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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 4, 2011
So I'd ordered an ounce of each of Just For Him's Middle Earth Pipe-weed, and sadly to say it all tasted pretty bland, and not too much to say for any of them... not that they're bad, just nothing special. Except Ruins of Isenguard. It was my first blend to try with Latakia in it, and I really liked it but wasn't sure it was the Latakia that I liked about it. Well, it was. I just got some of C&D's Pirate Kake, and now I know I am on my way to becoming a total Latakiaphile. But it's still a bit too strong on my palate for now. So I was wondering what some of you folks might suggest to mellow it down or sweeten it up a little, or perhaps to strengthen the Latakia a bit in Ruins of Isenguard. Would mixing it with some 1Q or BCA perhaps help? I really don't have a clue about it just looking to perfect these blends to what exactly I'm looking for. And before any of you suggest, I did already read the article on "How To Adjust A Blend", but being still new to the subtleties of pipe tobaccos, I'm still left with nothing to work with.
So to sum up: Ruins of Isenguard is great, but I'd like more of that Latakia kick in it, so should I adjust that? Or should I try and mellow down C&D's Pirate Kake which is also wonderful, but a bit too much for me right now?
Thanks for all your help everyone, this forum has been so helpful in my ventures towards perfecting my understanding and enjoyment of the hobby!



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Nathaniel... try something like Sasieni Balkan. There is plenty of latakia, and it packs a whallop in the latakia category.

You might also "cellar" a pound of latakia to smoke when the mood hits you.

Some will say that it doesn't age well... But, I have had a stash for several years... and it has mellowed and is quite the delicious smoke.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 4, 2011
Thanks Lawrence, I'll definitely try some Sasiensi Balkan; it's pretty close on my list. And I am working on the cellar but I have a hard time justifying so much baccy sitting around when there's so much I haven't yet tried. Though of course, I suppose there's always going to be that "just one more" tobacco to try before I figure out what I really want to cellar. And naturally, the wife has an aversion to such bulk purchases, as I suppose should be rational to anyone not overcome by TAD. It's a dilemma, but soon I plan to pick some favorites and cellar them. So have you had ROI or C&D's PK? Just curious if you suggest Sasiensi because of it's similarity to those blends or is it just because it's a Latakiaphile's playground?



Can't Leave
Aug 28, 2010
South Devon, England
No offence, but if you buy a blend based on a Hollywood film, then you are likely to get a blend that is as good as the 'World History according to Hollywood'... somewhat flawed!!!



Can't Leave
Jan 3, 2011
Balkan Sasieni is a favorite of mine also. Some others you might try also are Boswells Northwoods, 1776 Bostonian which is sold only by The Sterling Tobacco Co. on the web in Sterling Illinois, and of course Penzance if you can locate any. Once your taste buds acclimate to Latakia you will always go for it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2009
Try mixing Pirate Kake with Squadron Leader or C&D's Tuggle Hall to tone down the Pirate Kake and still keep the latakia. For something a little less that Pirate Kake, try some McCelland's 5110 (Frog Morton).



Can't Leave
Jan 3, 2011
"Try mixing Pirate Kake tone down the Pirate Kake".....
It's already been mixed by the good folks at C&D. Try C&D Engine99 . One great smoke and a favorite of mine. As a matter of fact, I'm smoking the Engine now. I also sprinkle some rich maduro cigar leaf into mine to give it that little extra special zing!

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