Pauls Pipe Shop- Flint MI

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Dec 5, 2021
Western Caccalack Hinterlands
If you haven’t tried Paul’s blends you really should IMO.

Get those online orders or call ins ready for Monday. A recent news spot with Paul’s owner about construction affecting their foot traffic in the store.

Support your local pipe ecosystem and the B&M network at large. If you haven’t tried Arrowhead it’s time to pick up the phone or stop in. 96 years this year if I do believe.

9-6 Monday-Sat


Jan 7, 2020
This was from a few months back and I think they’re doing better. The adjacent building was bought and is going to be worked on which is what Dan, the owner, was hoping for. He’ll now be able to do the repairs he was wanting to do knowing that his building will not be affected by the decay of the adjacent ones.

But yeah, they could still use the business so get in there (or on the phone) and order some tobacco!
Jul 26, 2021
Arrowhead has been a long time favorite now. Tobaccoreviews has some good commentary on their other high quality blends, aromatic and English alike. I’m calling this week. Any recommendations for other blends you like?
Paul's specializes in aromatics. They have quite the bar of blends and a great descriptions online.

The Private Blend speaks to me because I want to try a ginger ale blend. Seminole also speaks to me based on the variety of liqueurs.


Dec 5, 2021
Western Caccalack Hinterlands
Paul's specializes in aromatics. They have quite the bar of blends and a great descriptions online.

The Private Blend speaks to me because I want to try a ginger ale blend. Seminole also speaks to me based on the variety of liqueurs.
I’m making an order for private blend this week too. Never tried a ginger ale anything before but I like Paul’s aromatics just as much as I do Boswell and Mcranies.

Any other “must have” Pauls blends before I pull the trigger?