Nicotine sensitive people, why do you smoke a pipe?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 13, 2014
Michigan, USA
I'm Curious,
For the calming effects? And if so, then why not look else where for the experience? I'm asking because I have quit chewing tobacco and a big reason I smoke a pipe is for the nicotine that I am now addicted to. However I will admit the calming effects are nice but it come froms the nicotine.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I started with the pipe. Never smoked cigarettes or cigars or chewed or dipped etc., so in the beginning I had a very low tolerance for nicotine. In the beginning, as it still is today, for me it was all about the relaxation and flavor. I've never smoked a pipe for the nicotine. It's always been the ritual and relaxation as well as an appreciation for the artistry of the pipes themselves.



Feb 15, 2015
"For the calming effects? And if so, then why not look else where for the experience?"
What a nonsense thread. Why do we even have beer or wine as Everclear has more alcohol? Threads like this are disconcerting, a complete waste of server space. Troll thread.



Nov 18, 2013
For the calming effects? And if so, then why not look else where for the experience?
Because the most effective and safer alternative is not considered appropriate to do in public.



Oct 14, 2014
I don't care a whit for the mood altering effects of nicotine I like the taste of pipe tobacco and enjoy messing around with the smoke. I'm not and have never been a cig-chew-snuff-suppository user. I do appreciate the benefits of nicotine with respect to neurological health. I am not addicted to nicotine and often go weeks or months without smoking with no deleterious effects or cravings.



Feb 13, 2015
I'm not sure what you mean by "nicotine sensitive". If you are so sensitive to nic that you spin, turn green, and hack up your chowder every time you smoke a pipe, then stop. If you occasionally run into a nic bomb that bothers you, that's a whole 'nother thing. A lot of pipe smokers actually seek out lower-nic blends because they like the FLAVOR, not the nic punch.



Feb 13, 2015
Hey bigpond- If you've got a line on some of those nicotine suppositories, I'm sure we could work out a trade. I've got a pretty good cellar, but nothing in that particular "cut"! :lol:



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
I smoke a pipe for the various flavors of the tobaccos, not for the nicotine. The same with why I like to drink scotch, bourbon, tequila, wine etc. I like the flavors, I don't drink it just for the alcohol. I eat different foods for the flavors, not just for the nutrition. And, all these things can be relaxing...



Jul 21, 2015
If you've got a line on some of those nicotine suppositories
So THAT'S why they make tobacco in ropes. 1" cuts I bet.
I smoke a pipe for the various flavors of the tobaccos
I smoke a pipe for:
* Flavor

* Contemplation

* The habit (replacing candy or constant eating like most people do, not that there's anything wrong with that... yum)

* Nicotine
I want the whole package.
I am Nicotine sensitive, but over the years, I've mostly gotten over it and enjoy a fair number of strong tobaccos.
I think I'm happiest puffing slowly on Royal Yacht or OJK (or another of this type) all day :)



Oct 14, 2014
Hey bigpond- If you've got a line on some of those nicotine suppositories, I'm sure we could work out a trade. I've got a pretty good cellar, but nothing in that particular "cut"! :lol:
Try a skoal bandit and you'll be convinced your mouth wasn't the orifice they intended.



Feb 6, 2013
Try a skoal bandit and you'll be convinced your mouth wasn't the orifice they intended.
I NEVER thought of audio-ingestion... that's a neat idea! You were, of course, referring to the ear, weren't you 'Pond?
-- Pat



Feb 21, 2013
I don't smoke for the nic. I seem to have pretty good tolerance, so when I encounter it, it's pleasant but not something I need. I inherited this from Mom, who loved the drama of cigarettes, but let every pack she ever bought go stale. She just didn't crave it. My dad smoked a pipe constantly, so he was probably hooked, although he stuck with Granger, a fairly low-nic blend. Anyone who is nic sensitive can probably find excellent blends they like with little nicotine, whether aromatic or non-aro. Plenty of really mild loose tobaccos and flakes/plugs. You just have to be alert and aware and read the descriptions and reviews. People who react badly to all nicotine should not try to do any tobacco; they may get addicted to something that makes them ill.



Can't Leave
Aug 1, 2013
nicotine hits me big time - if i smoke too fast & exhale thru the nose every puff for more flavor then the higher nic tobaccos let my ENTIRE body know what malaria is like.

some companies are nic higher like solani or erinmore or rope tobacco - then i went gung-ho on solani aged burley boy was it good - i paid - heat started legs then all the way to shoulders & head - dizzy big time - a few pieces of fruit & it was gone 3 min - otherwise sometimes 1/2 hour.

some like the nic hit not me but i know if i get too much of a hit i smoked too fast - fruit or chocolate gets rid of it fast - nic does not like sugar.
fruit or chocolate - thats the key - nice to be a chocoholic.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 13, 2014
Michigan, USA
Jackswilling, I think you are a waste of thread. Now that doesn't hurt my feelings... Go to bed jack.. With out dinner too.

This forum has always been loaded with nicotine-denyers. I have no idea why someone would turn their backs on Our Lady of Nicotine. Damn shame. I say lay big boughs of burley upon her alter and recite the psalms of flakes. Embrace it! Own it! Yeh, you guys can go days without your pipes. Good for you. If I haven't put fire to bowl by noon, I start chewing people's head and leaving behind a trail of carnage.

I just have two vices left, pipes full of good nicotine laden tobacco and shootin' my mouth on this forum. Neither has killed me... yet, ha ha!!



Jul 21, 2015
I just have two vices left
That's impressive for this day and age.
I love Nicotine. I think it has solid cognitive benefits.
Is it a substitute for spirituality, or inner calm, or anything else? No, but I do not intend it to be. I am not a victim no matter how much I have misgivings about the direction of the world or its current condition.
I just like it. The fact that it comes in delicious tobacco blends in tasty pipe smoke is an added bonus.
Also, I like habits. I like fiddling with a pipe, loading it, caring for it and even naming it ("George" for my current pipe). It gives me something to do while I am planning world domination.

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