PAD Kicking In.... Big Time. And It's MINE MINE MINE!!!

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Jan 8, 2013
Man I feel like I struck gold with this pipe :D I wasn't expecting so many people to feel about the same about it as I do. Well, it shipped today and the estimated delivery date is the 15th! I don't know if it will actually get here that soon, as i was expecting it would be closer to a week (they said 5 to 7 business days)but I'm rubbing my hands together like a kid in the candy store right now lol :) :) :) I'll keep you all posted.

Jan 8, 2013
Cigrmaster, I don't believe I've ever seen an Eltang.... gonna have to look one up now.
8O Ok saw some

Jan 8, 2013
I just tracked my pipe and it arrived in Dallas yesterday 8O Good lord, it's practically right next door! I'm in Fort Worth! It's like half an hour away from me! I'm totally freaking out because I know it will definitely be in my hands tomorrow :) :) :) Sometimes I really wish the mail moved on Sundays lol. Well it's all good because by the time I get home from work tomorrow, I'll be doing this..... :puffy:



Jul 5, 2013
While we continue to wait for the 1st smoke report, can someone define PAD and TAD to me?
EDIT: I just found a very informative sidebar called....
Abreviations and Terminology
. Go figure! I feel very edumakated now. Please disregard my request.

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