Samuel Gawith Majorly Different

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Apr 8, 2019
I took a closer look at my SJF tins now that i am home again. Unfortunately i dont own a camera so i will use some google pictures as comparison.. All rights and all that to the rightfull owners ofc.
The tin which i suspect is older looks very similar to this picture, but even darker in color,


And the other one looks similar to this one, but even ligher in color,


The darker one has a very rubbery consistency, almost impossible to rub out with the tobacco wanting to form a ball rather then turn into ribbons.. The lighter colored one is slightly crumbly and i can literally rub it onehanded with 3 fingers.
I have not smoked any of them yet, and to be honest, im almost scared to.. Incase there is a taste difference and i happen to like the older "version" better.. If there is such a thing as new or old version.



Apr 8, 2019
I cant edit my last post but to compare it with my tin of FVF, they look almost identical to this picture.



Mar 16, 2019
I bought some of the last batch of 1792 weeks ago, dark with hardly if any tonquin but still heavy nicotine content. A tin I bought a couple years ago was a bit too heavy on the tonquin. Was fully entertained by both.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
Great photos heyeveryone. Those two SJF are WAY different IMO and I think that your theory that the lighter one is FVF is very plausible. Can you taste any perique in it? Hoosier, I see you came on over to poo poo this thread just like you did my thread a week or so back. I haven't seen anyone say that they think aged and fresh tobacco should be the same. We are talking about variability in fresh product.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
I think Gawith might have some serious QC issues,

Yeah, that’s it. Think you guys better stop buying their tobaccos for a spell, why not boycott them?. :crazy:
As they say, you can take it or leave it. I’d be happy if more people left it just so those that are totally okay with their “quality control” issues amazingness can have more than 30 seconds to buy some of their blends before the vultures do. Yup, sometimes you’re gonna get the bottom of the barrel scraps but it’s still the same blend and ya should be happy you got some. As others have already mentioned there are always going to be inconsistencies when dealing with a natural product, if ya don’t like that, don’t buy from them. Me? I’m totally happy to buy from them and I’ve never had a single problem with QC issues where their blends didn’t taste amazing as usual. Most of these threads pop up before the user even smokes the stuff. Oi vey.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
npod, my post was directed toward the OP, not your own. I have no doubt there are changes from year to year. The tobacco crops are not identical year to year. We're dealing with a organic material here and antiquated manufacturing processes (and process controls). I didn't get in on the SG round of buying in the past month so I can't comment on recent production.
Aside from that, I'll defer to hawky's post.

Oct 7, 2016
I’d be happy if more people left it just so those that are totally okay with their “quality control” issues amazingness can have more than 30 seconds to buy some of their blends before the vultures do.

Actually, I kind of have mixed feelings. If SG and GH weren’t selling so well, the distributors might bring in less of it and/or cut the number of SKU,s they support. Even with the vultures, I haven’t had too many issues getting what I want from the on line stores and a few phone calls. One blend I would like more of from SG didn’t show up at all in this drop, but I am hoping it will in the next one



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
Cosmic, who bought 20 lbs? I bought two boxes. I agree that if someone isn't happy with a product, they should shop elsewhere. However I find the logic of 'it's not what I ordered but it's Gawith so all good' quite surprising. If I go to a restaurant and order prime rib, and get fried chicken, I would be dissatisfied, even if the chicken is good. Hawky, it's NOT the same blend. That's the whole point of this discussion.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
It is clear to me that the SG era is over. Since their merger with GH, consistency has been a serious issue. Contamination of non Lakeland blends is a real thing. I think we need to create a Before Merger status and an After Merger status. So all of my SG flakes are BM making them far more valuable than the AM product.

Oct 7, 2016
Since their merger with GH, consistency has been a serious issue. Contamination of non Lakeland blends is a real thing.
I have smoked GH since the early 1980’s and SG since I guess about the mid 1990’s. Consistency has always been something of an issue. I can’t say if it is more or less of one now, but I haven’t had the contamination issue crop up yet. I don’t doubt that reports from users who are stating their personal experience are true.



Apr 8, 2019
Hello everyone!
As previously stated, i dont own a camera but managed to borrow/rent one for today..
What i suspect is the older tin is to the left (smaller warning label)
Having trouble getting good picture on inside content, but this is the "new" one.. Its lighter in person then on camera.
And here we have the "old" one,
Had to quickly edit my post, the img links would not show.
I will give a smoke report within 1-2 weeks, since i dont smoke to often.
Oh, and i forgot to add. The tin labels are only messed up since i wanted to check behind them.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
Hawky, it's NOT the same blend

How do you know it is not the same blend? First of all the pictures posted wasn’t even the tobaccos in question, the poster even stated that he doesn’t own a camera. Second, your just a spectator in this so how could you possibly know that it’s not the same blend? (by the way, he still hasn’t smoked it as of this post). Third, if it is in fact a different blend, talk to the supplier and I guarantee that they’ll make it right. I had that happen with SPC Plum Pudding, I bought an 8 oz tin to age, opened it 7 years later and it turned out to be Mississippi River. I contacted SPC and they immediately sent me out a fresh 8oz tin of PP. since that can’t be done with Gawith since it’s all out of stock, I’m sure where ever he purchased it from would be happy to give him credit for it, however, I don’t believe that it’s a different blend, I think y’all are just over thinking things but if it is, shit happens man.
Edit* looking at the pictures directly above this post, I do not, for the life of me see what the complaint is. It’s a natural product, you are always going to have variations. These new pictures are nowhere near the extreme differences that were implied in the original pictures posted. Looks like SJF to me!



Apr 8, 2019
Not sure i should ignore some of you or not.. I thought this was a pipesmoking forum with laidback people.. Take a chill pill for crying out loud.
I am not complaining about anything, im just stating facts that i for the moment know (they can change).
And as of now, they are not the same.. In the sence that this duck doesnt qwack like a duck, not walking like a duck and sure dont look like a duck. They might taste the same, who knows, thats what im going to find out soon.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 8, 2017
Well, since this thread got brought back, i will just like to give an update, since the batch in the OP is almost a year old, and i still have about 4 ounces of it. It got much darker in color in that year, and its def majorly different, then prior aged 1792. I am not saying its worst, just different. The texture is completely different, and the tonkin in it, is almost undetectable.
The long flakes breaks down into fine ribbons with little effort. It is closer to flavor of Old Dark Fired rather then 1792, which is fine. I have not been able to attain another box in the 9 months, to compare to that box, due to the B.S. of nothing being in stock this year. I missed out on previous drop. Its totally possible that i got a lower quality box of 1792 then others, since others report no dramatic changes in flavor.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
Second, your just a spectator in this so how could you possibly know that it’s not the same blend?
Because I am talking about MY experience with tobacco that I purchased. I returned my Golden Glow (?) labeled as BBF to the dealer and they agree with me, saying that "definitely isn't" BBF. This discussion is very on topic and relevant. You already made it clear that you don't care about consistency.

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