Catching Up With The Times, Finally Have An iPhone

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Feb 13, 2015
^^ Yep. If I want to be on the computer, I'll use the computer. It's bad enough carrying a damned telephone around all day, let alone a miniature computer. I still use a Samsung flip phone with a Verizon plan, which allows talk and text (when absolutely necessary). If Verizon stops offering flip phones, I'll probably just get a Jitterbug. Talk about pissing people off!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
It's been less than a year since I got a smartphone. My first lesson was streaming video on YouTube- it uses a ridiculous amount of data. Double check that you're on wifi first. My laptop is rarely used these days.



Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
I have an iPhone 6s+, the latest and greatest of all smart phones- at least the ones made by Apple. I like it very much. I also prefer most of my old pipes to my new pipes, so there's some contrast there. And I like older tobaccos! You can do both!



Apr 24, 2015
If I had the money, I'd buy 1000 acres, build a solar panel powered log house, and get off the grid completely. Sort of a pipe smoking, truck driving, Amish lifestyle. I might keep a laptop and do a little internet shopping on a McDonalds wifi when I go into town for a coffee.



Jun 3, 2015
I like coal personally SeaCaptain, it's cheaper than panels. Especially since the power companies are being forced into solar. Think of that, Your Power company is buying land to raise solar panels to sell to you. :crazy:



Apr 24, 2015
I'd need solar power for refrigeration and lights, not just heat. I'm not willing to go completely cave man. :)



Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
You might like some sort of storage for when the sun doesn't shine. Pumped storage seems to be the most eco-friendly. And then you could get a battery powered truck. Gas usage is not really off the grid in some sense.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
For flip phones, check out Tracfone. Double minutes, must buy minutes every three months. Unused minutes carry over. If you don't use your phone much, this is a great deal. I keep mine even though I have the iPhone. Costs me $20 every three months. I keep the phone in the truck.



Dec 14, 2013
I had a flip phone for years and was quite content with it. It was capable of sending and receiving text messages but I never used it as I always found texting to be somewhat asinine and why on earth would I need to receive emails, much less send them on a phone when I have a computer at home. However, when my nephew was over this past April to help me install a new water heater he asked me how much my monthly phone bill was and he was amazed at the high price I was paying for a mere flip phone. The following day he showed up at my home with a new Samsung Galaxy android phone with unlimited everything and a monthly bill which was $12.00 less than I had been paying. Anyway, I now have an android phone albeit I don’t use about 90% of the features it contains much less understand what they are or have any use for them.
In all of this time I’ve only downloaded one app from the app-hole store which is supposedly a battery saver. What really dumbfounds and will never cease to amaze me are those who are excited that they can watch a movie on a 4” x 2 1/2” screen when more likely than not they have a 60” large screen T.V. at home! I have never, nor would I ever attempt to watch a movie on a cell phone when I have a perfectly good working 32” T.V. in my home. Guess I’m old fashion, but a phone to me is just an implement that is meant to send and receive calls and nothing more. I imagine that the only great feature that I love about cell phones (aside from their obvious mobility) is their ability to store phone numbers and addresses and that they all have caller I.D.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2015
Best flip phone I've had was a Rugby...then again any flip phone that says Samsung can take a throw, drop, or stomp of angry proportions.
On the Cellular Page, scroll all the way down and turn WI-FI Assist OFF.

This is a feature Apple snuck in recently that uses your cellular data when your wifi is spotty. It's a massive draw on your data plan.
This is why I asked. Thank you very much for that one. I knew they would slip something in somewhere. I've figured out most of the phone so far. Now that they have officially gotten all of my information, a DNA sample, did a full drug screening, and said I could have an apple ID in exchange for my soul, and first born child.
And dude, cigars from MJ?! That's nuts! So cool. He's a hometown hero of course.
I only have two left :( I smoked the two cubans, and a Gurkha. One of them is in rough shape too....sad. They are probably 10 years old or so.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
My iPhone is my life, tragic though that fact may be. Been an Apple Dork since the mid eighties. I'd sooner sacrifice my left arm than my iPhone. Anytime a new iPhone major upgrade comes around, you'll find me among the first in line. For iPhone 5 I was actually first in line and was interviewed by local news networks. It's somewhat tragic how a piece of tech plays such a vital role in my life, but c'est la vive.
Welcome to the family!!!



Oct 14, 2014
This is why I asked. Thank you very much for that one. I knew they would slip something in somewhere. I've figured out most of the phone so far. Now that they have officially gotten all of my information, a DNA sample, did a full drug screening, and said I could have an apple ID in exchange for my soul, and first born child
Switched to an iPhone about 6 years ago (much to the chagrin of my bro in law who runs an android based company) and this is the first time they've slipped something in that would raise an eyebrow. The weird thing is that the feature came as part of a software update, wasn't announced and was auto-enabled. Didn't even notice it until I just happened to check my data usage. This caught a ton of people off guard and hopefully they've learned from the backlash.
Anyway, be sure to take advantage of the finger print reader, Wallet app and enable find my iPhone app.
Oh, and don't forget about "private mode" on safari for your alone time :roll:



Jul 23, 2014
The Lower Forty of Hill Country
Then: "Religion is the opium of the people." - Karl Marx
Now: "Smart" phones are the opium of the people. - HunterTRW



Dec 14, 2013
Yeah, it's simply fascinating, or I should say disturbing, to watch people milling about with their heads bent down over their precious phones and totally oblivious to their surroundings and other people. It's almost like watching mindless zombies... very sad indeed and it makes me feel grateful that I grew up in a different time.

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