Getting Sick After <Daily Bowl

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2021
West of the Twin Cities, MN
I'm a lightweight, but only recently started getting that "sick" nauseous feeling from only one bowl.
Previously I would have 2 or 3 bowls in a sitting, about once per week, with no problems.

For the past couple of weeks I'm smoking only one bowl every few days (or less). Somewhere in the bottom 1/4 of the bowl, I go from not feeling anything to feeling sick.
Same meer I've been using for months, so the bowl size hasn't changed.

My normal routine has changed in that I'm trying different tobaccos.
I had been smoking a huge jar of "hobbit's weed" gifted to me, but as it ran low I got a few tobaccos from
Got some 2oz bags, have been going through them one at a time to try, lighter to heavier (in flavor):
light va, dark va, oriental, burley, burley, lat
Sick seems to come regardless of which tobacco type (I tried going back to light VA that I previously had no problem with).

An obvious answer may be to pack less in the bowl, but I'm not satisfied with that idea.
Any guesses to why this began, what to do about it so I don't get sick?

I read somewhere about eating some candy for blood sugar, but that doesn't seem to be related. I tend to smoke after eating. I'll be experimenting a little more with this.

Any advice is appreciated. Any ways to stave off the nausea, etc...


Might Stick Around
I started experiencing the same thing several years ago, and eventually discovered it was acid reflux. I was also consuming too much acidic food & drink, so after cutting back, installing a wedge in my bed to raise my upper extremities during sleep, and adopting a daily omeprazole tablet with my morning coffee routine, it's gone away for a long time now.


Feb 21, 2013
I'll echo that ... drink water. I have a big insulated coffee cup made of metal and in a tea glass shape that I fill with ice water, when I smoke a pipe but other times too. People of a certain age need to watch their water intake especially, since we tend not to feel thirsty and get water depleted. No big deal, but it helps a lot.


Aug 1, 2018
I'll echo that ... drink water. I have a big insulated coffee cup made of metal and in a tea glass shape that I fill with ice water, when I smoke a pipe but other times too. People of a certain age need to watch their water intake especially, since we tend not to feel thirsty and get water depleted. No big deal, but it helps a lot.
Yes hydration makes a big difference, and even being slightly dehydrated while smoking could definitely contribute to your ill feeling while smoking.

In hot or especially humid conditions I have to drink a lot more water, but I'm from a cold dry place.

UB 40

Jul 7, 2022
Cologne/ Germany
I also get that nausea from time to time. Often when I puff to fast just to get that nicotine kick. Smoked a lot of cigarettes before pipe smoking. And yes a lemonade, tea or coffee with sugar soon clears it up. Not to forget breathing. Virginias are often not on the light side. And just take fewer puffs, calm down, take breaks, tobacco is much nicer also when smoked cool. Or just stop smoking at all, which is not a bad thing to do. Aren’t we just junkies in the temple of nicotiana goddesses?


Aug 1, 2018
Take a bite of something sweet to offset that nausea feeling. Nicotine is a different drug from stimulants or depressives. It releases stored sugars into your blood, and when you deplete your sugars, you will get that nausea feeling. A small bite of a fruit or chocolate will immediately stop that feeling.
Also, nicotine isn't the only psychoactive substance in tobacco, it also contains harmine and related compounds, which is a beta-carboline MAOI also used as part of the ayahuasca psychedelic preparation, among other things. It can have strong interactions with compounds found in red wines, aged cheeses, and fermented foods.
Also, nicotine isn't the only psychoactive substance in tobacco, it also contains harmine and related compounds, which is a beta-carboline MAOI also used as part of the ayahuasca psychedelic preparation, among other things. It can have strong interactions with compounds found in red wines, aged cheeses, and fermented foods.
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May 26, 2022
Florida - Space Coast
Agree with Chocolate or sweets for the nausea as a test treatment. Though the fact that you say packing the bowl less isn’t satisfactory makes me wonder just how much you’re loading in the bowl. 😂
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Dec 3, 2021
Bagshot Row, Hobbiton
@canucklehead @hugodrax @asprigin_sage

Your comments on nicotine, tobacco and diabetes, a topic I unfortunately must be interested in, caused me to run a search of this forum on diabetes and pipe smoking; that yielded a great deal of information and I learned a great deal that I was NOT told by my doctors and tips for reducing AC1 numbers so ...

thank you for your comments. There is a wealth of information on this forum hidden between the lines !

All the best ! :)


Dec 3, 2021
Bagshot Row, Hobbiton
Also, nicotine isn't the only psychoactive substance in tobacco, it also contains harmine and related compounds, which is a beta-carboline MAOI also used as part of the ayahuasca psychedelic preparation, among other things. It can have strong interactions with compounds found in red wines, aged cheeses, and fermented foods.
Interesting to me. I cannot handle burleys and did some research ... burleys contain 12 to several hundred times the nitrates of other tobaccos. Those who are sensitive to nitrates can experience mouth bite and soreness, sinus irritation and headaches from burleys. Apparently nitrates interact with bacteria to produce nitrous oxide which can be beneficial to the heart (like red wine) but some people genetically have more of that bacteria and therefore are more sensitive to burleys than others so its not just preference. They are probably also sensitive to certain types of red wines. If you have any links to what your referencing I would read them. I'm not a fact checker just an interested reader. Thanks. Moderation is the key in all things. :)


Aug 1, 2018
Interesting to me. I cannot handle burleys and did some research ... burleys contain 12 to several hundred times the nitrates of other tobaccos. Those who are sensitive to nitrates can experience mouth bite and soreness, sinus irritation and headaches from burleys. Apparently nitrates interact with bacteria to produce nitrous oxide which can be beneficial to the heart (like red wine) but some people genetically have more of that bacteria and therefore are more sensitive to burleys than others so its not just preference. They are probably also sensitive to certain types of red wines. If you have any links to what your referencing I would read them. I'm not a fact checker just an interested reader. Thanks. Moderation is the key in all things. :)
There are a lot of articles and studies on the topic, here is an example:



Dec 3, 2021
Bagshot Row, Hobbiton
There are a lot of articles and studies on the topic, here is an example:

Explains alot about my nic addiction ... 👍
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Jul 26, 2021
As others suggested, something sweet if nauseous (like chocolate, an apple, or orange juice) and water if dehydrated.

Pro tip (for this issue and those who imbibe a little more than they thought): pedialyte is more effective for dehydration than Gatorade.

Above all, if you are feeling ill or smoking becomes a chore or stressful, put the pipe down. You can always come back to it later.