Need some feedback on tobacco taste/enjoyment:

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Mar 20, 2014
I'm looking for feedback from primarily the more experienced, everyday pipe smoker but I'm not limiting it to just those types as I welcome ALL the answers that I can get.
I'm curious if others ever experience what I've gone through over the last several days as it relates to tobacco taste. We are dealing with the same 3 open tins of English/Balkan blends and they are being smoked in a rotation of both high to mid grade briar as well as a couple cobs thrown in for good measure. The blends in question are Dunhills EMP, Ashton's Artisan and Bill Baileys Balkan Blend. I generally start my mornings with coffee and a bowl of EMP, the rest of the day and evening depending on what life throws at me will usually allow for another pipeful or 2 of one or both of the remaining blends.

Everything was going along swimmingly up until this past weekend when suddenly, without warning, I stopped tasting the tobacco!! What I mean is that the usual sweet and nutty bursts of flavor just weren't happening for me. It was as if all my tobacco had gone through the washing machine or something got sprayed on it, I don't know what it was. I became mindful of my packing ritual, my cadence, breathing, etc. and before you ask, yes, all my pipes were clean as they always are. All this was going on for like 4 days and then this morning rolls around and I load a LaRocca billiard of mine up with EMP, grab my coffee and go out on the porch to enjoy the morning and BAM! It's like I hit the pipe smoking lottery! All the tastes and nuances that make us think and talk and write about pipes and smoking are coming through in high definition, it's almost dream like. Determined to make sure this was not some kind of anomoly, after finishing my first pipe of the day and running some errands, I load up my Radice billiard with some Artisans blend and WOW! It was like I was tasting this delicious tobacco for the first time again ( it is a wonderful blend) and so it went for the rest of the day. I'm enjoying the same blend in a cob right now and will consider another, it's been that kind of a day.
My question to all of you is this, has this ever happened to you and if so, what's your explanation? I just can't pin down why my taste or perception of taste for my pipe tobacco just dried up on me and this has happened before but not for a while. I'm not getting a cold or any other illness (that I'm aware of) and food and drink tasted normal while this all going on as well. I'm interested in hearing what others have to say about this kind of phenomenon.



Feb 13, 2013
This is one of the mysteries of smoking a pipe, that's all I can say.



Can't Leave
Feb 25, 2014
I'm onboard with the guys here. Sometimes is just doesn't work out and you can never seem to understand why. I keep a good variety of baccy around for when I run into situations like this.



Jan 21, 2014
Thanks for the post setterbrace - I'm going through exactly the same thing at the moment. I smoke a range of tobacco from HU Dockworker through GLP Chelsea Morning and C&D Morning Drive to Dunhill Navy Rolls and taste is currently extremely variable. Not happy but know I have to sit it out until my body sorts itself out. One thing I do do when I get this is work to avoid anything that might bite my tongue or affect my taste buds. But otherwise it's just wait.



Mar 20, 2014
Glad to see that it's not just me. One thing that I'm thinking may have contributed to the flatness or lackluster performance of my favorite tobaccos is over smoking. I may have been putting in too much time puffing now that the weather is ever so slowly starting to break and behave like Spring. A little tongue rest may have been the ticket.



Dec 12, 2012
The good news is that now that you've experienced it, you know there's "light at the end of the tunnel." If/when it happens in the future, you'll know that it will just be a temporary thing.
There are so many variables that can affect our pipe smoking experiences, though: Weather, temperature, mood, our last meal/beverage, general health (things can taste significantly different, say, if you're coming down with a cold), tongue fatigue. And that's not even touching on everything on the pipe/tobacco side. Some blends just work better in certain pipes. Maybe your pipes needed more of a rest than they'd been getting. And "maybe" a whole bunch of other things!
If there's any advice I could offer, it would be to maybe include more variety in your tobaccos. I realize some folks can smoke the same blend day-in, day-out. That's not my style, though; I keep six or seven different blends going and enjoy switching between them as my moods dictate. That might help keep things "fresh" for you. Since you clearly enjoy Balkan/English blends, maybe consider throwing in a matured VA or a VA flake to change things up. Or anything else that doesn't fall into the Balkan/English camp. I'm thinking that the variety can help to keep your taste buds on their toes. (So to speak.)



Can't Leave
Feb 17, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
You are most definitely not alone. Some smokes just don't seem to "deliver" or they do so intermittently - first half might be a bit bland and then about half way through all the goodness starts to come through. My best guess is that it has to do with body chemistry, what we have (or haven't) had to eat or drink that day and/or a number of other unknown variables.
That said, when it's good IT IS VERY GOOD!



Mar 20, 2014
Some great feedback and to rmbittners advice to expand the selection, I like the concept. I do occasionally dip into my stash of well aged VaPer (Haddo's) and it does shake things up as far as taste goes. Another weird thing I've noticed over time is that when I smoke a newer or different blend for a while and then revert back to an old standby that I have jarred, it often tastes much different. Sometime it's a welcome, refreshing change and other times not so much. I get that this all part of the pipe smoking life and it's all good as far as that goes and I enjoy hearing other peoples take on it.



Dec 11, 2012
As noted, sometimes it's just your body reacting to things. I haven't had precisely this experience, but I have noticed that colds or an allergy attack will affect my senses of smell and taste (which are closely linked). When I had my tonsils taken out (at age 21...), things tasted funny for about 6 months - I thought I was never going to enjoy chocolate again, and was most thankful when my taste buds finally adjusted.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 26, 2013
I've noticed this phenomenon as well. What I attribute it to is tolerence, much like a person building up a tolerence to a medication or alcohol if you will. Only, in this case, your tastebuds building up a tolerence to your favorite blends. Much like rsuninv, I have several blends that I regularly smoke, and a few that I save for when I start to notice that loss of flavor.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2014
Good thread this.
I too have been pondering this during the past week. This weeks example is Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired. I first tried this blend exactly a week ago. From the second bowl I was in love with it. Same experience for the next few days. Just could not get enough of the stuff. This was a revelation for me because I generally do not get along with Mac Baren blends. (Tongue bite)
Then the day before yesterday I just could not get any pleasure from it. No matter how I packed it. No matter what pipe I smoked it in it just did not taste nice. It was pretty insipid and a little acrid which I know this blend is not. However I have to say there was no Mac bite.
Fast forward to last night when I tried it again and there it was again. Smooth, rich and delicious.
I have had this experience with almost every tobacco I have smoked. Artisans blend is indeed one of those. I find it a little frustrating if honest because just when I think I have found one I think I can smoke all the time this happens.
I put it down to several things. One is my inexperience(Nearly 2 Years) and another is body chemistry. An example of what I believe my body chemistry causing problems is what Dunhill has started doing to me. I used to love Nightcap and MM965 when I took up the pipe. However in the last few months they irritate my tongue like nothing else. I just can't smoke them because it's like being stabbed in the tongue with needles.
One thing I know that is not the cause is dirty pipes.
It is something that I have come to accept as one of the foibles of pipe smoking. The only thing I do is keep quite a few different blends in rotation and hope that time and experience makes this a more rare occurrence. Only time will tell I believe.



Mar 20, 2014
At the risk of hijacking my own thread I'd like to ask how many of you actually "taste" your briar? I've only recently become aware of what I was tasting only because I started smoking cobs quite regularly. I can say honestly that I now have a tremendous amount of respect for those inexpensive MM brand instruments and I'm also convinced that the act of smoking them has heightened my enjoyment of my briar pipes. With the cob I can taste just the tobacco. With a well made, cared for briar, I can amplify the subtle flavor changes brought out in the blend. I also think that just discussing things along the lines of the OP helps me with my perception of the blend I'm smoking. Keep it coming!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 3, 2013
I'm real glad a thread like this popped up because I am going through that "taste disappearance" thing right now.
A few weeks back, I was enjoying all my blends in rotation. Then one day last week, it felt like my tongue had gone bland. I couldn't taste any of the tobaccos I smoked - absolutely nothing. Not the aromatics I liked, not the englishes. It was strange. To this day, I had a bowl of northwoods last night, and I still couldn't taste anything.



Mar 20, 2014
I'm real glad a thread like this popped up because I am going through that "taste disappearance" thing right now.
A few weeks back, I was enjoying all my blends in rotation. Then one day last week, it felt like my tongue had gone bland. I couldn't taste any of the tobaccos I smoked - absolutely nothing. Not the aromatics I liked, not the englishes. It was strange. To this day, I had a bowl of northwoods last night, and I still couldn't taste anything.
Interesting, I'll be curious how long it takes you to get back to your baseline. I don't know if it turned things around for me or not but what I did after my last un-fulfilling smoke was to just back off a bit. I gave every one of my pipes a thorough scrubbing/cleaning and let them all rest for a whole day before loading the next bowl that was due in my rotation. I also made it a point to slow down on everything in my process, from drying, packing, charring light to true light and stayed focused on my smoking cadence as to not push things and smoke too hot. So far, so good. I wish you luck as well.



Might Stick Around
Mar 19, 2014
My first tobacco (Balkan Sasieni) is doing this right now, still great, but not like the first few bowls (first few bowls of pipe tobacco ever)

Thankfully I am going to the post office to pick up my Brown Bogie and Dunhill Nightcap. (Arrgh! Torrow after 1:00 form says)
I feel like girlscout getting a new badge, or a pin, or whatever the hell they wear, I don't know, I was never a girlscout, but I was a Cub Scout before..

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