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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 19, 2014
So I just watched a segment on the "Flatworlders". These people think the world is flat and that science is incorrect and maybe part of some conspiracy. I honestly stopped listening to them at "The world is flat" to be honest. The segment had a PhD perform the boat with stripes experiment Archamedies or one of the ancient Greek used to prove it and surprisingly the world is still round. You can Google it I am sure. Anyway for 2,000 years we have known the Earth was round. Sorta forgot it when the Church took over, but eventually remembered lol. Anyway, 2% of the current US population believes the world is flat! I can assure them it is round but I am stunned and wondered what others think.



Oct 22, 2013
Yeah, there's a segment with some overlap, that also believe dinosaurs are a hoax originated by rabid Darwinists in the 1800's and perpetuated by "big paleontology". There is another, separate segment, that believe the earth is hollow and there is another sun inside and it is inhabited by giants (kind of a rehashing of various esoteric ideas, but not nearly as thoughtful). Some still believe in alchemy. Others have convinced themselves the Cthulhu mythos invented by Lovecraft is real.....and it is! Ia Ia Cthulhu fhtagn!
Really, what is there to say to people like that? There is something wrong in their life, but so far there is no Flat World Liberation Front bombing Roundist conspirators so leave them to their lunacy. Life has enough bad in store for them.



Feb 15, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
Lochinvar, the sad reality is that we cannot let this pass without trying to educate. We have been through many dark ages and we do not need another. It may be that no harm is done by these idiots but on the other hand, it is just another dumbing down of society. And we can ill afford that today.



Apr 14, 2018




Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
No they did not forget it when "the Church took over". The Bible itself (Is 40:22) says that the Earth is round, which means anyone who believes otherwise is, as it were, a heretic.
The myth of the Church "suppressing science" and "stating that the world is flat" is itself a myth concocted in the 19th Century, and advanced with emphatic intensity by a couple of 19th Century academics who had personal issues with religion: John William Draper, a disaffected Methodist, who used the flat-earth myth to contend that the Catholic Church was antagonistic to learning—a canard that would become academic dogma in the following century; and Andrew Dickson White, a senator for New York and the founder of Cornell University.
As for the risible scene of Columbus confronting the churchmen at the university of Salamanca, it's also from the 19th Century: specifically, from the mostly fictitious History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, by none other than Washington Irving (who obviously remained in the fantasy realm of headless horsemen). There were indeed objections to Columbus's voyage at Salamanca, but none of them were about the Earth being flat, but about matters practical and real. A notorious objection was the possibility of Columbus greatly underestimating the distance over the ocean: as it turned out, Columbus had indeed underestimated it, by a considerable amount.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
The Bible itself (Is 40:22) says that the Earth is round, which means anyone who believes otherwise is, as it were, a heretic.
Well, a flat circle is round. Just sayin'. :mrgreen:



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
another dumbing down of society. And we can ill afford that today.
Sadly, doc, you're all too right. Every absurd conspiracy theory, every idiotic wild-eyed loopy idea, every *anything* like that is just one more seed of stupid that will sprout & spread like mutant kudzu given .01 of a chance. :(



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 19, 2014
I am on the side of we need to educate people. This is horrible anywhere, but here, in America, I am curious what the public schools teach now. 2% does not seem large, and it really is insignificant, but that is 2% of the American population which is more than 100 kooks wearing robes in Long Beach. Anyway it certainly caught my attention.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 29, 2012
Wilmington, De / Ithaca, NY
As I understand it, many "educated" flat earthers don't actually believe the world is flat. Instead they use the powers of their intellect to defend it/promote it out of irony.

It's like a game. Some of these theories are clever. The fact that some believe it is sort of an unfortunate side effect.



Oct 22, 2013
aquadoc, I agree more than you know, this "idea" is so dumb it truly numbs my brain trying to fathom the depths of stupidity this springs from.
The primary issue, though, is not the earth being flat, or the universe revolving around the earth, if lizard men rule the world or any whatever the subject of their conspiracy is. Its that there is a conspiracy, any conspiracy. These people need the conspiracy. Most of these people are not what you would call a success in any facet of life, but they see in themselves fountains of brilliance and potential. Why aren't they at the top of the heap? They have to believe there is a conspiracy to explain why they are so unremarkable, why they are failures, why no one recognizes them. If the conspiracy is so large and has been pulled off for so long, and that almost the whole world is convinced, then it also powerful enough to stifle the greatness down to each individual person, the greatness they know is in them. It's not their fault they are screw ups, its the conspiracy; the man, men or lizards behind the curtain pulling their strings too. At the same time, the fact that they are aware of the conspiracy while everyone else is fooled, gives them a sense of superiority. Evidence to the contrary, even in overwhelming amounts, merely reinforces the extent of the ruse, and inflates their opinion of their own "knowledge." Nor do they want to prove their beliefs. Do they ever attempt to see the ice walls that surround the seas that NASA has snipers on top of? Of course not. To do so would shatter their own shield.
Even if you were to shatter the flat earth conspiracy ,voila, like a Matryoshka doll there would be another conspiracy to take the place. Maybe it's just Communists in Congress or the fact that the New World Order runs America via mind control drugs secreted in Kentucky Fried Chicken, there will always be another. There can not, not be a conspiracy. No conspiracy lays bare the fact that their failure is theirs alone. Given the choice between a conspiracy and admission of their own inadequacy, they'll go moon bat every time. They need it like a junkie needs the needle.
Realize, I'm not trying to argue with you. I'm trying, in my own mind, to get to the point where this can argued in the appropriate manner, and the root issues have me baffled as to how to tackle it. It's not evidence, we know the earth isn't flat. It's who the people are inside who believe the lie. Oh...and I'm not a psychologist, I only played doctor in college:)



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
Ford, I couldn't agree more. The statistical thing sounds good in print, but when you stop to think, it's scary. Why?
Figure it this way: You walk down the street, & in the next five minutes you'll probably run into at least 50 people, right? At 2% at *least* one of those people is like that.
Uh-huh. Now you know why it worries me. :)



Jan 31, 2011
I'm surprised anyone is still arguing about it. This question was settled years ago when one brave, determined man reached the edge of the world.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
You all are going to make me read Terry Pratchett's books again.

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