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Jul 22, 2012
Mount Sterling, Ohio
I will answer in the morning. All my buddies in one thread and i want to say something to all of you!!! I love this Sh!t mane. :P Got to sleep. The boys get up at the booty crack of dawn 8O ttyl



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 21, 2011
What a shame. I would think that once he saw what you were smoking, that would be the end of it. Good that you were respectful. I shudder to think what would have happened otherwise.



Might Stick Around
Aug 26, 2011
As much as that sucks it sounds like more good than bad happened so I'd say that is a plus, hah.
I do hope that they take care of your pipe (6 dollar ebay pipe, or not), and you get it back in one piece.



Apr 17, 2011
I can't believe that the park ranger will waste time and efforts to have the pipe tested?? Seems a little over the top...
A LONG time ago, I was pulled over by the SJPD and they found a pouch with all my pot smoking items in it...they gave it back and told me to get rid of it and left...

I guess it all depends on where you live...maybe that was his biggest "bust" of his career...



May 11, 2012
I would take the exact pipe when you get it back and go back to the beach on the same day of the week to the same spot and fire up your nastiest smelling blend soon you and the PR will be good friends.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 31, 2012
You have to admire both parties in this interaction. The ranger for doing his duty and Shawn for not getting his dander up.

my dad was a cop and he always gave a break to the polite people he stopped. I always remembered that and have gotten out

of a lot of tickets just by being nice. Cops and Rangers are regular people too!



Dec 5, 2011
Sorry to hear this happened Shawn. But unfortunately it does :-( Firsthand experience as well, although they didn't confiscate the pipe. I even recall the thread here of someone who got the cops called on him while smoking in his own backyard !
But I second the suggestion to go right back. Keep at it and pretty soon you'll become a staple attraction on that beach and no-one will worry anymore. You may actually gain some fans and get some more people to smoke a pipe.



Jul 22, 2012
Mount Sterling, Ohio
The first avatar pic was taken the day i started, the one from now is from September 2011. Baron and gwtwdbss... My youthful genes have fared me well in the beautiful lady department though. I just keep landing the 20 somethings that are unstable and crazy so i quit woman... Quitting woman was way harder than quitting drinking :wink: Great vid Baron :rofl: I have 16 pipes now photoman. All but 1 that i bought myself are under 20 bucks :) Kabong, he was actually a class act. He was just as uncomfortable as i was. He knew i wasn't smoking pot. He kept looking around the 15 or so adults standing there as if he was trying to figure out who called on me. He hated the whole ordeal, especially when my kids were saying "What did daddy do?" He actually said "I'm just making sure his pipe is safe." I thought that was cool. Thanks Tedvig and Joshy. Back in my pot smoking days in Columbus, OH i was caught with small amounts of pot and never got in trouble Sjpipesmoker, but i moved to the country(i live 5 min from the beach) it's a whole different ballgame. Small marijuana arrests make the little newspaper. There are all of 1800 people in my city. Any suggestions on a nasty smelling baccy Dochudson??? +1 Pipesicle and thanks!! lol Autocannon!!! And finally, It's a full smoking beach mick. The guy was cool. He was just put on the spot. I will get the pipe back soon. They will jus swab the bottom of the pipe and do a field test probably. I'n the big cities it would have just been tested right there. It's over, and i have no bad feeling. Just thought it was a story worthy of this forum!!! Have a great day!!!



May 4, 2011
Hey, 16 pipes! Now you have as many pipes as I do! I'm sure the Ranger was just doing what his bosses tell him to do. Here in Dallas, it would just be a field test as well, but I've talked to the police while walking the dog and smoking and they have never even batted an eye. I don't smoke my little clay in public though. You can see where that may attract the wrong kind of attention. I don't honk up nasal snuff in public either!



Jul 22, 2012
Mount Sterling, Ohio
Yea Baron. those are definitely some wise guidelines. Love the little clay i got from ya. perfect for a quick smoke or a taste test.:) oh, I'm smoking some Anniversary Kake out of the Grabow right now and it smokes like a champ. No fill either!!!



May 4, 2011
Yeah, it's a good little pipe. I just never used it anymore, because my Pete and my Wellington are my go-to bent pipes. The Pete has a little bowl and the Wellington has a big one. The Grabow needed someone to give it attention.



May 22, 2012
I would never willingly hand over a pipe to an officer or ranger, I seriously doubt he had a right to take it as there was no shred of evidence that you could have been smoking pot. I would have just very politely told him to his face that smoking where it is legal to smoke does not mean it is legal to take the pipe and test it. I would have also filed a complaint with his work for improper seizure of property if he did take it. This is just a gross abuse of power, if we had to submit our pipes every time we smoked in public, we'd run out of pipes fast, not to mention all the scratches and nics our well cared for friends would come back with.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 5, 2011
I would send them a bill for a new more expensive pipe,hard to tell what they did to your old one to test it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
I can about guarantee you had that been me he would have told the accusers, "Aw, it's just some old guy smoking Captain Black most likely...let him be". Age has it's benefits, sometimes.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
Smoking a pipe on the beach is not probable cause for a search and seizure of property, even if a moron called. Your personal civil rights were violated, and there is no excuse for it. That guy could clearly see you are not smoking pot and a quick sniff of the pipe would tell him if there was ever pot in that pipe. Arguing with the ranger is not a proper action though. After you get your pipe back a letter to the prosecutor, and to the parks board from a lawyer will end this type of harrassment.



May 29, 2011
It's one of the reasons I don't bring my good pipes out in public. If I am gonna lose a pipe for idiocy, it just as well be a cob that I can easily replace. Thanks for setting a good example for your kids and the public, my friend.



Might Stick Around
Jan 22, 2010
Even if the ranger knew better it is possible he didn't have a lot of choice, depending on who filed the complaint. Every area has people you just don't ignore.



Can't Leave
Jun 2, 2012
I always try to maintain a balance between letting people do their job and making sure they know their job. We had a situation a couple of years ago where my Mother in law got hit by a red-light runner. I arrived on the scene and we asked the other party for their contact and insurance info and they refused. I informed them that state law compelled them to provide it at the scene. A minute or two later Dallas PD responds and I explain that they will not provide their info. He tells me they do NOT have to and that the info will be in the police report. I inform him that state law says they do and he rebuffs me. Conversation closed.
Upon arriving home I verify the statute and write a letter to the DPD explaining the situation and that I am not asking for anyone to get in trouble or for any kind of investigation, I simply want people to be informed in case it comes up again. 2 weeks later I get a phone call from the officer's sergeant explaining that he did the right thing and that his investigation showed no wrong-doing. I again explain that I didn't consider it an instance of "wrong-doing" but an opportunity to educate. About 3 weeks after that I get a letter from HIS higher up explaining that I was right and they'll make sure that all their officers are trained to address the issue in the future.
All of this to explain the degree to which I am a procedural a-hole. It wasn't Perry Mason, but I felt pretty awesome when I got the letter. I would imagine something similar would ensue should I be questioned about my pipe and tobacco.

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