Cob Resting???

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Dec 8, 2010
I would.
It doesn't hurt to have a small rotation of corn cob pipes.
They are so cheap that it is fairly easy to do on a modest budget.
Cobs don't need as much recovery time as briars, IMO, but they do require some rest.
To be safe, I try to smoke them no more than once a day.
(You might be able to smoke them 2-3 times without ill effects, but I say why bother if you have enough cobs around?)
The more you smoke your cob without rest, it is more likely to become sour and unpleasant tasting.
I also clean them after every smoke. It pays to have clean cobs; they can last for years that way.
Mine are all over two years old, and I've heard of cobs to last up to two decades if properly cared for.
They may only be cheap, but if you take care of them they are one of the best values that money can buy.

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Mar 22, 2012
New York
I don't worry if I can't rest it between smokes. Like if I forget to bring an extra out with me. I guess it would be nice to rest it.



May 22, 2012
Not necessary, can help. Cobs tend to smell bad quicker than briar, I find myself taking pipe cleaners with everclear to them far more often than with briars.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2012
I noticed a sour taste starting after I smoked 3 bowls from the same cob in one day. So now I only smoke once a dy out of any cob I own. Missouri meerschaum has a bag of secound hand pipes for pretty dang cheap that will guarantee even the heaviest of smokers will never have to worry about resting ever again!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 7, 2012
I am with most of you guy's for one time a day but when traveling i tray to keep it as max of two smokes maximum.

Having 5 cobs helps you to maintain this rotation as mine are (2x for English and 3x for Aromatics)

Happy smokes man :puffpipe:



Nov 25, 2012
i have been smoking 5+ bowls per day out of a cob during the work week and I have 3 pipes that I rotate. I have not noticed any "sour" taste or anything off so far. Does it make a difference on tobacco types? :puffpipe:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2012
West Park, NY
I use 5 cobs as my usual rotation of pipes and probably smoke 5+ bowls a day out of them. A pipe cleaner when it clogs up, a decent cleaning with pipe cleaners after I know I'm done smoking it for the day and alcohol cleaning once a month. I do bring a second pipe with me when I know I'm going to be smoking back to back bowls. By the time you finish the second bowl, the first one is ready again. This system works for me.

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Dec 8, 2010
I have never ever had good results from smoking multiple bowls in the same cob in one day.
Sure, you can do it, but since I stopped doing it I've come to enjoy my cobs way more.
I'd only do that if I was stuck someplace with the one pipe...
I clean my cob stem and shank with a bit of alcohol after every smoke, followed by some dry ones to sop up any leftover liquid; I also fold over a dry pipe cleaner and wipe out the bowl of any leftover ash.
I've been doing this for a few months and it leaves me cobs tasting way better than when I used to try and get a couple smokes out of the same pipe with nothing but a dry pipe cleaner down the stem.
I've got 13 cobs but I tend to smoke some of them more frequently than others. 12-24 hours rest is more than sufficient. If your pipe is dry and clean, then it is ready to be smoked...
Maybe I am just really sensitive to the sourish taste of an oversmoked cob, but it's something that I can't get tolerate. I'd rather dump out the bowl than contend with those off flavours.

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