Northern Briars Update

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A few weeks back, someone had suggested on another thread that Ian Walker of Northern Briars was going to stop making pipes, which sent me into panic mode, because I just love his work. So, I asked Skip at The Briary if he had heard this, because he carries his pipes and seems to know a lot about Mr. Walker. Yesterday, I was in The Briary when Skip reminded me that I had asked about Mr. Walker, and he said that Ian had contacted him and was slowing down pipe production temporarily because of some health issues with his wife. But, that Ian expects to be releasing more pipes very soon for the Christmas season, and will step back up production as soon as his personal life allows.
This came as a relief because I just love his work and at the price point, you just cannot beat it.

Anyways, I just thought that I would pass it on, for those who appreciate the Northern Briars pipes.
Anyways, I am sending prayers and good thoughts out to Ian Walker and his family.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I would assume this means he probably won't be at the West Coast Show this weekend. I love drooling over the pipes at his table. Hope the better half gets better soon.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 31, 2015
Very good Man. I have 3 of his pipes. There is a good supply of Northern Briars at pipes2smoke if anyone is interested.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 4, 2014
Thanks for that Cosmic, sad to hear of the Walkers trouble. I have never met Mr aWalker but listening to him on the recent radio show he came across as very pleasant fellow, and I'm sure a bowl and an ale in his company would a good time had.

I have one of his pipes,which was my first 'proper pipe'. It's an equal favorite with my Ferndown. A sea urchin is on my would love to own list.

I wish them both my best.



Jan 28, 2010
Chester County, PA
Ian Walker has been a champ slow smoker, IIRC. I've met both him and his wife at pipe shows - I believe the first was one of the NY/Newark shows. Sending good thoughts to both of them.




Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 16, 2014
When Ian and I spoke he said his wife was doing better and he started making pipes again. His wife had a heart operation and recovering nicely. If you cant find what you are looking for you can contact him directly for a bespoke pipe. He is great to deal with.



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
He and his wife are very nice people, I've met and talked with them several times at the Columbus shows over the years. As mentioned previously his pipes are an excellent value and well made, I only have one, but it sees a lot of use. I wish her the best and hope for a full and quick recovery.

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