Tobacco flavored tobacco?

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Might Stick Around
Jun 16, 2017
Lexington, KY
I'm still new to this, but I seem to be developing preferences. I don't much like the flavored tobaccos, which I guess are the aromatics. And the English tobaccos scare me. The ones I have sniffed in the store make me think I will be smoking black peppercorns.
Because so far, sniffing in the shop is all I have done. The guy has different tobaccos out in candy jars, so I wander back and forth poking my nose in them.
The ones I like, at least so far, are those that smell like old tobacco barns. This store has another range that smells like horse barns (burley?). None of them have names that I think will have any value in this post, because the guy just makes them up. But FTR, "Mild and Mellow" and "Captain Black" are my favorites.
So my question, and I apologize if this is the wrong place, is if someone can recommend an online source for just plain pipe tobacco that is good quality for a fair price (I can afford tobacco, but I can't afford tobacco I won't smoke).
I know I haven't given much to go on, but I don't even know what to ask at this early point in my smoking life. I will appreciate any comments, questions, or criticism.



May 20, 2017
I would suggest - others might disagree - simply buy a pouch (not a tub) of simple tobaccos. In name that would be Carter Hall or even Prince Albert. Many are those whose "tastes" have...oh...gone beyond them to more complex blends, but they are hard to beat for a day-in and day-out smoke. At least until you find your own personal favorite. Oh yeah. And I like buying from 4noggins.



Oct 10, 2013
My semi-learned suggestion is to go back to that shop and buy small amounts of the blends that you think you'll like. Then branch out a bit and try a few that might be little more challenging. Get the store owner to give you the real names of the blends (he most likely doesn't mix these up himself; they are the same blends that you can buy online). Give them a try. Come back here and we'll talk about it.
And BTW, do you need any advice on smoking? Pipes? Lots of knowledgeable folks here. I'd just say to start with a cob pipe, and be sure the tobacco is dry (not crumbly, still pliable, but dry). Sip slowly, and most of all, enjoy!

The "English" and "Balkan" type mixtures are very rewarding, if you can get past the smell. I read somewhere - the worse it smells, the better it tastes!
Experiment with small servings of "English". I cannot recommend one yet, as the ones I smoke are full bodied, but there are some milder ones out there.



Feb 13, 2015
I second the motion of Carter Hall and Prince Albert. Give those two a try, and go from there. At about $4.50 a pouch, you won't be breaking the bank if you don't care for them. Tobaccos very, very rarely taste the way they smell, so don't be fooled by that. And my advice on English? Jump in with both feet. A person saying "I don't like English" is like a person saying "I don't like cars". Which ones? Yugos? Maseratis? Something in between?

Jan 8, 2013
Go to the shop and ask for blends that are the following. Virginia blends, Burley Blends, Virginia Burley blends and buy an ounce or two of each type. This will help you decide if you like Virginias, or Burleys, or a combination of both. Next you might try Virginia and Oriental blends, and perhaps Virginia Perique blends. Later, you can try Balkans and Englishes light on the latakia to find out if latakia is something you might like or not.



Feb 15, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
I would start with a crossover and go slow for English. Examples include Sutliff Aromatic English, Lane HGL, and McClelland Frog Morton's. Mild VaPers such as Viprati. And everyone's advice above. Also, there are some decent aromatics that taste like they smell such as Trout Stream.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I like the idea that you are attracted to pure tobacco aroma and compare a burley to a horse barn.

C&D Big 'n Burley, and many of their burley based blends are quite enjoyable.

The 'big 3' codger blends for me: SWR, PA, CH. almost interchangeable yet distinctive in their own.

I enjoy most of the D&R line of pure tobaccos, and by that I mean, I have and smoke most of their line of bulks.

Pretty much the ONLY tobacco I haven't enjoyed, are aromatics.



Might Stick Around
Jun 16, 2017
Lexington, KY
Thanks for all the comments!
I've made notes to take with me on Monday when I go into town. I've also been reading over some of the other comments in other threads. It seems to be a very broad field of knowledge. I'm sure I'll have many questions, and thanks again for the comments.

May 4, 2015
Has anyone suggested Haunted Bookshop yet or other C&D Burleys? That's one of the tobacco-iest tobaccos there is, to me at least.



Might Stick Around
Jun 16, 2017
Lexington, KY
Yes! I have C&D Big n Burley on my list. I love the names. I don't drink beers but I keep tabs on beeer reviews just to enjoy the names they use. Kinda the same thing.



Might Stick Around
Jun 16, 2017
Lexington, KY
Oh, and yes, that comedy bit was exactly what I was thinking of, although I don't think I've see that guy doing it before. I always ask for coffee flavored coffee in a coffee cup sized coffee cup.

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