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  1. S

    FDA Fears

    In my catalog for pipes and cigars it said that Dunhill recently announced that they are exiting the tobacco business. A recent search online and a statement said they will still be around for another 12-18 months. The hyper confusing FDA rules are making anything on the market after a date in...
  2. S

    Anyone Else Ride?

    Anybody here into motorcycles? Last year I bought a 2016 iron 883. I love it. All my bikes prior to were sport bikes and I found myself wanting to ride further but the comfort wasn't there. I thought the Harley would be more comfortable for the long haul but boy was I wrong. Luckily it can be...
  3. S

    3 Year Journey: Complete Set of Continental X-Series (Pic Heavy)

    I thought this was going to be about tires. I am such a newb. lol
  4. S

    Flyfishing: Check In

    Bugslinger here as well. I have been fishing all of my life and started fly fishing about five years ago. I mostly go for trout. I am dying for an opportunity to fly some blue water but haven't had an opportunity since the new baby came. I did however get to catch some salmon last year in Juneau...
  5. S

    How Small Is Too Small?

    <p>I need to get my mind out of the gutter.
  6. S

    Bigfoot Spotted Maybe With Pipe

    False alarm. It's just chewbacca.
  7. S

    Tobaccos from the rest of the world?

    I am deeply in love with English blends currently and with countless known offerings ill always have something enjoyable to smoke for years to come. I believe my interest in foreign tobaccos is 50% curiosity of taste and 50% adding a tin to my collection. My craft beer bottle collection is 232...
  8. S

    Tobaccos from the rest of the world?

    All excellent points. I believe I will seek some out. I have some friends scattered around overseas. I'll see what they can find.
  9. S

    Tobaccos from the rest of the world?

    I have just started on this pipe journey a few months back and have been unable to find any information as to why tobacco (blends) from asia, africa, the middle east etc. are not readily available? I understand the Tobaccos come from various sources around the world just didn't understand why...
  10. S

    Pipe and tobacco storage.

    Thanks Nevadablue, A lot of great ideas in there. Hoping to make this a weekend project soon. If it doesn't end up in the fire pit ill post pics. :)
  11. S

    Pipe and tobacco storage.

    Currently my pipes and tobaccos reside in a drawer. I would like to purchase or build a proper storage area. Ideally, I would like something that could fit on top of my desk as a display. Not really cellaring tobaccos right now but trying a bunch and need storage. I plan to collect all the tins...
  12. S

    Not sure what i like about certain tobaccos.

    These are the tobaccos I have tried: 1. Half and half (The only OTC I could stand after trying all the big names) 2. Peterson Irish flake (Love at first puff) 3. My mixture 965 (Even more love at first puff) 4. Forg Morton cellar (The best thing I have tasted to date) 5. Orlik golden sliced...
  13. S

    Peterson Irish Flake - Nicotine High

    I love it. It is strong. I have a smaller bowl dedicated to it.
  14. S

    What Are Three One-Liner Lessons for Newbies

    Being a newb myself I have little to offer but my advice to anyone else just starting out would be to slow it down. It sounds girly but "sip" it don't smoke it. I was having trouble tasting any tobacco and found that I was drawing too fast. As soon as I slowly drew I could taste the subtleties...
  15. S

    New Member Introduction - 2017

    Greetings from Philadelphia. While shopping in center city with my wife a few months back I found myself perusing cigars in a tobacco shop when a familiar scent wafted near me. It took me a moment to put my finger on it but it was the same scent I remembered my Doctor smoking when I was a kid...