I'm going to guess that whatever moisture you lost just went into the air in the bag / jar. I would have heat-sealed the ziplok bags, but the losses look like nothing to me in either case. If I put some tobacco in a sealed container, I'd probably expect it to lose some moisture to whatever air ends up in there.
"I agree . But to my mind , tight can be improved with a thin coat of lubricant , a microscopic roller bearing , allowing the lid to lock down a bit more . Plus a plumbers strap wrench or oil filter wrench to torque it down good."
The stock rubber lid gasket overhangs the lip of the jar on both sides, 99% chance that whatever you put on there is going to be in there with your tobacco. Also, if I over-tighten by hand, the metal ring starts to flex, and pops off of the jar if I continue. Doubt you need tools to get it tight enough. ::
"I agree . But to my mind , tight can be improved with a thin coat of lubricant , a microscopic roller bearing , allowing the lid to lock down a bit more . Plus a plumbers strap wrench or oil filter wrench to torque it down good."
The stock rubber lid gasket overhangs the lip of the jar on both sides, 99% chance that whatever you put on there is going to be in there with your tobacco. Also, if I over-tighten by hand, the metal ring starts to flex, and pops off of the jar if I continue. Doubt you need tools to get it tight enough. ::