The Benefit Of Depriving Yourself Of Blends

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Jan 27, 2020
Maybe it has to do with my Catholic school, not sure... but I find things much more pleasurable when I don’t have easy access to them. I smoked my first tin of University Flake several months ago and just ordered some more last week. What a pleasure it was getting reacquainted, the tin note alone was sublime, that aspect might also be related to not smoking other burleys. What a different experience it is from mostly smoking VaPers then having a bit of this... I’m also the type who can’t have more than a bottle of wine in the house at the time (if drinking alone), a gluttonous, depraved former catholic I am. So be it.


Nov 13, 2019
Maybe it has to do with my Catholic school, not sure... but I find things much more pleasurable when I don’t have easy access to them. I smoked my first tin of University Flake several months ago and just ordered some more last week. What a pleasure it was getting reacquainted, the tin note alone was sublime, that aspect might also be related to not smoking other burleys. What a different experience it is from mostly smoking VaPers then having a bit of this... I’m also the type who can’t have more than a bottle of wine in the house at the time (if drinking alone), a gluttonous, depraved former catholic I am. So be it.


Feb 21, 2013
I am not Roman Catholic, but I grew up in Chicago where Catholicism is likely the largest plurality religion, so I was partly raised Catholic through my peers despite not being of that religion. My childhood next-door buddy, a college friend from St. Louis who was the best man at my first wedding, and one of two bosses who became friends were all Roman Catholic. Catholicism can have some negative effects on people, if my observations serve me, but with my three friends, it left them with a noble sense of perspective and an accurate and insightful conscience. Only the Quakers in the Protestant sphere have the same sort of collective qualities, though the qualities are different. Sorry to go off track here, but your upbringing rang a bell with me. A sense of scarcity can be a good thing, yes.


Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
I'm also not smoking some blends that I like. I have two tins of Peterson's Perfect Plug and no way to get more ATM.
My father after loosing some weight used to talk of the joys of abstinence. Ironically, that is.
I'm also gluttonous and have reached the age where glutton starts to show itself on the waistline.
Damn waistline!
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