Condor Plug - A Review!

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Dec 22, 2013
New York
I was kindly gifted a Condor plug by Mister Lowercase, receiving one of these plugs is a singular rare treat. For a very brief moment in time Condor Plug was available from Inderwicks Tobacconists on Carnaby Street London in the mid 1980s and was kept in one of those huge glass sweet jars on a shelf. Anyway I digress as my latin teacher often used to say when we had successfully side tracked him in class and wiped out 80% of a lesson!
Condor plug comes in a dark green wrapper with 'Smoking Kills' in both English and Gaelic. Once removed from the package you are faced with oblong block of dark tobacco with the very distinctive Condor smell. At this point it is wise to have something to put your plug in after opening and I would suggest a small Mason jar with a pre-damped humidity stone. In terms of humidity you don't want the stone too wet or you will turn your plug into a sponge and too dry will result in you using a modeling hack saw to cut slices off the plug.
Once you have organized the above you are ready to proceed to the next step. You want a very sharp pen knife. I have two that never leave the house as we all remember my thread about almost losing my Mothers knife, not that she smoked Condor plug! I find a very sharp iron bladed knife is perfect for this type of job. Everyone has their own ideas about cutting plug, in my case I slice from the corner to produce reasonably easy pieces to rub out before filing the pipe. In terms of slicing I like the tobacco to be a little finer than regular Condor Green as it will burn much more evenly leaving very little residue. In terms of the number of slices I used a smaller meerschaum pipe so I was able to fill the pipe with four slices from the plug. You will notice if you ever smoke Condor plug it leaves a lovely dark black residue on the blade as you slice the plug up and for that reason it is better to rub the tobacco out and then leave to stand for about 15 minutes before filling your pipe.
Depending on how well you have achieved the above will predicate as how easy your lighting experience will be with this tobacco. I find dabbing a little white ash from my ash tray, on the top of the tobacco makes lighting a whole lot easier. You will have to char the surface, tamp down gently and on the second relight you should be off to the races. Smoking the first half of the bowl I noticed that although this was same old Condor there was definitely something different about the flavors and I was somewhat reminiscent of smoking War Horse or even Warrior Plug. The smoke had no bite to it and I was overwhelmed by the various Condor essences which seemed to magnified to a greater level than encountered with say Condor Long Cut but burned cooler than Condor Green and we will not even speak of that other Condor Light mixture which is the bastard child of the Condor range. The second half of the bowl came in with quite a bang and caught me quite by surprise. I felt a very definite nicotine hit that was decidedly pleasant and enjoyable and was in the nature of feeling as if you had partaken of an excellent dinner with three wine courses and a brandy with your coffee.
In terms of room note I found that to be a little difficult since my home smells of Condor but from what I could tell it smelt like the regular Condor I smoke. The tobacco reduces down to a fine white ash with a very small dottle at the bottom of the pipe and that my friends is all have to say about this tobacco to paraphrase Forest Gump!

May 31, 2012
Most excellent review, and invaluable because if anyone knows Condor it's you, and your intense familiarity with it makes you a prime candidate to describe this stuff for us, and indeedy you did a mighty fine description --- I agree about the depth, the coolness, the strength, Condor Plug is all aces!
In terms of room note I found that to be a little difficult since my home smells of Condor...


I felt a very definite nicotine hit that was decidedly pleasant and enjoyable and was in the nature of feeling as if you had partaken of an excellent dinner with three wine courses and a brandy with your coffee.

No doubt whatsoever, it is like a good full supper!
A couple of pix...






Jul 13, 2010
Wow. May have to hold off on this one. Granted a 25g plug is probably as many smokes as a 50g loose tin, so the price isn't awful if I compare to local b&m prices.

May 31, 2012
I think the Peterson's site will only sell to within Ireland?

If they do sell baccy to us over here, please lemme know!
One place that usually has it is James J. Fox, but they're sold out at the moment, usually goes for $10 per 25g and they offer free worldwide shipping for orders over €100 --- I've tried to place an order with them but a damn'd "verified by visa" prompt pops up and I don't have a password and I don't even know what it is, gotta contact my credit union and get it sorted because they got all the good plugs and ship over here....
They also carry Maltan which I've been wanting to try!



Jan 21, 2014
Simon - thanks for the review. I confess that Condor has always made me so nervous that I've never tried it in 30 years of pipe-smoking. The idea that the nic hit got to you, given the nuclear fuel you enjoy every day, made me chuckle!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 9, 2014
Got one. They wouldn't sell two though let alone ten. Pricey but a good way to look at is that it's cheaper than four packs of coffin nails.



Aug 20, 2013
I don't buy anymore tobacco from overseas because of price, but Condor is so appealing I may have to give in!



Sep 17, 2014
I've been a Condor chap from starting on the pipe 40 some years ago.

My first job from school age 15 back in the 60s was labouring in a cotton mill.

All the mule spinners chewed Condor Twist and when they'd done they threw the wad up so it stuck onto the ceiling above their mules.

Every Saturday morning we went in work to do 'batting down' which was flapping off and cleaning cotton blow from the machines and surrounds.

Those old mule spinners had hand brushes attached to long poles designed for sweeping blow off the rafters.

They knocked off the wads from the ceiling and that provided their pipe tobacco for the weekend and following weekday evenings.

The room note was akin to someone setting fire to an old pair of jeans.



Cracking write up, Condor - thanks for that.
The stuff is getting harder and harder to get. In the last 2 years 5 of the shops that did stock it in the big towns near me have stopped selling. Still, it's easier to acquire than the Long Cut - for that, it's strip to the UK, as, bizarrely, it's not sold here!!!!
Trustybriar, that's a great story. I'm currently working my way through a Twist that I picked up a long time ago. A very stout smoke - if all other tobaccos are defined by the time of day and occasion on which they are smoked, then this is the Saturday night rumble after kicking out time and the bag of chip has just hit the pavement. I will not be chewing this and the throwing it onto the ceiling - not just because I am a wimp, but because this stuff would wait for you to walk underneath and then drag you kicking and screaming to your doom.
All I can say is that they were, MEN - BIG, BOLD! MANLY MEN..
Apologies for minor hijack, Condor.



Sep 17, 2014
Condor did do an Aromatic Twist in addition to the regular type.

It was lighter in colour and a tad dryer.

Whichever one you smoked a lot of matches were required as it was forever going out.

I moved on from Twist to Long Cut but as soon as Ready Rubbed came in that was it for me.

Been on it ever since.



Trusty, that's very interesting and useful info - thank you.
I think I must have the plain version - it's BLACK - with none of the classic Condor essence. I was thinking that maybe it was the result of age - these were not sealed, coming in a foil wrapper with paper label - and that age had been a cruel mistress. Your comments have removed some of the disappointment I initially felt - I was expecting/hoping for the Condor flavour. Now I can reassess without the rose-tinted glasses of expectation.
Good stuff, man - thanks again.

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