Briar Fox First Impressions.

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 15, 2016
I haven't seen this blend talked about very much on here so I figured I would give y'all my thoughts on it. I don't consider myself knowledgable enough to give a formal review, so I'll just speak my mind. First of all I am a big fan of Classic Burley Kake and Carter Hall, so was expecting something along those lines with this blend. I believe Briar Fox is described as a crumble cake but really it's a plug. So I cut a sliver off rubbed it out and loaded of my MM country gent. I use balsa filters with my cobs to help reduce the draw and keep ash out of my mouth. The moister level right out of the tin is perfect. 1 match light and off I go. One of the best burning tobaccos I have smoked. Very generous amounts of smoke, started a little hot so I slowed my pace a bit. First half of the bowl smoked good, but the flavor I found lacking. It's very subdued. The only time I had to relight is when I went inside to fix a glass of iced tea. Figured I would try and cleanse my palate a little to try and detect some more flavor. The last half was slightly better for flavor but not much. Relight was easy and burned to the bottom of the bowl with no bite. If this blend had more flavor it would be top notch in my book. But after this tin is gone I will stick to CBK and CH for my burley fix. Nicotine was there. I'm fresh off of getting my ass knocked out by a cigar last night so I know the feeling of nicotine. It was just enough to be relaxing but not over the top. So about medium for nicotine. So anyway fellas that's my thoughts on Briar Fox. Good, but not game changing great.



Jun 3, 2015
Try it without the filter. Just try. This is a blend that is made for the cob, IMHO. Yea, it's not a powerhouse, but it has some great nuances in there. I actually would say it's like CH, but so damn much better. But Hey, I'll toot C&D's horn any day. I'm bias.



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
I love Briar Fox, I use it to break in any new or new to me pipe. I also like it as an easy going tobacco when I need something....well plain isn't the right word, I'll say basic. Briar Fox is my tobacco equivalent of a nice hot baguette with creamy butter.

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Feb 21, 2013
I received my first Briar Fox mini-plug as a sample, and then later was mailed a similar sized plug by a Forums member, so I've had two distinct chances to try it. The first time around, I found it mild and sometimes almost tasteless. It had moments, but then the flavor disappeared for several puffs. I should explain, I am mostly a non-aro guy and often go for fuller strength blends, with other milder blends in my rotation. Okay, so it wasn't working for me. Then when I received a second chance, I put it in a pipe with a broad chamber. It was not moist, but I let it dry out a little more before smoking. In this context, it was a better blend, giving more, and more various flavors, not rich or robust, but complex enough to be interesting, and not tasteless. So I'd give it a recommendation to try. It still is not one I'd order. I'd go for Triple Play, or bulk blends like Old Joe Krantz or Billy Budd and others. But as a mild change of pace, I'd enjoy it from time to time, if it is on hand.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 15, 2016
Mso. I have a Peterson 406 prince I'll try it in. That's about the widest bowl I have. I'll see if it changes any. Thanks for the advice. I'll also try it without having a filter in my cob too. It's the first C&D blend I have tried. I can tell it's good quality tobacco, I just need a heavier taste to satisfy.

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Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
Apparently there are folks out there that absolutely love it as the pound bag is in the top 100 bulk sellers list on SP. I have one tin in the cellar and I don't plan on opening it for a long time... I just have way too many blends I'm interested in.

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Dec 24, 2012
I enjoy BF quite a bit. I have noticed that it is much better with a couple of years of age on it. The flavours deepen noticeably and the burley and the Va become much more integrated with one another.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 15, 2016
Please forgive me, but what is DGT? Also I tried a second bowl this morning with a cup of strong black coffee. Loaded up my prince pipe. I agree with Perdurabo, this better in a cob. The briar did nothing to help the flavor, I think the natural sweetness of a cob does a lot better with this blend. That being said, the nic is dang near perfect for me but I believe I'm gonna have to mix this with some CH and smoke through this tin and be done with it.

Sep 18, 2015
BF is what taught me to appreachate the milder blends. I get the burly nuttyness as well as a carmelized toasted almond note out of it. It's not super complex or a flavor bomb, just simple sweet nuttyness that is very easy to smoke and sometimes that is all I want.



Oct 20, 2010
DGT = delayed gratification technique. I think it involves smoking part of the bowl, then returning to it in an hour or so. The wait is supposed to affect the flavor. I have never tried it, so can't give a opinion.
I have an open tin of this blend. I haven't smoked it recently. Far too many jars calling for my attention.



Jun 3, 2015
  • Jdhayes, try Haunted Bookshop next. . BF may not be your cuppa tea. Put it in a jar and leave it alone for 6-12 months, don't mix it. A surprising fact, taste change.
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