To smoke or not to....unsmoked 1971 36ft 4a

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
Austin, TX
I would say smoke it and enjoy it. That's the logical thing to do.
I also have to admit I have a few nice pipes that for whatever reason I have yet to bring myself to smoke. Though I plan to eventually!



Can't Leave
May 11, 2015
United States
I knew you guys would do the right thing and convince my wife to let me smoke the pipe :) I knew what I wanted to do deep down it's just making everyone involved, meaning my wife, that it was the right thing to do. See, I told you guys you were great people. Thanks for all the comments
I have not had to break a pipe from scratch in a while since I mainly buy estates on ebay but I am extremely careful with my pipes and have had no issues thus far. And as many recommended I will probally smoke on my B-day in Nov. Thanks again, Michael



Apr 14, 2014
Central Ohio
I could never smoke it-- I know, I know.....its JUST a pipe! BUT Man, you have the box/receipt/sock/all the inserts........and its a gorgeous pipe to boot. 44 years old and still a virgin.....I say let her become an old maid, and find one thats been 'round a while for smoking............ :)

You can't put the genie back in the bottle.........



Apr 26, 2013
How funny. '71 is my birth year too. Lot of us on here. Man I still vote avoid angry wife. At the very least, it won't lose value and u get a second Dunny.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 29, 2014
I'm with beefeater33 and wyfbane on this one. It's not just a pipe, it's an irreplaceable bit of pipe making history. One match and it is just a pipe. One more of millions of just pipes bouncing around this big ball of mud. Get the second pipe for smoking.



Can't Leave
May 11, 2015
United States
you guys are worse than the voices in my it....don't do it.
One match and it is just a pipe.
That and that alone is what has stopped me thus far. It's not like I dont have 2x12 racks of good smokers (and a box of bad ones) including a Ferndown, Charatans, Upshalls and most other British marquee's minus Dunhill. I have taken the Dunhill out almost everyday and marvelled in its Magesty, I then slowly put it back in its case and grab another pipe.
I call it a toss-up --- you win either way.
Now I'm back to where I was undecided. I can always wait anouther day :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2011
Would that Dunhill increase in value so much that it would really be worth it not to smoke it? Being a birth year pipe in pristine unsmoked condition- I would venture to say "No". That pipe would quickly become one of my favorites.



Can't Leave
Jul 7, 2014
I've never been a fan of keeping things in their original wrappings. Unless you bought it with the intention of reselling it later (which doesn't seem to be the case), I'd smoke it. You can honour the occasion by, say, smoking it for the first time on your birthday.
And, from another angle, your wife is right: you *have* become its caretaker for posterity. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't smoke it. Smoke it, enjoy it, and take good care of it.
After all, your wife would also want *you* in good shape, well taken care of, but still be able to enjoy you, right? :)



May 29, 2011
Buy a tin of Escudo, wait about 2 years, open the Escudo and enjoy them both. It took me 5 years of searching to get a Dunhill pipe in my price range, and life is too short not to enjoy it. Better yet, splurge on an aged Tin of something you like, and smoke the pipe now! It will become your favorite, and your signature.



Feb 6, 2014
Beautiful pipe! Ain't worth a dang if it ain't smoked though. Be like having a beautiful wife or girlfriend and locking her away in a glass case. The beauty will soon diminish if the pleasure isn't taken. Unless you are just keeping it to bolster you in old age----smoke that bad boy. You will never know if it was or wasn't the best you ever had till you fire that roaster up!



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
Keep her pristine, buy yourself another one to smoke. Then on your 50th birthday fire her up for the first time, and to make it extra special you should acquire some well aged tobacco of your choice of approx 1971 vintage!



Can't Leave
May 11, 2015
United States
Why did you buy it?
After buying lots of estate pipes I was tired of smoking others problems. I wasn't looking for aan unsmoked pipe or specifically a birth year dunhill, but Ebay can be an amazing place sometimes. When I saw unsmoked Dunhill The idea of being the first smoker was the main reason....I want to enjoy it.
One of my main fears as silly as it sounds is it feels so fragile due to it's lightness and I'm afraid of cracking or it have some natural defect that will result in burnout, now I have never had that issue with any of my pipes but fear isn't rational. I love the mixed opinions yet everybody is pipe people



Feb 26, 2015
To not smoke it is to deny its reason for being. It was produced to be smoked. To me it's like buying a new corvette and not driving it because it may be worth more money some other time.



Can't Leave
May 11, 2015
United States
Ok, first of all I have loved my first few weeks here. I had really been jones-ing for like minded people to talk to. I had been an opiate(herion) user and have now been sober many many years. When I got sober I had to ditch all my so called friends and luckily my wife and I traveled that journey together, and I have my 4 kids, but none of them are excited by pipes like we all are, so in short thanks.
I have decided to smoke it (hopefully this morning) and just want to ask about the innertube, use it or not and why?? Thanks in advance.



Mar 7, 2013
I have decided to smoke it (hopefully this morning) and just want to ask about the innertube, use it or not and why??
Surprisingly, wire & cotton pipecleaners are a relatively new invention. Before they were available, cleaning pipes was something of a chore. Usually done with a feather dipped in spirits, poking with a wire, and so forth. Dunhill invented something that let smokers do an end run around all that by simply throwing away a replaceable airway liner when it became fouled/clogged and replacing it with a new one for a few cents. Worked great. They even got a patent for it.
Then modern pipecleaners came along and the tube was an obsolete artifact overnight, though it kept popping up here and there on occasional pipes sold through the mid 20th century, reason unknown. The company's own nostalgia, maybe.
You can smoke it with or without, your choice. Won't matter a bit either way.
Enjoy! :D

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