My First Peterson-Thoughts About The Brand

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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
A lot has been said about the quality of Peterson Pipes, and I will admit that I had been hesitant to purchase one as a result. The St. Patrick's Day 2017 B56 billiard shape caught my eye and didn't let go, so I gave Peterson a shot. This is what I think based on this one pipe.
1) The bowl coating was applied a little heavy handed, but that was fixed with careful sanding.
2) The pipe's drilling is spot on, and easily passed a pipe cleaner.
3) Despite the large size of this piece, it clenched effortlessly, and didn't tire my jaw. (It's inaugural smoke lasted just shy of two hours.)
4) The outside of the bowl grew comfortably warm in hand, but never hot. No finish bubbling.
5) I could find no foul taste in the smoke, just the sweet SPD 2016 tobacco that was being smoked, with a very open draw and no gurgle.
6) The stem, though made of vulcanite, was a bit on the hard side for the material. Perhaps Peterson just uses a different type of vulcanite. Still very comfortable to clench.
7) Aesthetically, the pipe's shape and stain just blew me away. It's a very stocky chunk of briar with a cavernous chamber, and a gorgeous green stain for the holiday.
It would appear that Peterson has alleviated my factory made phobia caused by my Dunhill experience, and I will be buying more Irish pipes.



Can't Leave
Oct 16, 2013
I have no problem with my Petes. I think they probably have a problem rate no different than other factory pipes, but they sell a LOT of pipes and therefore you hear about more problems. And at this point it's almost taken on a momentum of its own and so the "Legend Of Crappy Pete" is out there waiting to be jumped on.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
A nice summary, I've not purchased a new Peterson in a few years. I used to use a towel dipped in alcohol to wipe out the bowl coating, that got most of it.



Can't Leave
Feb 11, 2017
London, England
In my few weeks on this forum I have gotten the impression that there was a brief time when Petes acquired a bad rep for quality. I also get the impression that the quality issues have largely been dealt with. If that is so, then people are perfectly safe with the more recent Petes.
Yours is gorgeous btw!



Dec 19, 2016
When I saw this thread I thought: My God! Not yet another Pete-bashing topic again! Glad you like your pipe, Duane. Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Jan 4, 2015
Pete bashing aside, I have over twenty in my collection and have never had a bad one through out the ranges. It always amazes me that someone will buy a $100 Pete and then complain it didn't meet the Dunhill standard. Frankly, if I were forced to make a choice I'd part with my Dunhills before my Petes. The Petersons are better smoking pipes.



May 25, 2012
Glad to hear the pipe was to your liking. My newest Pete (2012) has a particularly hard vulcanite stem as well.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 28, 2014
A good common sense review clear with no axe to grind. Thanks.



Feb 21, 2013
Rather than try to tell people who've had bad experiences with Petes that they're mistaken, or just drew a rare short straw, I think the simple and therefore likeliest explanation is that the Peterson people got swamped by their success and, yes, greedy, and pushed pipes out the door without appropriate care. Like many on Forums, I am happy with my six Petersons, bought new between three and six years ago. I like their design, the solidity and overall quality. Peterson undoubtedly heard from its customers and retailers about the shortcomings, and it seems things have gotten a lot better. Every pipe outfit will have the occasional flawed pipe, but Peterson has a large cohort of satisfied customers to entice and confound the doubters. My only admonition to Peterson is, guys and gals, don't screw up. chase', that is a beautiful pipe. I'm a fan of the straight billiard, and this is a classic.



May 29, 2011
I think Petersons are no better or worse than many mass produced pipes. The ascetic is unique, and the quality is good. Out of 16 Petes that I have owned, there was only one that I disliked, and it was an estate that I sold off. And people love them, which is why you don't ever see many Pete's languishing in the estate pipe market. Many are purchased as quickly as they get posted. My favorite one is a 999 Grafton that I got from a fellow in Romania.

My least favorite is a second from the 1940's: a Limerick 02 Oom Paul. It smokes well enough, but it has a inch long metal stinger that is embedded in the stem. No way to get a pipe cleaner past it, and I broke off the tip of the stinger trying to get it out. It's a nice looking pipe though, in a natural finish.

Like what you smoke, and smoke what you like. It applies to pipes as well as tobaccos. I don't think I would ever trade any of my Peterson's.



Feb 21, 2013
I have only one Peterson P-Lip, which I enjoy, but one is enough. I have a K-P rusticated author that took forever to get really good; it broke in, but not impressively. About two years later, it blossomed. Very strange, but now it's this great, broad-bowled, excellent cooker for any blend with three or more tobaccos. Some Petes may be awful, but mine have turned out outstanding.

Jan 8, 2013
Peterson has alleviated my factory made phobia caused by my Dunhill experience
I think you just melted some brains with that statement, Duane... :rofl:
Frankly, if I were forced to make a choice I'd part with my Dunhills before my Petes. The Petersons are better smoking pipes.
Gloucesterman... :rofl: Heads just exploded! :rofl:
I've had nothing but good experiences with my Petersons, and knowing that if there were a problem, that Peterson would replace the pipe, I have no worries with buying new ones. I'll be smoking my St. Patrick's Day 106 today with some of the 2016 blend.
Glad you're happy with your first Peterson, Duane. I hope it delivers a lifetime of wonderful smokes for you. :puffpipe:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 27, 2013
Love all my Pete's. Great pipes, great history. Nice review, congrats on a wonderful purchase…beautiful pipe!


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Thank you! Very hooked on the B56 shape. The bug to put together a seven day set of them together has started to bite.

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