Bill Bailey's Balkan Blend--Dan Tobacco

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 4, 2014
Well, where to start? First of all this is one of the strongest Balkans I have ever smoked. The tin aroma is very nice, moisture level perfect, packs well and lights just fine...stays lit as well. Plumes! Yes plumes of smoke. This had my car filled with smoke like a Cheech and Chong movie. :) The problem that I have with this fine mixture is it's just too damn strong for me. Its not harsh though like some strong blends are, this, I think, has a nicotine throttle shifted to high gear. Too much for me unfortunately. I had to laugh as I started sweating and feeling a little nauseated, laughter then tears because I really liked the flavor and the pungent aroma of this one. Nutty, some feathery leathery notes along with a winter's chimney outpour and some salty sourness. If you can handle this...have an iron constitution then by all means wo/man up and get this, you will not be disappointed, a fine powerhouse indeed.



Apr 14, 2011
Seattle Pipe Club
Counter Point: full disclosure I am a Balkan fan. I love the complex (ideally) balance of latakia with peppery orientals. Bill Bailey is a very good Balkan, great balance and lovely spice notes from the Turkish with a good foundation of latakia topped off with a smidge of earthy perique to round the thing out. I think it does a little better after maybe a year or more of age on it but thats personal opinion. Dan Tobacco uses top shelf leaf and they have an expert hand in blending.
My go-to Balkan is without question Seattle Pipe Club's Plum Pudding (my Club's blend). This blend changed my world view on pipe tobacco. Its that good. Still, Bill Bailey's is no slouch. Its tasty, not too strong -- although Balkans by their nature are a bit strong I guess-- and very well crafted. If you enjoy latakia and crave the exotic complexity of the Balkan experience, I highly recommend Bill Bailey's Balkan Blend!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 4, 2014

I think there is also a goodly deal of Kentucky in there which amps it up a good bit. Plum pudding is on my list to try...strong or not I'm going to get to it...even if it buries me!! 8O :wink:



Apr 26, 2013
Have to agree with Matt. SPC Plum Pudding is my favorite Balkan as well. I actually have 2 tins of Bill Baileys aging in my celler. I am going to open on around Christmas time, if i remember.
I have had nothing but great luck with Dan tobaccos. Liberty, Midnight Ride, Gordon Pym, and Devil's Holiday are all REALLY good tobaccos that I recommend.
Have a good evening,



Apr 5, 2014
Seadog BBBB is a regular for me. Your tolerance to nicotine will increase over time simply by smoking a little slower so as not to get the head spins too bad. Then you could move on to Billy Budd or one of the ropes if interested. 8)



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 4, 2014
Nonsense. You can cut anything you want to, your taste is what matters bought the tin do with it as you please. I would try a very neutral tobacco...say an unflavored Cavendish? Or perhaps a very mild English?

try 75/25 first and go from there. You also might want to let the "new" blend marry some, at least a week or two.



Aug 20, 2013
BBBB was all the rage when I started smoking but seem to have faded from you. I found it a very good lat forward blend. But I've never tasted anything so good as Pease Gaslight, and Crown Achievement and Nightcap are my runners up.



Jan 29, 2015
BBBB is great. I often mix it though with whatever I feel like on the day. I mixed it with Kentucky Bird the other day and also little wren. Not perfect but interesting.

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