taste. But i remember back in my University level wine class my professor said that the saying "its an acquired taste"(i.e. give it time and your buds will experience varieties of flavors and mature)--that is a big MYTH. Biologically--people are born w/sweet, sour, bitter, "creamy" taste buds maybe you can train em, but you cant train em to like the flavor or ID the flavor. Basically, everyone has different genetic make-ups. Some can identify what kind of sugar was used in red wine or what was planted in the soil like blueberries, rasberries, corn etc. or that someone in your blood line was allergic to red wine and produced a defense mechanism to stay away from pinots, merlots, cabernets, etc.
In the case of pipe smoking i heard that some people are prone to tongue bite and some who have never witnessed tongue bite...
So hmmm try out some other tobacco brands and like what unclearthur said, if your bowl is hot easy on the puffing or easy on the tamping. But ya a bowl generally takes 45min-hour so take your time, practice, and try not to force yourself in liking that brand or blend. A tobacconist might recommend you to this high quality chocolate tobacco, but instead you smell and taste leather. Go with your instincts and puff in moderation.
PS: Puff the bowl about 5-6 times with the same tobacco and if the flavor doesnt change--its either A) your packing method isnt up to par B) charring method isnt up to par C) your taste buds say "nay"



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2009
I tend to agree that it is probably your packing method altho my experience with Cpt. Black taught me it could be the tobacco. If the tobacco is too moist, you'll getv the same results.

Try this. Fill the bowl by dropping the tobacco in until it is even with the top. Push it down about half way that fill it again. Push that down until the bowl isn 3/4 to 2/3 full. fill the bowl again so there is a slight hump above the rim and push it down until it is even with the top. As you apply the flame to the tobacco, it should rise up. Make sure the entire top surface is lit then tamp the tobacco down until it is evev with or just below the rim. The draw should be about like pulling soda through a straw. You'll learn what is right for you with experience.



Apr 20, 2010
UncleArthur- Thanks for the explanation, I do believe i'm puffing entirely too quickly, so i'll be sure to end that. I'm just continuously worried the pipe will go out.
Shotokun16- Interesting thoughts regarding taste buds. I'm definitely about to order some tinned tobacco, it's just that the tobacco store I went to had a very poor quantitative selection.
Chuckw- I'll definitely try that out. I will tell you right now though, i'm not getting a draw analogous to drinking a soda. I can't wait until I do though!



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
shotokun16 said
i remember back in my University level wine class my professor said that the saying "its an acquired taste"(i.e. give it time and your buds will experience varieties of flavors and mature)--that is a big MYTH.
With time you will learn at least two things:
  • (1) you shouldn't accept on faith the pronouncements of some "authorities" -- even those with letters after their names

    (2) some things are an acquired taste, that is, with continued exposure you learn to appreciate tastes that you had heretofore rejected as unpleasant



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 12, 2010
"With time you will learn at least two things:
(1) you shouldn't accept on faith the pronouncements of some "authorities" -- even those with letters after their names

(2) some things are an acquired taste, that is, with continued exposure you learn to appreciate tastes that you had heretofore rejected as unpleasant"
Cortezattic, Perfectly said.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2010
yes i agree that you should always beware of the messenger despite their background and reputation. And i also agree that an acquire taste will later become accepted, after a certain amount of time. However, it may be accepted due to constant exposure but it docent result into satisfaction or pleasure. Your genes will always linger into your food or taste selection. You can force yourself to drink high quality German beer and tell yourself after 100x of drinking German beer i will soon join the ranks of English Pub drinkers. But your body will still find a unique way to alert your physical appearance or your peers. (e.g. getting red faced from drinking which is applicable to the majority Asians. The very reasons why Asia isnt dominate in alcohol market due to allergies) Genes are everything! =) and don't abide the food pyramid. =)
I can never exhale through my nose lol. Ya man hmmm give it time, but remember its not like hookah. I use to hookah occasionally and thought pipe smoking will be similar--i was dead wrong.

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