How Big Is Too Big?

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Part of the Furniture Now
May 1, 2019
Los Angeles, CA
I prefer larger pipes, because I usually smoke once or twice a day and I want to enjoy it. I have a Joura in a Group 6 size, and three Barling EXEXELs with two of them being Group 6 size (one with a chamber diameter over an inch) and the other being about a Group 5.

This is the Barling with the monster chamber, at over seven inches long:



Feb 21, 2013
I react to weight more than size, and then it depends on the comfort level of the weight on your teeth and jaw. Some people are obvious to anything smaller than a Volkswagen, but my molars like something well under 2 oz. Also leverage as relates to weight; a straight pipe and/or a longer straight pipe puts more weight on your teeth than a bent, especially an Oom-Paul. Just in terms of big bowls, I find them perfect for shag cut or dry leaf that burns fast. A nice deep bowl accepts plenty of tobacco and lets it burn a little longer. Five Brothers and Semois favor a deep bowl.
Mar 1, 2014
I’ve had my eye on a nice Ferndown for a hot minute... but it is, to put it bluntly, an excessively large pipe. Overall length is just under 7”, and the chamber is apparently 15/16” wide by 1 and 15/16” deep.

Cure my ignorance... what the actual hell does one smoke out of such a pipe? The price is right, but my goodness. I want it... but I don’t know what the heck I’d do with it.

I'm a big fan of wide bowls but have to admit they're mostly just for aesthetics or to let you burn through your tobacco faster.

It is possible that some blends will be more balanced with a wider bowl as you get more components burning at the same time, but I doubt anything over 1" provides any functional value.
Looking at one of my own pipes that I bored out to 1-1/8", that makes 15/16" looks pretty reasonable.

Just let it cake in a bit and it won't be significantly different from normal pipes.
Also consider most pipes with such a wide bowl are measured at the rim and cone down to a smaller diameter fairly rapidly, just don't fill it to the top if you don't want to waste tobacco.


Jun 15, 2015
I smoke cigars ranging anywhere from 5 grams to 15+ grams so I enjoy smoking the larger pipes since they can accommodate the larger volume of tobacco so I can get the same nicotine hit I'm used to.
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Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
I’m not a fan of bowl I.d’s any bigger than .850. I have a few, but I don’t smoke them that often. I find it hard to get an even burn in them. I don’t mind a deep bowl though, as long as the diameter is good. Here’s a pic of my biggest pipe, a recently purchased Ardor Old Briar. That’s a group 4 Dunhill Root Oom Paul next to it. 516FFAB2-C02A-46EA-B8BB-E6602D9054E6.jpeg


Oct 17, 2013
Most of my pipes are small.... 2's to small 3's..... but I have one chacom horn that is huge. 7-8" in length and the chamber is 1" by 2". I save that for long drives where I roll out a couple flakes, fill it up, and enjoy a 1 1/2 to 2 hr smoke.
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