Pictures of the Girl I Was With When My Avatar Pic Was Taken

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Nov 21, 2011
Hey smokey, glad you had the flatline; it's essential. Also glad you had the stock.
Mine had the flatline, the M-16 collapsible stock, E-Trigger (so it goes auto on the first pull, but it had like 20 modes, for no damn reason), and a cyclone upgrade. I would have killed for that RAP4 M203.
Started on the Splatmaster Rapide, then to an SL-68 when they came out, and Tippmann ever since. Always had a paint grenade in my left cargo pocket, and a smoke in the right. Will watch the vids later, people coming over right now.



Nov 25, 2012
locopony must have been reading my mind

i would never think of posting pics of the ex girlfriends

Guess I don't understand the point of showing off what "used" to be yours

Not being a dick just trying to understand, she is beautiful and all but WHY???



Nov 21, 2011
@loco, and @05:
My bros! @loco, both the blonde and the brunette are the same girl, Dawn was her name.
Here's why. I found some pics of Dawn on my pc and am posting them because I think she's damn beautiful! I thought you'd enjoy seeing her; Dawn my old friend is beautiful.
She wasn't my girlfriend but our secretary. She played paintball with me one time. We were buddies, we did other things, true. All I said was, here's some pictures of the girl that was with me when my avatar pic was taken; I hope you like them.
Yeah, I'm proud that a girl that beautiful ever showed an interest in me; I'm not in her league. I was hoping you'd be impressed and say Go Dave; Good Job. Hey loco, she was 26, not 12, but had the same values as me.
I believe what my old teachers used to say when they said 90% of your communication is non-verbal.



Nov 21, 2011
Guys, six has it. I found some old pics of Dawn on my pc and think she's beautiful so I wanted to share. That's it. You bet I'm proud a girl that pretty would go out with me.
@duckfat yeah I miss her. That's normal. See guys, I knew her, and we really got along. She wasn't just a pretty face to me. She laughed a lot. She was extremely low maintenance - she would crawl around in the mud playing paintball with you, you could take her camping, she would wear the party dress and go to the fancy restaurant, just whatever. Before she got fired and left, she was going to take me indoor rock climbing and I was going to take her skydiving.
Shit, now I am pining. Insert lone wolf sound here. duckfat, you saw those pics before from me eh? You're getting a PM brother :)



Sep 1, 2011
Next time you meet a girl with those qualities, put a ring on her finger. A woman who is that cool, low maintenance, and pretty is hard to find.



Sep 1, 2011
It is all relative Ghost. Relationships are a package deal. A friend once told me," you will never figure out all women. You do have a good shot at figuring out one though." If she doesn't create drama from nothing. She is a catch.

Aug 14, 2012
simnettpratt: She is cute dude. The girl I was with at the time my new avatar was taken is the avatar. Avatar is an interesting appropriation by the computer community. The word is, I am told, from the sanskrit avatara, meaning to descend. It is used by the Hindus for the body, or person into which God has descended. That means a person who is an incarnation of God, such as Rama and Krishna, and the more recent Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886).



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Man, this thread got legs. A testament to the original photos, no doubt. LOL. I have mixed feelings about avatars and the whole anonymity of the internet. My feeling has always been to show my true face in my avatar. A image for the words to stand by, so to speak. Plus I like seeing whom I'm addressing. But I know I'm in the minority in this.

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