How to Make Pipe Smoking Go Away Foreever

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Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
People that are pipe snobs and elitists with their pipe smoking are the ones that will kill it for all of us.
I was flabbergasted by the comments made by Dek at the bottom of this article and responded in kind.
I ask for you guys to give your responses to his comments too.



Might Stick Around
Dec 29, 2009
Upstate NY
Well said response Kevin. There is no place in this fine hobby of ours for a elitest snob. All are and should be welcomed into this enjoyable, relaxing hobby. In my opinion, there is no "right way" to partake in a pipe. If a two dollar corn cob and "drug store" tobacco is enjoyable to you, then that is all that matters. The best pipe and tobacco in the world are the ones that you are smoking right now.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 16, 2010
"The way you talk, you would prefer to have pipe smoking be a private fraternity where you have to fill out an application and pass a test, and then meet with some council’s approval."



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Thanks for the comments guys. I was hoping you guys would post in the comments of the post like Phil did.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 16, 2009
I’m glad this site straightened me out immediatly. Upon making a comment on not finding much comment on Dr. Grabows And if I was a real pipe smoker even though I didn’t have a Savinelli or Peterson and was promptley set straight that pipe snobbery didn’t exist on this site and a even cob was more than good enough. What did I do ?

Promptley went out and bought my color “Duke” and I’m going to be the proudest

flashiest pipe smoker on Matunuck Beach this summer.

As a matter of fact I’m waiting for a new Grabow Royalton to be delivered. Can’t wait to show you the pic’s gang.

Power to the pipe!! (any pipe)

This is the post I sent to Dek but I thought the other members should see it so they know how I was influenced by the members

Thank You !!!



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Kevin, with respect to those Prince Albert ads of yesteryear you said:
These retro ads from the late ’40’s and ’50’s depicted male pipe smokers as young, hip, single guys, and this is true again today!

Well, that pretty much depends on what periodical you were reading.

There were similar ads targeted at a different demographic.

It looks like P.A. was promoting both images. The fact that it resembles my avatar is a total coincidence!


ps. I'm don't think the members of this pipe community should pillory a contributor (Dek) for expressing an elitist point of view. Gentlemanly disagreement, and perhaps even correction, should suffice. It's a form of political correctness that makes me feel uneasy.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
I like the Prince Albert ad cortezattic. I'm probably going to be a fat old guy someday and I'll still be smoking my pipe.
As far as political correctness, I think PC is one of the leading contributing factors to the decline of American society. That's why I make sure to not hold back as you can see from my response to Dek. There's too many people worried about hurting someone's feelings.
"Pillory" - ha ha! I had to look that up!
My issue is that too many people feel uncomfortable letting others know that they are a pipe smoker. There are too many closet pipe smokers, and people with attitudes like Dek's are pat of the reason.
No one should feel weird or ashamed to be a pipe smoker. Everyone should feel welcome and proud to smoke a pipe. They shouldn't be afraid that they are doing it wrong, or smoking an inferior pipe or tobacco.
Here's what really got me:
"(If) pipe smoking is beginning to appeal to your average hipster or frat boy at university then the company we pipe smokers keep will have taken a steep dive indeed."



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I suppose the "coolness" drifted away from pipe smoking during and after the Viet Nam War, probably an anti-establishment knee-jerk reaction (at least for tobacco use).

The resurgence of pipe smoking on campuses is (in one isolated case) true. One of my daughters friends at a local university is learning the art as is his circle of friends. He thinks of pipe smoking as an art, as do his friends, (they get it). They are having fun, even holding slow smoke "races". I say let'em learn, enjoy, and have their fun. These students need relaxation, reflection, and good conversation as much as anybody (the stresses they deal with are different than mine, and just as serious, maybe more so). I get the occasional email or call with questions, and sometimes just to chat. I enjoy the "younger generation". They are the future of pipe smoking.




Can't Leave
Jan 4, 2010
Wow. I read what Dek wrote, and didn't think much about it, but that was just his opinion.
I am a little shocked to hear all the negative responses he is getting from this. Why are you all so quick to throw someone out of this forum just because he has an opinion?
You should hrear some of MY opinions! Then again, maybe the pipe correctness on this forum would toss me under the bus just as quick.
That sort of attitude only causes people to not express their sentiments at all, and we all end up thinking in the same way. Talk about political correctness. How about pipe site correctness? That's just as bad.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
pstlpkr said: One of my daughters friends at a local university is learning the art as is his circle of friends.
Tell them to come over here pstlpkr.
maxpeters - Wow. I read what Dek wrote, and didn't think much about it, but that was just his opinion.
Max, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, just like the staunch anti-smokers, anti-tobacco people are entitled to their opinion that all tobacco should be outlawed.
However, when their opinion is something I perceive as harmful to growth in the overall pipe smoking market, I am going to take issue with it.
Why are you all so quick to throw someone out of this forum just because he has an opinion?
He didn't get thrown out of the forum. He is not a member here. He has never signed up to join the community here.
Comments can be made on posts by anybody as long as you fill in the form with your name and email address (email is not published).
If he comes back and decides to join, he will be allowed to do so. I'm guessing he hasn't even seen the comments posted after his.
You should hear some of MY opinions! Then again, maybe the pipe correctness on this forum would toss me under the bus just as quick.
That sort of attitude only causes people to not express their sentiments at all, and we all end up thinking in the same way. Talk about political correctness. How about pipe site correctness? That's just as bad.
Max, thank you for expressing your above opinions. Please feel free to continue to do so.
I guess you are inventing the new phrase "pipe correctness" because I am saying we should welcome all, kind of like the PC people that think we should welcome everyone, etc.
I don't really want this to disintegrate into a political discussion.
I am not saying that anyone has to accept everyone no matter what, like some PC people do.
If someone doesn't care to associate with certain people for any reason, whether it be their race, religion, sexual preference, age, gender or any other personal defining characteristic, that is fine.
I don't want to hang out with just anybody. I am not seeking out the "average hipster or frat boy at university" to hang out with, but I am also not saying that the world of pipe smoking just took a nosedive because those people want to smoke a pipe, like Dek is saying.
I am not saying that we have to accept everybody.
I am saying that if anyone does or says anything that I think is detrimental to the hobby of pipe smoking expanding, then I am going to take issue with it.
That is all.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Hi Kevin,

I certainly have recommended this site to them. I hope they register.

I fervently hope that I didn't throw anyone under the bus. That was not my intent.

The only point I wanted to make was that pipe smoking is truly on the rise, and this fraternity of men and women holds to the ideal of good smoke, good conversation, and good friends.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 16, 2009
Sounds like were in the same boat in alot of ways Phil and I fully agree with you.

In a wierd way I'm glad I can't afford every pipe I want, it makes it fun looking at all those cool pipes that may be mine someday.

Power to the Pipe!!!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 16, 2010
Ok everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I do not agree with dek but lets not start a trend of running people off.
This site is about smoking a pipe. We are all very Passionate about our pipes but Pipe smoking is not something People are competitive about; such as Politics or Sports. If you are going to dis agree with someone be mature about. But if that other person decides to be a dick in return to you well then anything goes after that.



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
We believe everyone is entitled to their opinion here, unlike other pipe forums where comments, posts, and threads get deleted, locked, etc. We try very hard not to over moderate here and let people express themselves as they wish, within limits of course. That is why Dek's comment is still there. We did not delete it because we didn't like it; we let it stay and responded to it.
If someone wishes to express their opinions (which we let them do), they have to expect and accept that others have the same right to express their opposing view points and opinions as well.
Kevin and I try to keep this site a friendly place where ALL pipe smokers feel comfortable in coming here and learning, talking, etc. about pipes and sometimes a few other things. We try really hard to let the members be themselves and just talk, without being overbearing and interjecting ourselves as moderators. I guess by us being that way, we act the same as part of the community and not like we are above the community. We do not want to drive people off of or away from the site. That is the last thing that we want to do.
But we do not allow snobbery here, or super anti-snobbery for that matter. If someone is, what some people refer to as, a ‘pipe snob’, that is fine. They are still welcome here; just don’t flood the site with snobbery, keep it to themselves. The same goes for the super anti-snobs. They are welcome, but keep it to themselves as well.
What I am trying to say is; if someone only smokes the most expensive pipes and tobacco that there is, great! But don’t make others feel like something less if they don’t, can’t, or choose not to.
On the other hand, if someone only smokes cheaper pipes and tobacco that is great as well! But don’t tell the ones that smoke the more expensive stuff that they are crazy, dumb, etc. for spending that kind of money on their stuff.
We want all pipers to feel welcome here with no serious arguments over stupid things like the price of their stuff. We are all pipers and should act like a brotherhood and stand up for each others right to smoke what they like in whatever pipe that they like. If you enjoy it, that is all that matters. We don’t want other people saying that someone is ‘wrong’ for not doing it a certain way.
We respect everyone’s right to their opinions and to disagree. Post your opinions, disagree with each other, do all of that stuff. But do it respectively.
With all of that being said; I will directly address the comment made by Dek and why we don’t like snobbery.
The reason that Kevin and I get so upset at pipe snobbery is; it weakens an already weak hobby. By saying that a certain type of person should not smoke pipes is just wrong. It also might make people wonder if they are that ‘certain’ type of person and might make them think that they shouldn’t start smoking pipes because they will be looked at as a misfit. This is not the way to help grow a dying hobby.
For just the same reason that we all get upset at the anti’s, because they try to tell us what we should and shouldn’t do, we (Kevin and I) get upset at pipe snobs because they do the same thing. People shouldn’t be made to feel like they are inferior by smoking a different pipe or tobacco that others might deem ‘inappropriate’. And people should definitely never be told or made to feel like they are not good enough to smoke pipes.

Pipes ARE for everyone to enjoy.
I find it ironic that most pipe snobs consider themselves friendly, intelligent, well mannered, helpful, and intellectual, but they are the ones who say that pipe smoking should only be done by a select few and that some of the people who smoke pipes have no idea what pipe smoking is all about.
Everyone is welcome here; snobs, super anti-snobs, and everyone in between. But by coming here, keep all of the negative stuff to yourself and don’t put people down for being and/or doing things different than you do or for just being different.
At the end of the day, we are talking about pipes and tobacco, a common bond that we all share and love. Is it really that important what type of pipe or tobacco it is?



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
Just in case you didn't see it, here is my response to Dek's comment:
I agree that pipes ARE for everyone. Whether it be a $5.00 cob filled with Captain Black or a $1000.00 artisan pipe filled with Balkan Sobranie.
Although we are not a site for ‘Pipe Snobbery’, we allow everyone the right to express their opinions. But by expressing your opinion, you must expect and allow others to do the same.
Dek, I do not agree with your opinion. If everyone thought the way that you do, pipe smoking would have become extinct by now. And if people still think that way, pipe smoking WILL die off and cease to exist. It has already started to happen as quite a few notable people of the ‘old guard’ in pipe smoking have already passed on. Without the younger generations to carry it on, pipe smoking will be a thing of the past that people talk about instead of doing and enjoying.
We at encourage the younger generation to get involved and to start enjoying pipe smoking. No matter what race, gender, religion, or walk of life that they are. Pipe smoking should be enjoyed by everyone. I agree that pipe smoking does take time and patience to learn how to properly enjoy it. We try to encourage, nurture, and help out all people, including the younger generations, on their pipe journey so that it will become more enjoyable for them. This is what, in my opinion, a true pipe lover should do. We do not segregate ourselves and put ourselves on a higher pedestal than other pipers. A piper is a piper.
In the times of old, everyone smoked a pipe, not just the ‘intellectual superiors’. By saying that a certain type of people should not smoke pipes is preposterous, demeaning, promotes the classification of people, and is just plain snobby. Not to mention, applying labels to people whom you don’t even know.
And by saying that if these type of people start smoking pipes that “the company we pipe smokers keep will have taken a steep dive indeed” is very offensive. What company are you used to keeping? I am sure that a 20 something new pipe smoker is not looking to hang out with and keep the company of a 50 or 60 something snobby curmudgeon.
Dek, I am not saying that you are a 50 or 60 something snobby curmudgeon because that would be putting a label on you and I don’t do that to people.
Well, I’m off to smoke a pipe with some people, who might seem to others as, “company that have taken a steep dive.” But we will enjoy our pipes all the same.



Dec 19, 2009
hear hear chaps.
dek is entitled to his opinion, as i am entitled to mine.
phil, if the cob and drugstore baccy works for you, good on you. you dont need to justify it to anyone!



Dec 19, 2009
and i agree with the other sites over moderating. half of my posts dont fit the ultra conservative twits who mod it and never get on there - freedom of speech is nonexistant on that other site. not to mention posts not appearing for hours, and the mods being arrogant, snobby, rude and boring.
this is a site for the modern day smoker. not a stuffy meeting place for fuddy duddy men that think their way is the only way, and disagree with people because they have nothing better to do.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Good morning everyone,

Bob said:

"What company are you used to keeping?"

As one of the 50 or 60 somethings, I have observed that Pipes and Bikes have something in common.

I am a Harley owner/rider and a pipe smoker, a classically trained Pianist, MBA, Marine and one of the 10.2%, I'm also a frumpy and somewhat grumpy old man who knows that somewhere in that mix there is a point of commonality with anyone. (Heck, I was even a teenager once). In here it so happens that we are pipe smokers and enjoy and understand all that-that implies.

When out riding my scooter with friends, invariably some lone biker out for a Sunday afternoon ride (like us)will side up and join our little parade. It could be a young couple on a crotch rocket or WWII vet out just to put his knees in the breeze. It could be for a couple of miles or a couple of hundred miles. They are always welcomed and fit right in. They are friends with a love of riding. If they are a teen with a motor that delivers newspapers, or a Bank Manager on a top of the line Harley, either one with no particular place to go. It doesn't matter. People are people, we all share something in common that has nothing to do with income, politics, or destination. We accept each other as people that enjoy the company of people. We accept them unconditionally for who they are not for a some perceived social status.

I don't know if I have a point I'm trying to make or not. Maybe I just wanted to say, that from the rediscovered love of my corn-cob pipe to my 5C Cavicchi, they are just pipes, each with its own "personality" and I enjoy them for that personality. Just like the members here - real people "from all walks". That's the company I keep.

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