Pipe Smoker Friendly Establishments?

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Might Stick Around
May 11, 2011
How many establishments do you know of that are 'pipe smoker' friendly?



Can't Leave
Apr 28, 2011
If I recall correctly it's illegal to smoke inside public places (restaurants, bars, etc.) in Sweden. It's allowed as long as it's not inside, however, so if you're seated outside I think it's mostly fine. Clubs and the like (at least in my town) pretty much always have an enclosed outside area with a separate door specifically for smoking.
edit: this is for smoking in general, I don't even know what an establishment has to do to be pipe smoker friendly :P



Dec 24, 2010
North Carolina
Here in North Carolina A state that used to be proud that it produced more tobacco than any other state in the country.. Other than smoke shops..NONE..



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 2, 2011
Here in Iowa......none. At leasy in my part of the state (Eastern) around Cedar Rapids. There might be some somke shops elsewhere in the state I'm not aware of. But around here....sorry charlie. It seems now the roadways are no longer pipe friendly. Driving down the road the other day, enjoying my MM cob, a lady pulled beside me and said I was disgusting and she had called the police to report me. Seems she thought I was smoking some whacky tobaccy or something. Never really thought of EMP smelling anything like that. I smiled at her and told her thank you and have a great day. Never did see the police, but being a retired cop, it would have been fun. :crazy:



Can't Leave
Jan 3, 2011
Too bad that lady did not see me with pipe in my patrol vehicle checking out her license and registration. Sometimes I really took my tiiiiiiiiime doing a plate check, especially for ladies like her in a real rush. There are many ways to deliver a message. Sometimes a man's actions speak his words.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 2, 2011
Oh yes, the "can you hurry up please, I'm in a hurry....." Seems like some days the computer and dispatch was really slow. :D Migh take an extra 20 minutes to get info back. Had a lady I had just pulled over for speeding (20mph over) tell me once, "can you hurry up and just give me my warning, I'm in a hurry...." Her only warning was, stop speeding or you'll get another ticket, and sign here please. :puffpipe:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 25, 2011
Canterbury, England
In the UK, None. It's illegal to smoke in 'public' now. I think there might still be one or two "underground" private clubs that have found an exemption, but eh.



Jun 2, 2010
And everyone wonders why I threaten daily to move to the woods, build a cabin and live a Walden Pond life style.



Can't Leave
Jan 18, 2011
In Pittsburgh (where as everywhere in PA it is illegal to smoke in bars and restaurants WITH exceptions) there are none that I know which would classify as a "classy" or 'trendy" establishment. But if one is amendable to the less fashionable "blue collar" taverns, my local pub, The Obey House, allows pipes and cigars (legally even) in the bar section. In all my time smoking my pipe (and occasional cigar) there I have had a problem with a single fellow customer - not the management, who are non-smokers, btw - one time and this last week in fact. After this fellow made aloud protest about having to "smell a pipe" and he moved down to the other end of the bar amid a pack of cig smokers (go figure).

I had not seen this fellow before and I have frequented there for nearly twenty years. When he was leaving I called him over and asked that if he was offended in future by my tobacco, just tell me and I would move or put it out. The bartender chimed in, "But YOU are fine here!", implying I might not be the problem, if you get my drift. The complainer mumbled an apology and departed. I was smoking McClelland 2015 instead of my usual C&D Engine 99. One wonders what response that powerhouse might have generated.

This establishment tried to go non-smoking and had an 80% decrease in business. Since then all tobacco is fine (just don't spit on the floor).



Part of the Furniture Now
May 16, 2011
My vehicle
Our garage
Sometimes our house when my wife is in a good mood.
That's pretty much it. But screw 'em. If the businesses who are hurt by the smoking ban are going to sit back and let this happen without doing anything about it, then I say good riddance and I won't go there regardless. They're the ones that have the power to do something about it, not smokers, but they sing their whiny tune of "weeeeellllll, we're not feeling tooooo much of a pinch, but time will tell yadda yadda" so I say let them all go bankrupt for all I care.
There are actually many establishments that have completely ignored these bands, you just gotta know where to look. I know of a few and I ain't tellin'.



Might Stick Around
May 13, 2011
Cuba is an awesome place to smoke. Especially Havana. Rumor has it their cigars are not to shabby either.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 22, 2010
Unlcearthur I dont know how close you are to La Crosse but there is a tobacconist there that smoking is aloud, so Wisconsin is not as bad as you think.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 9, 2011
My local B and M in brick,nj and JR cigar in whippany ,nj both provide rooms and or in jr s case a bar and restaurant for smokers.

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