MacBaren Original Choice

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Can't Leave
May 16, 2017
I'm finishing my second pouch of Original Choice and am interested what you experienced smokers think about it. It's advertised as good tobacco for beginners and it indeed burns nicely, no problems smoking it at all.

They also say it's a light aromatic and that's something I'd like to talk about.

I find it quite smelly, far away from light aroma. Nic hit is equal to none but it has a very specific taste and smell, reminds me of bazooka chewing gum. That smell is very persistent, specialy when smoking indoors, it also kind of ghoasts a pipe. I can't get rid of that not too pleasant smell from my nose, room and pipe for quite a while. It tastes much better than it smells so I like it from time to time.

What do you think, is it really that light?



Dec 29, 2016
Feel free to send me any unwanted Original Choice :)
It's a wonderful, smooth and mellow smoke for me. I've never had anything but compliments on the room note.
I would also add that this whole idea of aromatics being only for "beginners" is, in my opinion, hogwash.
On a more realistic note, I would jar it up and put it in the back of the cupboard (cellar). I somehow suspect you will return to it one day with a different perception.



Can't Leave
May 16, 2017
I would also add that this whole idea of aromatics being only for "beginners" is, in my opinion, hogwash.

Agree on that. It doesn't bite so fast as other MacBarens, probably that's the reason. I think the first month of pipe smoking is the worst. I'll call that kind of beginners "noobs". After a few years of piping one can say goodbye to "beginner" status. :)
It was jared for 6 months,maybe it's still not the right time. Anyways, I'm glad I have only one bowl left, will jar it for another half a year, maybe it will change somehow in that time.



Aromatics are more like for experienced smokers, in fact. For example a newcomer trying Mac Baren Cube will hate it finding it hars, bitey, etc.

An experienced smoker will have a very different experience with it, which is a lot more positive.



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Feel free to send me any unwanted Original Choice [:)]

Even if some Latakia got mixed in it? :twisted:
It's been several months and my mouth still complains. One aromatic that probably doesn't need one to be experienced (at least in terms of "tasting what you smell") is Vauen Auenland. As soon as I fired it I could taste the peach casing: that has never happened to me with any aro. It became an instant favourite.



Can't Leave
May 16, 2017
Even if some Latakia got mixed in it?

So it's not a good combination? Was thinking maybe some Latakia would give it more body but mixing sweet aromatics and Latakia never works for me.

As soon as I fired it I could taste the peach casing.

Happy for you but actually I don't like heavily cased aromatics. That's why I asked how aromatic do you think Original Choice is. Many reviews are saying it only has a light casing and that natural tobacco tastes are quite evident. I'm hardly detecting any and thought someone with a more delicate palate would be the right person to say a word or two about it.



Dec 29, 2016
olkofri was making a kind of inside joke there.
I had the pleasure of meeting him here in Toronto recently. We had a great chat, a cup of Morrocan mint tea and smoked a couple of bowls together. As we were discussing various blends, I mentioned that I simply cannot smoke anything with latakia in it as it makes me physically ill. Being the adventurous (if not somewhat masochistic)fool I am, I took him up on his offer of a blend he brought with him that I was assured had "very little" latakia in it. I think I made it halfway through the charring light before my stomach said enough :)



Can't Leave
May 16, 2017
That's neat. You actually know each other in real life, cool. :)

Yeah, I can believe you a body can "reject" some flavours even if it smells like heaven.



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Sorry if I confused you, luigi, 'twasn't my intention.
Whilst on the subject of leaf to avoid and aromatics, bassbug, I remember you saying that MacBaren 7 Seas Black had upset you, but that blend has no latakia in it at all: it's all black cavendish. :?



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Yeah, I can believe you a body can "reject" some flavours even if it smells like heaven.

True dat. Body chemistry plays a part. I remember seeing threads here about a number of people who get adverse reactions to latakia. Some others can't do virginias.

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