Keeping Frog Morton Lit?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 14, 2013
How do you do it? FM seems to require three or four times as many relights as any other tobacco I've tried so far. I've tried drying it out until it's just short of crispy. I've packed it tight. I've packed it loose. I've gravity filled, three-stepped it, and rolled the pipe around in my hand. Nothing seems to work.
It's a shame really. I like the taste of all the FMs but my frustration with all the relighting is making me reach for those jars less and less often.
Anyone have any tricks they can share?



May 22, 2012
Learn to smoke flake tobaccos and you will no longer think FM is hard to light or to keep lit. What I do is give it 2-3 false lights and tamps before actually lighting it for real. Packing lighter rather than harder is usually better. I also do this with all my flakes... Patience is key to enjoying the harder to light blends and especially flake tobaccos, what I find is that the cuts which are harder to light typically provide the better, richer flavors.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
Chicago, IL
Try to not think about it (I's tough), but just smoke. If a relight is needed, keep doing whateer you're doing and relight. Don't fret or count how many that is. Just enjoy the flavors and go about your business. Before you know it, you'll need a relight and go "Holy Smokes, it's been an hour and a half and all that's left is ash!"



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 20, 2013
I think Eric is onto the issue. I have the same problem with FM, and I think it is just the cut of the tobacco more than anything else.



Aug 28, 2012
I've never had an issue with Frog Morton. Let a few pinches air out for a half hour or so. Do what Eric said concerning the charring light. Tamp it after you give a couple chars to the top. Then give it a few big puffs when it's ready. Mine always stays lit until the end.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 14, 2013
Don't fret or count how many that is.
I don't worry about how many times I have to relight, per se. It's just that with FM I'm finding that I have to relight so often that it's impossible to simply relax and smoke. The relights are interrupting the relaxation.
All I can think of is your technique may need some work. Please don't give up.
Yeah, I was thinking it was technique, although I was thinking that maybe it was a technique issue specific to FM, so I was wondering if maybe there was some trick I might be missing. And not, I'm not giving up! If anything right now, I'm finding myself gravitating towards Virginia heavy blends. I just like the flavor, and I'm not having any trouble keeping them lit. So my new preference, combined with my lighting issues with FM means FM doesn't get to come out to play as often.



May 22, 2012
I think you need an extra couple of false lights and to really make sure you got it lit, before trying to relax with it. Start smoking VA flakes (cube cut or fold & stuff) and come back to the Frog, you will find it super easy to light and keep lit. I've smoked many bowls of the Frog without relights, it's not impossible to do, you just need a great start and to use your tamper a good deal like with any blend.



Jun 26, 2012
I have smoke FM religiously for about a year now and I never really had a problem. Every now and then it will need some drying time but other than that It smokes great for me.. Keep experimenting with it... Dont give up on the FM! he needs you.



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
+1 Eric. I give the FM's several false/charring lights and tamps, and make sure I get a good true light. Then I make sure I keep it tamped regularly, and that usually does it. As a matter of fact, I just finished a bowl of FMOTT a little while ago, and had only 1 relight towards the bottom of the bowl!

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