I used to work in a mall. You’re doing well to be terrified.I find big shopping malls more scary than dark alleys.
I used to work in a mall. You’re doing well to be terrified.I find big shopping malls more scary than dark alleys.
I like grape jelly on grilled cheese sandwiches.
Grape jelly and cream cheese...yum.Try grape jelly and mustard.
Reminds me of an old Jeff Foxworthy joke. "If you go to family reunions to meet girls, you might be a redneck".I smoke cobs sometimes, in the dark, with my cousin, at family reunions.
I won’t seek my sweetheart’s counsel in answering.Ok. What’s your weird little meaningless thing?
Who doesn’t!!!! Yum.I put ketchup on hot dogs..............
As a kid, rolled and crusty and I’d toss them across my bedroom in the dark and listen for them to hit the wall. For some reason I continue to have excellent hearing! ? Never rolled a hangnail!Some people roll boogers. I roll hangnails. Idk why. Lol.
You animal you! I bet the chicks are very impressed.Lighting farts. You could put me in solitary providing you fed me beans and gave me a box of matches. For fifty years I have reduced myself to uncontrollable laughter from pyroflatulence and the great thing is that it is free, doesn't require any human interaction and you never run out!
Because who among us hasn’t eaten mustard sandwiches in our play closet?????I won’t seek my sweetheart’s counsel in answering.
Many eccentricities here, but it all probably started as a child when I would be up early on Saturdays and eat mustard and white bread sandwiches in my closet (it was a large closet and had stuff in there to play with). Mustard continued to play a significant role as a condiment of choice.
Volume settings on car audio system must be an even number. For some odd reason if I’m playing golf by myself and I take the Lord’s name in vain I look skyward and say “sorry” (in a group on a golf course or in any other setting my potty mouth runs rampant with no apparent conscience, no idea where this came from). Stopping now before getting into the truly weird.
Just beans? No cabbage?Lighting farts. You could put me in solitary providing you fed me beans and gave me a box of matches. For fifty years I have reduced myself to uncontrollable laughter from pyroflatulence and the great thing is that it is free, doesn't require any human interaction and you never run out!
I’ll just go ahead and say it.As a kid, rolled and crusty and I’d toss them across my bedroom in the dark and listen for them to hit the wall. For some reason I continue to have excellent hearing! ? Never rolled a hangnail!
It’s not exactly “rolling” a hangnail like you would a booger. It’s more like refusing to immediately reach for the clippers, and instead just fiddling with it til it falls off. Which can last a whole day. Much ROI than a booger due to longevity.As a kid, rolled and crusty and I’d toss them across my bedroom in the dark and listen for them to hit the wall. For some reason I continue to have excellent hearing! ? Never rolled a hangnail!
Ooooh. That I could get in on.Grape jelly and cream cheese...yum.
My Papaw always ate mustard on pancakes, not syrup or anything, and apple cider vinegar on scrambled eggs. Both are very good.Try grape jelly and mustard.