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Sep 1, 2011
Good to see new blood. Some times I wonder where some of the older fellas went to?



Feb 6, 2013
There is something about this forum... I lurked for a while before I joined, and then just jumped in to posting. I still lurk on a few other different pipe forums but haven't gotten up the gumption to join and post in them.
I think this has a lot to do with the tone and energy of the different forum communities. There is a welcoming and inviting feel to the tone of the Pipe Magazine forums. I've never seen someone egregiously shot down in a thread here, and certainly haven't seen the kind of nasty and petty bickering that exists in other places.
You all should applaud yourselves for keeping this forum friendly. This is the kind of place that helps newbies feel welcome.
-- Pat



Jul 27, 2012
I think this has a lot to do with the tone and energy of the different forum communities. There is a welcoming and inviting feel to the tone of the Pipe Magazine forums. I've never seen someone egregiously shot down in a thread here, and certainly haven't seen the kind of nasty and petty bickering that exists in other places.
You all should applaud yourselves for keeping this forum friendly. This is the kind of place that helps newbies feel welcome.
There have been some minor blow-ups (who can forget the big corncob vs briar debate we had!) but for a group of very diverse set of people, I think this forum handles things really well.
And kudos to Kevin and the mods for keeping religion and politics out of the discussion - it's been proven to me to be a good call on their part.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
I think pipinho may be onto something. I've noticed a number of new members here in the past two weeks and a noticable drop in activity on other forums. I guess Kevin has the right package here!



Mar 27, 2013
I'm a new member!! I'm trying to post regularly too, Its nice to have some people to chat with about pipe smoking as none of my real world friends appreciate it. :-(
especially nice if I'm having a day from hell at work, I get to come on here at lunch. If I cant smoke in my office, at least I can read the reviews and imagine I'm smoking those tobaccos. :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 10, 2013
Hi--- I'm a new member, but I don't have any pipes yet. I have ordered a bunch of them on Ebay, they haven't arrived yet. I've put in orders with two of your sponsors, that hasn't arrived yet. I haven't smoked a pipe in 10 years, but I'm going back to them so I can cut down on these Nicaraguan cigerettes.

I have been chatting with another member on PM. And yesterday I went to send him 25 Cohiba, they are 7 inches by 3/4 inch, forgot the name other than Cohiba made in Havana. cigars as a gift. They cost $45 for 25 of them here. Took them to the post office here and they refused to let me send them out. Sending tobacco in Nicaragua by mail is prohibited. Receiving tobacco by mail here is OK. Today I'll try to find a parcel delivery service that isn't prohibitly expensive. There I have posted.



Mar 1, 2013
I think this has a lot to do with the tone and energy of the different forum communities. There is a welcoming and inviting feel to the tone of the Pipe Magazine forums. I've never seen someone egregiously shot down in a thread here, and certainly haven't seen the kind of nasty and petty bickering that exists in other places.
You all should applaud yourselves for keeping this forum friendly. This is the kind of place that helps newbies feel welcome.
Being so new I felt if I posted something it would sound dumb, but many of the "regulars" were always saying that there aren't any stupid questions. I am sure my first post was very basic but was answered politely and had a welcoming feel to it. Hopefully more of the noob's (now that I am over 260 something posts I won't call myself a noob any longer) will also get that feeling of camaraderie and post questions and/or comments, and PICS. DEFINITELY PICS.



Might Stick Around
Apr 11, 2013
I'm a very new member, and have posted a few things, but to be honest I'll think of something, do a quick search and the information has already been provided by the members on here. So I suppose if you want us "noob's" to post more you should hide the search button :D



Can't Leave
Apr 16, 2013
Being one of those new members, I'll echo the senitment that it was the quality of information and the helpfulness of the forums that induced me to sign-up.
Plus, reading the forums really help pass the time between bowls! :puffy:



Mar 28, 2013
I have to say I'm in the same boat as gisboro (not about hiding the search bar) I think sometimes us newbies just don't have enough experience to say much that isn't already talked through a couple dozen times.

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