Ear Ache From Burley

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Jul 10, 2019
Shelby, NC
Burley was the first tobacco I really enjoyed in a pipe. At first I couldn't smoke VAs without getting tongue bite. About 6 months in, I adjusted my technique and started to enjoy VAs and orientals much much more. I also learned how to smoke aros and actually taste them by sipping nice and slow. I picked up several balkan and english blends and didn't touch burley for a week or so. When I decided to come back to my old friend burley I noticed it gave me a pretty rough catch in my throat. I didn't think much of it but the next morning I had a really bad ear ache. I laid off the pipe for a couple days and it went away, but ever since that day, whenever I smoke a blend with burley my ears hurt and they pop when I swallow. I'm not sure if I developed some kind of allergic reaction or if I just pull a lot harder for flavor now that I've taken to smoking other tobaccos. VAs give their tongue tickling warning before they bite and Lat blends(without burley) don't seem to bother me at all. If I only smoke 1 bowl with burley per day, I just feel a twinge of irritation, but if I double up or smoke a straight burley blend my ears ache for a day or two. I guess I should just avoid burley, but I like the taste, and I have quite a few burley containing blends in the cellar. I really miss SWR, LLRR, Murray's Belfast, and John Bull. Interestingly, Kentucky dark fired and the African burleys used by SG/G&H don't seem to affect me as much. If I smoke several bowls of those back to back I will feel the tingle, but no where near as much as from common American burleys. Has anyone else noticed anything like this? Could it be the casings/toppings used on white or light burleys?


Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Stop retrohaling, if you're doing so. Don't start nor do it if you're not.

Moderation and experimentation. Limit your burley smoking to no more than a bowl per day. I'd cut it down to no more than 1-2 bowls per week.

Observe whether the weather or the environment play a role as well. Could it be diet? Watch what you eat (by watching I don't mean avoiding, but keeping note of what you ate when the problem happened).

Do you have a cold? Sinusitis? Been out swimming?

Take notes. They can even help your doctor if you do need to end up going to see him.
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Oct 12, 2019
Florida Panhandle
From Dr. Google:
Inhaled smoke irritates the eustachian tube, which connects the back of the nose with the middle ear. This causes swelling and obstruction which interferes with pressure equalization in the middle ear, leading to pain, fluid and infection.
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Jul 10, 2019
Shelby, NC
I don't inhale, but I do retrohale quite a bit. I've noticed with burleys, since they smoke cooler, I can get carried away with puffing and pulling the smoke to the back of my throat. I've tried to be more concious about it, but I tend to get lost in the flavor and I often don't notice I'm doing it until it's too late. I'm going to lay off burleys for a week or so and try to take care and watch myself when I start back. I feel like I do the same with burley free Balkans but never get any irritation whatsoever. It just seems odd. I've heard of "burley throat" but never "burley ear".
Aug 1, 2012
Off topic alert!!!!

It’s probably pissing off your earwig.
You know, I actually had an earwig in my ear. I was about 15 and woke up to a really strange feeling in my ear like my eardrum was going nuts. Spasming or something like that. It felt weird as hell and got to be nearly unbearable. I went and woke my parents up and my mother swears to this day that I was rocking back and forth saying (it's flapping in my ear, IT'S FLAPPING!!!). They thought I had gone completely crazy. Well, my dad took the flashlight and shined it in my ear. At this point the feeling intensified and I shook my head. Suddenly it was gone...I couldn't feel the sensation that my eardrum was having a moment any more. On my shoulder, there was a big old earwig.

Needless to say, I kill every one of those **** I see.

Back on topic.

The following is not medical advice and should not be construed as anything other than unfounded conjecture as to possible causes and courses of action. Do not follow the possible courses of action without first consulting with a qualified physician!

It sounds like it could be a sinus irritation issue. It could be an allergy based one or could be due to other factors. If it were me, first I would try a fast-acting antihistamine such as Benadryl an hour or so before consumption of Burley. Following that I might try a regimen of a nasal corticosteroid for a week or two before trying burley again. Lastly I would combine an antihistamine that is longer-lasting such as Cetirizine or Loratadine with the nasal corticosteroid over about a 2-week period before trying it again. The results of theses three tests may possibly indicate an allergy or sensetivity of some kind to a trained professional.

Again, do not follow the above possibilities as they are neither a medical diagnosis nor an attempt at recommending treatment.
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May 20, 2017
puffy Well, I am not a doctor, and I do not even play one on tv, but I will say this: pain is an indication of a problem. Seeing as how it is messing with your ears it is something to take seriously. Bite the bullet, go to the doctor, get it checked out, get your obligatory lecture on the dangers of smoking and get some peace of mind over it.
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Feb 21, 2013
Just folk remedy, but I would avoid burley for months, and then try a burley blend that is least offensive and see if the problem has resolved itself. Burley is my go-to leaf and least offensive in various ways, so this would be rough for me. Best to you, and I hope this resolves itself. Nicotine, I've heard, constricts the small blood vessels, capillaries, but that would be any nicotine, not just from burley.


Jul 10, 2019
Shelby, NC
I had something similar happen, but my bet it isn’t related to the leaf type. Early on I puffed too hard and cooked my sinus. Overheating the sinuses found on the side of your throat will feel just like an ear ache.
This could very well be the problem. But other leaf doesn't mess with me...


Jul 10, 2019
Shelby, NC
[QUOTE="captainsousie, post:
It sounds like it could be a sinus irritation issue. It could be an allergy based one or could be due to other factors. If it were me, first I would try a fast-acting antihistamine such as Benadryl.[/I]

I'll give the Benadryl a shot just to see if it backs up the allergy theory... the less meds I have to take on top of my heart meds, the better. Speaking of the heart meds, I wonder if there is some sort of interaction going on... still, odd that it's only burley causing the offense.
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