Nasty bug

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Feb 21, 2013
Spring/summer colds. This one's a chest cold. I suspect I caught it at a doctor's office since we've been to several lately, and that's where people take the persistent ones. This one starts as a chest cold, mostly stays there. It was slow, so when it finally became productive (sorry but that' where you spit mucus) I thought it was over. I drink lots of liquids, nap, do cough syrup. If something like this shows up, over-treat it. It lets you go about your business to a degree, but then it doesn't go away. Not bidding for sympathy, just want to give others a chance to knock it down sooner.



May 23, 2018
Feel better soon. I just got over a head cold. Sleeping with a Vick's Vaporizer seems to help me.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
Sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well. I have a compromised immune system so when I get sick, I get SICK and it stays forever. One thing that has helped tremendously is taking a liposomal vitamin C, it really absorbs and boosts immunity. If you’re already sick as you are, you can take it in higher doses to help your body fight off the heeby geebies.



Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Well at least it gives you more time to post if you are getting some rest!
Personally, I am SICK of being sick. The kids are always getting it from somewhere, school, church, the air. I'll be happy when this round is all over and done with!



Feb 21, 2013
Not to belabor my gory details, but if anyone else encounters this sweetie-pie bug, we've had two friends who had similar problems. In many cases it seems to involve the ears if only as a side issue, but one friend had a temporary hearing impairment. I had some vertigo, but only getting up and down from bed, no wall-clutching. Another is on her third course of antibiotics over a month. Ugh. My wife got me a "matched set" of Day-Quil/Ni-Quil, and the pharmacist told me to drink a lot of water after taking it. I'm skeptical of OTC cures, but in this case, it has been effective in moving along the crud out of my chest. Before, it was slow and meagre, and with this treatment, it is moving right along. Just an option if you encounter this meanie. It doesn't punch you out; you'll go about your business for a week or two before you see you have anything more than a light chest cold. Hope no one else here does.



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
Dang, sorry, Tom. :(:( Hope you get better ASAP. I'm still fighting one I almost got a week or so ago. I say "almost" because it's a fairly mild one with a just barely-productive cough. The only annoyance is that the coughs come instantaneously at odd times & sometimes a spasm of 4-5 jabs of them in a few seconds. Annoying if I'm giving tours/talks, but at least it;'s no more than that.



Feb 21, 2013
Good news: I can sleep somewhat horizontal again; the cough is productive and supposedly clearing my chest; I'm eating and drinking lots of liquids; I have energy to do chores and run errands. Bad news is, usually when your chest clears, it's about two or three days of spitting, and it's over, fini. This one's a slow hike through a bad neighborhood, but seems headed in the right direction. The bug lets you go and do, so coddle yourself to get over it as soon as possible. I'm staying away from church because I don't want anyone else to catch this. I presume I'll read about it as a medical story in the newspaper or online next.



Feb 21, 2013
Maybe I'm over the hump, but I won't say so or it will start all over again. Now to help my wife through the process. At least we have the remedies. What a cussid chest bug. Don't know if it's a virus or bacteria, but guess bacteria.



Feb 21, 2013
After leading me through a gentle reconsideration of all of this, with no debate at all, but going over the details ... my wife has convinced me this was probably the flu after all, made a little less flu-like by our both having had the flu shot, the extra strength for seniors, early. The severity and the fact it dragged on so long makes me think that I've finally met the flu bug, after all these years. It is clearing, but oh so grudgingly, a day at a time. So maybe the flu shot didn't do me much good after all, or maybe it saved my life. I won't know that.

I noticed that I wasn't able to taste tobacco on Saturday, after receiving my order from smokingpipes. I woke up Sunday with a nasty cough, sore throat, and a headache. By Sunday night, I could feel a fever coming on. I went to the doctor this morning and tested positive for the flu. I started medicine today, and feel much better already, but I still have a fever. The doc says that I should be able to taste my tobacco by Saturday... :::sigh:::
I had the flu shot as well, but there is a different strain going about. I am glad that I had the shot, because there are worse cases of flu that has been going about this winter. But, I am quartentined to my bedroom by my wife, and she is spraying the house down with Lysol. One of my daughters has been working my field for me, and taking care of my garden today. She says that she will get me ready for the farmer's market this weekend. Hopefully, she will run my tables, because she will probably sell everything quicker than if I ran it with my ugly mug with a pipe, ha ha.
I hope you get back to 100% soon.



Feb 21, 2013
Cosmic, good for you to get to the doctor and have it addressed. I'd just been for my annual physical, and I take my wife to many appointments (where I perhaps encountered the bug) so I wasn't primed to go back for medical care. Hope things come along promptly for you. I think I have produced more mucus in the last weeks than i did the rest of my life. It's slow to go, but it diminishes each day. Still coughing and snorting somewhat, but in a less awful way. Like most guys, I don't like to even admit being sick, but do tend to it as necessary to avoid a longer bout. Someone joked that men don't go to the doctor unless something falls off -- grim joke but somewhat true.

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