Driving to work

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Mar 5, 2013
St. Louis, MO
I seem to have encountered an interesting phenomenon. Lately I have been enjoying a bowl on my half hour commute to work. I generally smoke a cob or a cheap briar and whatever tobacco I happened to be smoking that day. I pack the bowl, light up, tamp, relight and hop in the car and go. The thing is though; somehow I manage to never have to relight while driving. I just knock the ash and keep puffing, but I'll require at least one if not two re-lights when the only thing I am doing is sitting back and having a smoke. Can anyone explain this to me? Has anyone else experienced this? It really is uncanny. 8O



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2012
West Park, NY
If I may, I'll hazard a guess. You're focused on driving, which is the safe way to drive, and the puffing is secondary so you develop a cadence or a puff groove and you're kicking ass. Or, do you smoke different types of tobacco when you're relaxing? This might have an effect too.



Part of the Furniture Now
You're focused on driving, which is the safe way to drive, and the puffing is secondary so you develop a cadence or a puff groove and you're kicking ass.


this happens to me when I'm driving as well, it also happens if I'm clenching while playing a vidja game, or if I'm watching something particularly interesting. It seems the less attention I'm paying to it the longer my pipe stays lit.



Can't Leave
Mar 12, 2013
United States
I had the same thing occur the other week...loaded up a cob and went to the grocery store, the only relight was after I got back in to head home.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
The less you focus on the act of smoking, the better the smoke will be. I use a good book for that, or like you driving. Best smokes are the ones you don't pay mind to. It's like that with a lot of things in life.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 3, 2012
I have an hour drive to work and I experience the exact same phenomena. Whatever it is, I like it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2013
I noticed this as well. I think b/c one is driving and being more aware of everything else leads one to keep a pipe in the teeth and constantly puff/sip on it as we need our hands to drive. Same thing happens to me. I have difficulty tamping while I'm driving cause I can't fit my big fingers in the bowl of my pipe so I have to use my metal tamper once it's past halfway. Same deal when I'm fishing, if the pipe is in my mouth it doesn't go out easily.

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