I Am a YouTube Pipe Presenter

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Starting to Get Obsessed
May 5, 2014
I am part of the YouTube Pipe Community: Proudly and unashamedly. No, that is not a misprint. I am proudly and by my own free will a “member” of the YTPC. I know some might be assuming I am therefore an unshowered, bearded, idiot who loves awful tobacco and does not mind smoking expensive pipes that look like trash cans; as long as I am on camera for 20+ minutes rambling about nothing to do with pipes. Well, I have a beard, I have been called an idiot many times, I love Royal Yacht (a tobacco many have told me is awful), and I have overpaid for some ugly pipes, but I am not defined fully by any of the above (my wife has told me I am not always an idiot). Yes, part of the YTPC may be exactly what you presuppose, but the YTPC is not defined by a small portion of its “members.” In the same way we did not junk our magnificent hobby because Borkum Riff gave us tongue bite, a couple of poor videos should not (and does not even allow one to logically) shape an opinion of the entire community.
To be sure, when I say I am unashamed or proud, that does not mean I am proud of every nano-second the YTPC has recorded. Yes, there are some videos that I would like to distance myself from. Heck, I am not even proud of all of my videos (I decided to not take down any of my videos, despite the sheer ignorance or change of opinion presented in some). The simple term YouTube Pipe Community may have one believe that the community is defined fully by the content of the video, but that is too simple. An organic mass of individuals is not defined by certain displays or practices. A love of words and writing is not what unites the people who are part of the forums and the communities therein. Any group of individuals are defined by their creed; and for the YTPC (as well as forum folks) a love for pipes and tobacco would be our number one defining factor. This love, what defines the YTPC, is what drew me in and why I am a “member.” Simply stated I am proud and unashamed of the YTPC because of the knowledge obtained, tobaccos smoked, the friendships gained, and the joy being a “member” has brought into my life.
“A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick in his mouth.” – C.S. Lewis. I have read this quote numerous times and pondered am I the wise man, or should I use the stem as a blockade to my own stupidity. I see two simple truisms in the quote. We all believe we are the wise man and those we disagree with, should keep the pipe clenched tightly. Two; when it comes to our pipe knowledge; we started off with something stuck in our mouth. We were as ignorant as our pipes were hot. The hobby of pipe smoking can be arduous if we do not have training and time to practice. Thankfully many of us have buddies, local shops or access to a forum; for me, I searched and found the YTPC. To be sure, I had to dispose of as much of the information I was given as I kept; but the YTPC gave me the tools I needed not only to learn the basics, but to keep digging. The YTPC even encourages “members” to search out local shops, and thankfully it turned out I was ten minutes away from a marvelous pipe shop. I learned from the people at my local shop, even read through many forums, but the hours and hours I spent on YouTube built the strong foundation I am building on. My experience taught me no matter if it is a person in a shop, a forum, a phone call, or a video; we pipe smokers love our hobby, we are all wrong often, and we love to think ourselves wise. The avenues for dispensing knowledge may be different, but whether in a shop or in a living room; obtaining that knowledge is key. And truly; is there a better way to wax (not-so) eloquent than with a pipe full of tobacco and in the midst of our fellow smokers?
Many pipe smokers would be better described as tobacco lovers; who need a pipe by default. I would easily fit that mold, and there too I need to thank the YTPC. When I started smoking I had no idea there would be thousands of blends that I’d never smoke, even if I smoked thousands of blends. My local shop had 27 in-house blends and a limited selection on overpriced tins (thank the Governor for the prices). Then I saw hours and hours of reviews and suggestions. With my curiosity peaked I made my first of many web orders. The beauty of the YTPC does not end with reviews and suggestions though. Through the YTPC I was introduced to a “YABO.” I do not know the etymology of this term or even what it “officially” stands for, but I am well aware of the concept. A YABO is when a “member” generously sends a box filled with goodies to your house. The generosity is overwhelming and has brought many to tears with kindness shown from a fellow “member” (I will not confirm or deny if I am one who has cried). This has become a tradition of our community and if you were to search “YTPC YABO” I am pretty sure you could watch endless videos for a solid year. The generosity of my fellow YTPC “members” introduced me to hype blends, house blends, and to my first love (Royal Yacht). Many of our elected officials love to demonize tobacco, but the generosity displayed through a simple package with tobacco in it; has been a magnificent image of the goodness humanity is capable of.
Besides the generosity of the YTPC, friendship has been the greatest surprise. The thought of being in front of camera was not too weird for me. In high school, college, and beyond I enjoyed acting, goofing around, and just chatting. The thought of making friends – let me clarify – amazing, caring, life-long, friends..that was a shock. I have traveled to shows, shops, homes, and campouts to simply hang out and smoke with people I only knew from a video. As a matter of fact, my then girlfriend warily said “You’re telling me you are going to travel across country, to go camping, in the woods, with a bunch of people, you met on the internet!?” Without context (maybe with) her question was a rational one. Maybe we are cut from a different cloth, but I am glad to have been cut from it. The YTPC has shown me something I always look for and love to see; broken barriers. From what I can see on TV or Facebook people of different creeds, political views, races, and cultures are not supposed to instantly bond. The pipe and a camera seems to bond people instantly. For all of the making fun of I see of the YTPC, our ability to disregard differences is why we are the ones laughing often with our fellow brothers/sisters of the briar.
When my wife and I went to our first pipe show together I told her “No matter what anyone tells you, even if it is in direct opposition to what I’ve told you, it is true; they are right.” That’s part of the beauty of our hobby. The pipe smoking hobby brings out many characters – “Pipe Lawyers,” bikers, rednecks, businessmen, and stay at home parents. The common grace of the leaf is that the joy it provides fills all who properly partake. Since tobacco does not discriminate neither should we. Whether we are on a forum, a video, or simply read/watch whatever we can, we pipe smokers need to respect and enjoy each other. Prior to mocking a fellow smoker (let’s be honest we all have guilty pleasure tobaccos and own at least one ugly pipe), we should see they too deserve to learn and enjoy. If we do not understand that, our hobby very well could die. If the YTPC is not something you find interesting, that’s all good. Just be sure to say hello and take an opportunity to teach if the situation arises (we go to shows too). Remember next time you want to laugh at a YouTube presenter; you may not be the wise man and should possibly clench down on that pipe. I am proudly and unashamedly a YouTube pipe presenter.
Fixed thread title, please see rule number 9. Pertinent portion: Please capitalize words in the thread titles. Thank you, Robert.



Jul 21, 2015
I love Royal Yacht (a tobacco many have told me is awful)
Promising signs, so far.
Online, small paragraphs work well. It's a visual thing and it's weird. Has no bearing on quality of writing.
I don't watch YouTube pipe videos for a simple reason: the information imparted is generally less per minute than I can get while reading. It's more efficient to find a text source.
It's nice to see the tins and leaf however.
Maybe it's a medium in need a new perspective?



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 25, 2014
I'm afraid I'm lost. What is the "YTPC?" And is there a backstory somewhere? Is the YTPC under attack? Is there a forum where anyone who makes a pipe-related video gets together to chat about their videos? I'm sorry - I guess I'm missing the entire point of the original post.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
It's odd I know, I can watch someone smoke a pipe and talk about literature, music, art, whatever, but as soon as someone on video wants to review a tobacco or a pipe, I move on. Reviews should be written, IMO, and written briefly. If it's a story that's well written, I'll set for days and read it. But, on a video I'll tolerate watching someone smoke and talk about anything other than what they are doing. It just looks retarded to me. I don't know why. But, then maybe there's a reason I hang out on a forum all day, and not youtube. :wink:



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Ok, I have given this as good an editing as my familiarity with the language will provide. Forgive me for paraphrasing, but I think this might work better.
I am a YouTuber and a member of the YTPC. I am not an unshowered, bearded, idiot who loves awful tobacco and does not mind smoking expensive pipes that look like trash cans. I ramble about nothing to do with pipes. I have a beard, I have been called an idiot many times, I love Royal Yacht, and I have overpaid for some ugly pipes. I am not gay, I am married. Blah blah blah…

My videos are pretty good, check them out.
I have a head ache now. Are you British, by any chance?



Dec 8, 2013
Maryland USA
No. I think it's something about the Yarmouth Teachers Professional Centre. They proudly like Borkum Riff, and don't care what you think.



Jul 21, 2015
Reviews should be written, IMO, and written briefly.
I agree heartily, which is why my reviews are in the short consistent format that I use. High information value relative to time expended. I could see linking them to a video which shows the leaf itself, and maybe some of its burning quality, but only if the video quality were high enough to be useful.
Our YTPC acquantaince's text does not strike me as worse at all than what I read on a regular basis for work. I've just found that in addition to keeping text as short as possible, the online community or maybe interface rewards short punchy paragraphs for visual reasons. Screens make blocks of text into baffling hallucinations, or at least eye strain, or something.



Jul 21, 2015
Let me translate:
I am part of the YouTube Pipe Community: Proudly and unashamedly. No, that is not a misprint. I am proudly and by my own free will a “member” of the YTPC. I know some might be assuming I am therefore an unshowered, bearded, idiot who loves awful tobacco and does not mind smoking expensive pipes that look like trash cans; as long as I am on camera for 20+ minutes rambling about nothing to do with pipes. Well, I have a beard, I have been called an idiot many times, I love Royal Yacht (a tobacco many have told me is awful), and I have overpaid for some ugly pipes, but I am not defined fully by any of the above (my wife has told me I am not always an idiot). Yes, part of the YTPC may be exactly what you presuppose, but the YTPC is not defined by a small portion of its “members.” In the same way we did not junk our magnificent hobby because Borkum Riff gave us tongue bite, a couple of poor videos should not (and does not even allow one to logically) shape an opinion of the entire community.
"YouTube is full of idiots and hipsters, but I am trying not to be either. Me and some people who are not insane founded the YTPC, a group for non-insane non-hipsters on YouTube. Royal Yacht is really good."
To be sure, when I say I am unashamed or proud, that does not mean I am proud of every nano-second the YTPC has recorded. Yes, there are some videos that I would like to distance myself from. Heck, I am not even proud of all of my videos (I decided to not take down any of my videos, despite the sheer ignorance or change of opinion presented in some). The simple term YouTube Pipe Community may have one believe that the community is defined fully by the content of the video, but that is too simple. An organic mass of individuals is not defined by certain displays or practices. A love of words and writing is not what unites the people who are part of the forums and the communities therein. Any group of individuals are defined by their creed; and for the YTPC (as well as forum folks) a love for pipes and tobacco would be our number one defining factor. This love, what defines the YTPC, is what drew me in and why I am a “member.” Simply stated I am proud and unashamed of the YTPC because of the knowledge obtained, tobaccos smoked, the friendships gained, and the joy being a “member” has brought into my life.
"We have gone through a learning curve. Mistakes were made. But I met some swell guys and we love our pipes."
“A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick in his mouth.” – C.S. Lewis. I have read this quote numerous times and pondered am I the wise man, or should I use the stem as a blockade to my own stupidity. I see two simple truisms in the quote. We all believe we are the wise man and those we disagree with, should keep the pipe clenched tightly. Two; when it comes to our pipe knowledge; we started off with something stuck in our mouth. We were as ignorant as our pipes were hot. The hobby of pipe smoking can be arduous if we do not have training and time to practice. Thankfully many of us have buddies, local shops or access to a forum; for me, I searched and found the YTPC. To be sure, I had to dispose of as much of the information I was given as I kept; but the YTPC gave me the tools I needed not only to learn the basics, but to keep digging. The YTPC even encourages “members” to search out local shops, and thankfully it turned out I was ten minutes away from a marvelous pipe shop. I learned from the people at my local shop, even read through many forums, but the hours and hours I spent on YouTube built the strong foundation I am building on. My experience taught me no matter if it is a person in a shop, a forum, a phone call, or a video; we pipe smokers love our hobby, we are all wrong often, and we love to think ourselves wise. The avenues for dispensing knowledge may be different, but whether in a shop or in a living room; obtaining that knowledge is key. And truly; is there a better way to wax (not-so) eloquent than with a pipe full of tobacco and in the midst of our fellow smokers?
"I think video is sorta as legit as going to your local B&M. I am just like you guys, except on YouTube."
Many pipe smokers would be better described as tobacco lovers; who need a pipe by default. I would easily fit that mold, and there too I need to thank the YTPC. When I started smoking I had no idea there would be thousands of blends that I’d never smoke, even if I smoked thousands of blends. My local shop had 27 in-house blends and a limited selection on overpriced tins (thank the Governor for the prices). Then I saw hours and hours of reviews and suggestions. With my curiosity peaked I made my first of many web orders. The beauty of the YTPC does not end with reviews and suggestions though. Through the YTPC I was introduced to a “YABO.” I do not know the etymology of this term or even what it “officially” stands for, but I am well aware of the concept. A YABO is when a “member” generously sends a box filled with goodies to your house. The generosity is overwhelming and has brought many to tears with kindness shown from a fellow “member” (I will not confirm or deny if I am one who has cried). This has become a tradition of our community and if you were to search “YTPC YABO” I am pretty sure you could watch endless videos for a solid year. The generosity of my fellow YTPC “members” introduced me to hype blends, house blends, and to my first love (Royal Yacht). Many of our elected officials love to demonize tobacco, but the generosity displayed through a simple package with tobacco in it; has been a magnificent image of the goodness humanity is capable of.
"We are nice people who treat each other nicely. Although I am not a hipster, I am capable of showing emotion."
Besides the generosity of the YTPC, friendship has been the greatest surprise. The thought of being in front of camera was not too weird for me. In high school, college, and beyond I enjoyed acting, goofing around, and just chatting. The thought of making friends – let me clarify – amazing, caring, life-long, friends..that was a shock. I have traveled to shows, shops, homes, and campouts to simply hang out and smoke with people I only knew from a video. As a matter of fact, my then girlfriend warily said “You’re telling me you are going to travel across country, to go camping, in the woods, with a bunch of people, you met on the internet!?” Without context (maybe with) her question was a rational one. Maybe we are cut from a different cloth, but I am glad to have been cut from it. The YTPC has shown me something I always look for and love to see; broken barriers. From what I can see on TV or Facebook people of different creeds, political views, races, and cultures are not supposed to instantly bond. The pipe and a camera seems to bond people instantly. For all of the making fun of I see of the YTPC, our ability to disregard differences is why we are the ones laughing often with our fellow brothers/sisters of the briar.
"I have met people who are not insane, and not hipsters, and they are also nice."
When my wife and I went to our first pipe show together I told her “No matter what anyone tells you, even if it is in direct opposition to what I’ve told you, it is true; they are right.” That’s part of the beauty of our hobby. The pipe smoking hobby brings out many characters – “Pipe Lawyers,” bikers, rednecks, businessmen, and stay at home parents. The common grace of the leaf is that the joy it provides fills all who properly partake. Since tobacco does not discriminate neither should we. Whether we are on a forum, a video, or simply read/watch whatever we can, we pipe smokers need to respect and enjoy each other. Prior to mocking a fellow smoker (let’s be honest we all have guilty pleasure tobaccos and own at least one ugly pipe), we should see they too deserve to learn and enjoy. If we do not understand that, our hobby very well could die. If the YTPC is not something you find interesting, that’s all good. Just be sure to say hello and take an opportunity to teach if the situation arises (we go to shows too). Remember next time you want to laugh at a YouTube presenter; you may not be the wise man and should possibly clench down on that pipe. I am proudly and unashamedly a YouTube pipe presenter.
"Pipe smoking brings people together. Most people think YouTube pipe people are insane idiot hipsters. I am not, as I have proven. Please give us a chance, codgers and curmudgeons."
The Big Point Is
Royal Yacht is really good.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Screens make blocks of text into baffling hallucinations, or at least eye strain, or something.

Bingo, but if a string of words has a particularly cool cadence, I'll follow it.

The text reads as if someone from another country (a dialect that I am not familiar with) writing with a freeform, beatnick-esque sort of meandering. I don't mean that as a slam. Heck, the beats were an amazing influence on literature, but I have to really follow those out of date expression used with no pre-thought out structure.
I could see this better presented as a video, one that I didn't have to actually follow what was being said. Like Downton Abby, I just watch it for... well.. I don't ha ha.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
I love how individuals can sit back and read a book or the newspaper for an hour or more with their pipe in mouth and coffee in hand etc., but if a forum post is longer than a paragraph they chose to ignore it. LOL
If you do take 5 minutes to read it you'll find that this is a very interesting article. I to am a YT Pipe Presenter and part of the YTPC and theediabeticman is a friend of mine. Yes we met via YT, but beyond the simple comments we might leave for one another on our video's, we also chat on an app called Voxer. So while he might be 2000 miles away, we've had many conversations just as if we were sitting in the same room. Without YT I would not have met him or the many other individuals I've had the pleasure of meeting in person and/or chatting on Voxer or Skype. While some may disagree with the concept of the YTPC, its a great place to learn about pipes and tobacco and to meet individuals that all share the love of the pipe.
Nice article Tom.

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