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Sep 23, 2009
Been around for forever. Just finally got around to posting. I am a High School teacher from NW Middle Tn. Been smoking for almost 25 years now, mostly English blends in English pipes.





May 10, 2012
Hi everyone!

Just smoked my first bowl about 3 weeks ago, been enjoying it a lot. A local smoke shop started me off with a cherry cavendish. :D



May 10, 2012
Hi guys,
my name is Bo, and I come from Denmark! Just dicovered your lovely looking forum through a Google search...
I've been smoking a pipe since 1986 when I went to grammar school. I got an old Dunhill Root Briar (group 4 Billiard with a long mouthpiece)from my father as one of my first pipes. Still have it..smokes like a dream; she's my baby. Since then, I have been collecting pipes like a maniac, especially Dunhill pipes (have 202 of them now) plus meerschaum pipes (gotta love those) and a Danish speciality: the Royal Copenhagen pipes that were made in the early 1970ies after our late King Frederik IX had his birthday in 1971.
I look forward to chatting and have a nice pipe of tobacco with you... currently, my favourites are Peterson's "Irish Flake", Dunhill's "Nightcap", Capstan "Gold Navy Cut", Gawith & Hoggarth "Dark Flake" plus Condor "Original Long Cut" (latter is SO flavoured that I only use selected pipes for that specific "baccy").
See you on the forums!



May 10, 2012
Hello all!
New guy here, I have been smoking a pipe for about 3 years now. Got my first one (Viking classic bulldog in sandblast) at Grant's pipe shop in downtown San Francisco.

I live in San Francisco, California, and in my spare time I like to ride bikes, skate and cook good delicious vegan food. (yup thats right, a vegan pipe smoker!)
Being in SF its incredibly hard to smoke indoors but I manage a bowl or 5 every week. I started with light aromatics quickly moving to VaPers and then English blends only. But as of this year I've been smoking about,

1/4 Straight Virginias

1/4 VaPer's

1/4 English

1/4 Aromatics
Just placed a order to and should be receiving next week a Savenilli churchwarden and a Tsuge Mizki dublin. I plan on the Churchwarden being a indoor only pipe if i ever get the chance to smoke indoors!
Anyways, Thanks!



May 8, 2012
Hello Group!
Finally decided to join after checking out the site weekly for the last 1.5yrs. Just wonderful information on pipes, tobacco, history, philosophy, etc.
Bit of background. I am 43 and have recently returned to my pipes (and added more via ebay) in January 11'. Had many great uncles and a grandfather who smoked pipes when they were still very popular in the 70s and early 80s. I decided to get my first pipe, a Dr. Grabow, as a sophomore in university in 1988. I always loved the aroma and shapes. The Grabow was okay and the Thrifty drugstore rum and maple mixture was just a scorcher to my mouth so I dabbled around. Finally picked up a decent Italian model (low grade basket pipe) at the original Tinder Box in Santa Monica from Mr. Koplin himself. He was really kind to a young kid like me, and taught me a few tricks in his store. I have kept that pipe to this day but rarely used now because it is ghosted with aromatics that I no longer can stand. I ignored the pipe for 12 years before coming back to it after stumbling across this website in November 10'. What an inspiration! I quickly inter-library loaned through my university (oh yeah, I am a Professor of Geography at a California State University campus) Hacker's and Newcombe's books on pipes and pipe tobacco to really learn about the tradition and blends. Well, I am back as an English/Balkan/Scottish blend pipster with the occasional flake, and now up to six pipes in the garage rack.
Really great to have, Pipes and Tobaccos magazine, and on the web as a resource. Really valuable for a returning newbee, who only has time to smoke a pipe 3 times a week...outside!




May 10, 2012
Hey everyone

Ive only been smoking pies for maybe 3 or 4 months, was a big cigar smoker before that. I've accumulated a modest collection of pipe tobacco and a few pipes. Im always on the lookout for another pipe though.
I still love my cigars that's for sure but once you get used to to whole pipe thing and start really tasting the tobacco its more convenient. Plus the flavors you get from pipes it totally different then cigars, one cant replace the other.



May 9, 2012
Hey All, new pipe smoker (as of Wednesday). Finally broke down at 32 and decided to try, an I can tell I'm going to enjoy it.
Just have two questions for the advanced smokers:
1. I am lighting a lot and don't want to burn my pipe anymore than I have on my first 2 smokes. Any suggestions on how to keep my bowl going and smoke/enjoy longer?
2. What are some good aromatic blends to begin with? I have tried something called a 1Q so far, but looking for some expert advise. Also are there any tobaccos you would recommend that will help me to "relax" (which is a main reason I'll be smoking on occasion - to relax and soothe the mind/body)?
Thanks a bunch, and I really am excited about my pipe and future smokes. I hope to get some great feedback from the vets (as I am eager to learn and enjoy the art to its fullest).



May 11, 2012
Hey all!
Names Brian, recently got into pipe smoking with a few friends of mine after venturing to a local cigar store which sells store blended fresh pipe tobacco. Anyways Im probably the youngest pipe smoker for miles considering im 18, but oh well I love it! and nothings better then pulling up in the school parking lot with a pipe hanging out of my mouth! Besides pipes I also play guitar and worship Bob Dylan. Looking forward to reading up on things and sharing any questions!



Apr 13, 2012
Greetings from The North Pole, the land of The Midnight Sun, grizzly bears, huge moose, more American Bald Eagles than the rest of the states combined, and one grumpy, old pipe smoking combat veteran who's retired from 20 years in the U.S. Army Infantry and still hasn't found that 'perfect tobacco'.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 13, 2010
Hello from Slovenia! I'm on this great forum for two years but have been just reading it so far.

I'm in my 30is, smoking for a few years almost exclusively viriginia and Va/Pers

My fav: McClelland Blackwoods, Dark Star, #22, 5100, Samuel Gawith FVF, BBF, Escudo, Solani 633...



May 15, 2012
Hey Guys Canadian here!!
Been looking around these forums for awhile now I'm a member yay me!! :)
I've only been smoking pipe for a month and i love it, I come from cigarettes and I prefer the pipe. I have a Parker pipe and I recently purchased a Medico which I'm not the fondest of but I'm sure I'll grow into it. Just wanted to drop a quick line. Now off to work I go. Super stoked to be here guys and I'll leave my YouTube channel link at the bottom for you to check out.



Might Stick Around
May 12, 2012
I'm a new member. I've smoked a pipe off and on for about 14 years (I'm 37). Within the last two years I have gotten a bit more serious about the hobby and I'm enjoying it immensely. Early on I smoked aromatics and now find myself wandering into the more traditional tobaccos. As of late I'm really enjoying McClelland's Black Woods Flake and Frog Morton On the Town.
I'm glad to be a member and look forward to reading your posts!



Can't Leave
Jan 10, 2012
hello my friends, greetings from Minnesota. I have been smoking a pipe off an on now since I was in high school. I'm 65 years old now so that tells you that I'm not new to pipes. Had about 35 pipes burned in the fire, destroyed them all so now I'm rebuilding my collection. I have about 35 pipes now. Many of those I haven't smoked it. For many years I've smoked hand rolled cigars from the Dominican Republic. I still love a fine cigar but it got to be too expensive, I went back to pipes.
I don't know exactly how I found this website but when I did I signed up immediately because these are my kind of people. I found it very enjoyable and I spend many hours reading about everybody's tobaccos, and pipes.
I've been a member for a few months now but just now got around to introducing myself. Better late than never I guess.
I'll have to take a picture of my pipes in the display case and put it on the forum here so everybody can see what I got so far. I'm not done buying pipes as I always find something new that I like and feel I have to have it to add to my collection. It's a pretty harmless hobby for an old man.
I'm married for 40 years to the same beautiful woman I met when I got out of the Navy., Vietnam veteran of 13 years. I ride motorcycles and try to plan on as many miles as I can. It's a Suzuki intruder LC 1500. I bought it brand-new in 2002.I think I'm added a Victory Motorcycle to my collection. I took one out for a test drive last summer and fell in love with I'll be looking to get one of those in the next month or so.
I have two children a boy and a girl both in their 30s now. Got two grandchildren, so life's been good to me.
I love handguns and shooting. Always look forward to going to the range and going to the gun club. I'm also a licensed concealed carry instructor. So I keep myself busy. I'm a machinist by trade, worked mainly with Boeing in Seattle and many of its subcontractors around the country. I retired back when I was 62 because of heart problems. My wife is 10 years younger than I, so I spent all my days by myself because she's at work. That's why going for long bike rides is very nice and soothing.I can stop along the way have something to drink, fill my bowl and have a nice smoke and enjoy the day.
I got a question for the administrator, how can I search the forum without having to go through every single page for like, if I'm looking for a specific tobacco to comment on. I see many posts in duplication. I've clicked on the search tab for the forum but it doesn't appear to do anything. Any help Would be appreciated.
I saw a beautiful young woman the other day smoking a Fuentes Opus X cigar in one of our B&M shops. I told her she had a nice ash. She laughed. That just goes to show you that people that smoke fine cigars or smoke pipes are a totally different breed of people than those who smoke cigarettes. That's my opinion of course.
So my friends, long ashes to you and May your Bowls never be empty.



May 17, 2012
Hey all new to the hobby/world of pipe smoking. I bought my first Pipe about a month ago ,a Missouri Meerschaum Legend. Has been good so far except it's getting foul( will talk in appropriate forum about this). I do find it is enjoyable and relaxing! My favorite tobacco so far is Milan Tobacconists Sunset Rum. Only smOked it twice but was very happy with it.



May 17, 2012
Hi Everyone! I'm Matt from Ottawa, Canada. I've been visiting this site pretty much daily for quite awhile now, and I have no idea why it's taken me so long to register. I'd like to start by retroactively thanking everyone for the great info I've picked up here already, and I look forward to posting going forward...
Right now, I'm getting ready to start my first real set of restoration projects as I went a little nutty at an antique store this week and picked up 6 estate pipes in varying conditions. I'll post before and after pics as I get into it.
Also, I'm really into guitars (playing and repairs) and the paranormal. (Hence the name, but it could also apply to what my aromatics do to my pipes of course...) :wink:

May 19, 2012
Hello from Washington State. I've been a member of the Seattle Pipe Club for a few years. I enjoy my Peterson system pipes most right now, especially when filled with escudo or any of the many fine 4 noggins blends.

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