The Doctor's Blend

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Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
For over 40 years, I've smoked a blend of tobacco made specially for me by the late Master Tobacconist, John Dengler. It was originally designed to mimic the Tinderbox blend, Crown Royal, but at the time, that blend was a "trade secret". Today, we know it is Peter Stokkebye Vanilla Creme. Regardless, John came up with something very close. I remember him putting some Crown Royal I had brought him into his mouth and then writing down some notes. His invention was to add some nugget flavored tobacco, a rich and smooth mixture of Burleys and Lemon Virginias with hints of caramel, nuts, and creamy vanillas to a Lane product that was almost a match.

I christened the blend, "Telescopes" after my CB radio moniker from back in the 70s.

Decades later, I fell in love with another one of his own blends, "Black Maria". You have probably read about this blend from several of us on this forum. Without giving too much a way, it is in fact built on a base that is widely known and a cousin blend of the same base that I use for my own blend. The difference is that it has Latakia and Perique added to it to make it a pleasant English blend. The description in his shop read, "Favored by many of our Doctor friends. A fermented Virginia base instead of the traditional bright masks the Latakia which their nurses detest." As someone who used the title in the professional world, I always got a kick out of the description.

John is long gone now and his son-in-law has recently sold the shop, although it is still operating as it had for over a century under John's name - for now.

I decided it was time to alter my own blend and decided to model the changes using the formula for Black Maria. Keep in mind the base blends are different - but the ratio for Latakia and Perique are the same.

My question to you in the pipe tobacco home blending world is this: Have you ever blended anything similar to what I write below and if so, what were your experiences with the blend?

The Doctor's Blend is as follows:

8 oz of Lane BCA
3 oz of Sutliff SPS 24 Nugget
3 oz of blending Latakia (Sutliff)
2 oz of blending Perique (Sutliff)


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
the ankle biting begins…

Sounds interesting, Doc. Thanks for posting.
Thank you. What I find fascinating is how deconstructing a blend can better help me understand how various tobaccos interact with each other and change perceptions of the overall taste of the blend. The choice to use Lane RLP-6 as a base blend rather than Sutliff SPS-22 makes a huge difference in how a blend will ultimately taste even though the descriptions of both blends are very similar.
I’ve never blended anything like this myself but I have (thanks to you) had the pleasure of enjoying both Telescopes and Black Maria. Bring these two together sounds like an excellent idea to me. Best of luck with your experiments.
Thank you. I always felt that my own blend could and would benefit from some depth - the same way a Manhattan benefits from the addition of bitters or beer benefits from the addition of hops. I think adding a small amount of Latakia and Perique might do that.

My dad's blend uses Lane RLP-6, Turkish, Maryland, and a cherry blend. In one incarnation, I substituted Virginia Slices and dark Cavendish for the RLP-6 and got something similar, but with a lot more character, although not necessarily better.


Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
I have some cans of cavendish, which I have used for some blends, with virginias. Not bad. I really enjoyed being able to experiment with my own homemade mix. Thanks telescopes for this interesting topic. I really enjoy that pair of mixes you gave me. Always grateful my friend.
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Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
Most of the "blending" I've done amounts to I don't have quite enough of this or that for a pipe full and the worst that can happen is I singe the blend before throwing it out anyways.
I have been blending tobaccos here and there for several years. Many of my experiments initially began trying to figure out what to do with a pound of frosty mint that I had. Needless to say I put it to good use. Other experiments came about as I tried to recreate blends that I knew would one day go away.
Sounds like a good blend Telescopes. Are you a MD doc, or a professor varietal?
Thank you. Professor, although that seems like a lifetime ago.
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Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
I have some cans of cavendish, which I have used for some blends, with virginias. Not bad. I really enjoyed being able to experiment with my own homemade mix. Thanks telescopes for this interesting topic. I really enjoy that pair of mixes you gave me. Always grateful my friend.
Home blends can be the best. And most of all, they are your own creation.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 29, 2010
Northeast PA
For over 40 years, I've smoked a blend of tobacco made specially for me by the late Master Tobacconist, John Dengler. It was originally designed to mimic the Tinderbox blend, Crown Royal, but at the time, that blend was a "trade secret". Today, we know it is Peter Stokkebye Vanilla Creme. Regardless, John came up with something very close. I remember him putting some Crown Royal I had brought him into his mouth and then writing down some notes. His invention was to add some nugget flavored tobacco, a rich and smooth mixture of Burleys and Lemon Virginias with hints of caramel, nuts, and creamy vanillas to a Lane product that was almost a match.

I christened the blend, "Telescopes" after my CB radio moniker from back in the 70s.

Decades later, I fell in love with another one of his own blends, "Black Maria". You have probably read about this blend from several of us on this forum. Without giving too much a way, it is in fact built on a base that is widely known and a cousin blend of the same base that I use for my own blend. The difference is that it has Latakia and Perique added to it to make it a pleasant English blend. The description in his shop read, "Favored by many of our Doctor friends. A fermented Virginia base instead of the traditional bright masks the Latakia which their nurses detest." As someone who used the title in the professional world, I always got a kick out of the description.

John is long gone now and his son-in-law has recently sold the shop, although it is still operating as it had for over a century under John's name - for now.

I decided it was time to alter my own blend and decided to model the changes using the formula for Black Maria. Keep in mind the base blends are different - but the ratio for Latakia and Perique are the same.

My question to you in the pipe tobacco home blending world is this: Have you ever blended anything similar to what I write below and if so, what were your experiences with the blend?

The Doctor's Blend is as follows:

8 oz of Lane BCA
3 oz of Sutliff SPS 24 Nugget
3 oz of blending Latakia (Sutliff)
2 oz of blending Perique (Sutliff)
So, I put this blend together today, as the components intrigued me.Smoking my first bowl now.. Intriguing. I do like smoking aromatics from time to time. I appreciate your sharing this!
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Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
So, I put this blend together today, as the components intrigued me.Smoking my first bowl now.. Intriguing. I do like smoking aromatics from time to time. I appreciate your sharing this!
Thank you. I forgot about this thread.

There are many times when I just want something simple and easy to smoke. This works well for me. Let me know what your thoughts are.

All the best.