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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 30, 2019
I liked to accumulate watches and pocket knives in the past, but do not have enough to really call either of these accumulations a collection.

As I had to observe, that many classic old movies are neither to stream online nor any longer produced on DVD, I kind of startet collecting DVDs some years ago.


May 12, 2019
Atlantic Coast USA
I liked to accumulate watches and pocket knives in the past, but do not have enough to really call either of these accumulations a collection.

As I had to observe, that many classic old movies are neither to stream online nor any longer produced on DVD, I kind of startet collecting DVDs some years ago.
What films for example?


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 30, 2019
I live in Germany, so I don't know the situation in the US, but over here, a lot of early Hitchcock movies are no longer available new. Also do I like older French films for example by Claude Chabrol or the Spanish director Luis Buñuel...


May 12, 2019
Atlantic Coast USA
I live in Germany, so I don't know the situation in the US, but over here, a lot of early Hitchcock movies are no longer available new. Also do I like older French films for example by Claude Chabrol or the Spanish director Luis Buñuel...
I love all of that; Bunuel is my favorite director of all time; I have most of his movies. What is your favorite? I have Susana here which I will watch soon.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 30, 2019
I love all of that; Bunuel is my favorite director of all time; I have most of his movies. What is your favorite? I have Susana here which I will watch soon.

Yes Buñuel was one of a few who really revolutionized cinema. I have yet to see Susana. Los Olvidados is definitely a favourite of mine among his earlier work, But I also really like his later films, like The Phantom of Liberty for example...


Dec 22, 2013
New York
I don't collect as such. Whenever someone in our family died we somehow inherited all their shit. Since I am the last living 'Condor Lover' I seem to have amassed an amazing collection of stuff. I put a lot into storage after my Mother passed on so the house could be rented which I will sort through when I return to the U.K permanently. It seems we as a family never threw anything away and we seemed to collect houses, farm land, books and just about anything else. I seem to have enough WW1 kit to equip a modest sized small army, enough 1930 motorcycle spare parts to keep several British bikes on the road. Enough regalia from several British 1930's political movements to film a reasonable PBS production. Hence my pipe collecting since at least thats small compared to the size of my yearly storage bill. George Carlin had a great speech about 'stuff' and I really think he had a point!
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