It's Soooo Cold

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Jul 27, 2012
Sorry you cannot smoke right now puffy - but I understand what you mean. Relative cold is definitely a real phenomenon. I recall having relatives from Puerto Rico visit us during the summer here in VT. The days here were in the low 70s and they were chilly! We were out on our deck - I was wearing a shortsleeve shirt and shorts and they had their jackets on!
Currently in VT it's been below zero during the day for almost 2 weeks straight. When it hits 20F, it feels like summer to us.



Can't Leave
Jan 18, 2013
It has been soooooooo cold here........

A couple of days ago I held my breath for 10 minutes before going outside to smoke. I then smoked a whole pipe in one draw. The bowl of my cob got so hot it turned cherry red. The stem then melted and caused my tongue to catch on fire which immediately caused my mustache to burst into flames. The smell of burning mustache mixed with the nicotine from the bowl of straight perique that I was smoking made me so dizzy that I fell headfirst into my KOI pond and drowned.

My funeral will be tomorrow at 6PM. I have requested no flowers, but that everyone in attendance bring tins of tobacco for me to take with me(no less than a 5 pack, wouldn't want to offend the deceased)...........Well......It was very cold anyway.......



Can't Leave
Jul 13, 2013
Been cold here as well. Luckily I smoke in the house with impunity, only cigars are relegated to the shop and out doors.

So I figure a big pot of chili is what the Doctor ordered for such climes and I make ready for the grocery store for ingridients. Car starts fine let it warm up for 5 mins and off I go.

Accompanied by son Gabriel we make short work of the shopping and head to the car in the parking lot. I make a round of the car kicking off the accumulated ice and slush from the back of the wheel wells and proceed to get in, insert key,turn,nothing...nada, zilch. Checked the lights radio wipers not a speck of juice. New battery, 2 weeks old and I think the alternator decided it was just done....Ahggggrrrrrr! WTF! Call the wife to pick us and the groceries up, right to voice mail...mother...ker! 17 degrees with a 10mph wind, lucky it was only 5 blocks and I had a full bowl of Dunhill's Elizabethan in an ol' Digby to calm me down, still cold as hell and had to run warm water on my hands when I got in.

COME ON APRIL! you can't get here soon enough for this ol' piper!


Gabrieli Pipes



Jun 26, 2012
Sitting pretty warm here in New Mexico.. Right at about 56 degrees... Not a cloud in the sky. Not much of a winter for us this year..



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2012
When I went out yesterday I remarked to my brother that it felt warm. It was something like 20 degrees. Used to it being in the teens as of late. According to my weather app the warmest it's going to get is 38 this week.



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
I have a Big Green Egg, and as I like to joke, it can operate in the coldest weather, limited only by the endurance of the operator. Tonight I was going to make hamburgers, and I stepped outside – and decided they would be pretty good if I made them inside in my grill pan. Let's face it, this weather is extreme.



Can't Leave
Jul 13, 2013
"this weather is extreme."

Agreed brother. Turns out my older boy checked the car out and it turns out my brand new battery froze!

Yep "extreme" indeed!


Gabrieli Pipes



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Up here in the "banana belt" of Alaska I have become a believer in this Global Warming scam. I am now a big fan and have been making the necessary adjustments. Today it was near 50F and the snow is almost gone. The money I got from the sale of my skis, skates and ice fishing stuff will finance a new pipe which I will soon be smoking, standing on my deck wearing my Bermudas high with black socks half way up my calves and a nice Aloha shirt while tending the brisket on the smoker.
Aye! 'Tis a grand day it is!
The only down side I see is that the bears are awake and hungry.
My sympathies to those of you in the frozen environs.
Alas! This too shall pass and winter will to soon reappear.



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
Wow--in Alaska no less. I just checked in my old home in Winnipeg and it was -20F. Last month it was colder there than on the surface of Mars.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 3, 2012
Its really amazing to see how what is cold to some is totally different depending on what one is used to. Up here in Northern Ontario Canada it has been a very brutal winter so far. Temps have been in the -40C & even colder for way too long now. Believe me that is not Pipe smoking friendly at all. All I can do for now is to just bring some more wood in & enjoy the heat of a nice fire in the wood stove. Hopefully this bitterly cold winter warms up a bit soon and gives everyone a break.



Jul 30, 2012
Puffy, I live in NC & agree with you, too cold, although we got a break this past weekend, yesterday 45. But tonight gets down again, too cold. Thank the Lord for global warming because without it we would be setting low records older than the past 100 years.



Oct 12, 2011
" Colder than a well diggers ass" was the old quote I grew up with in NW Ohio...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2013
Trust me, I'm familiar with that expression and MANY others as it relates to the weather swings here. :)

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